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Britain Increases Aid To Somaliland

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(London-HNW) Wasiirka horumarinta caalamiga ah ee waddanka Ingiriiska Andrew Mitchell ayaa ku dhawaaqay in mucawimadii la siin jiray Somaaliya hadda wixii ka danbeeya %40 la siin doono Waddanka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, sidaana wuxuu ku sheegay Xoghayaha guud ee mucaawinimada Britain u qaabilsani warsaxafadeed uu ka soo saaray xafiiskiisa. Waxaa lagu sheegay warsaxafadeedka in Somaliland ay mujisay nabad galyo iyo dimuquraadiyad dhab ah, tasoo mudan in wax lala qabto. Mashruucan gargaarka cusub ayaa ah mid dhiirigalin u ah degenaan shaha iyo dawlad wanaaga.


Meelaha calamadsan ee wax laga qaban doono waxaa kamid ah, mashruuca shaqo abuurka iyo caafimaadka, gaar ahaan haweenka iyo caruurta. Wasiirka horumarinta caalamiga ah ee waddanka Ingiriiska ayaa luguhiisa ku tagay waddanka Somaliland, isagoo la kulmay Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Silaanyo). Taasina waxay keentay in waddanka Britain goaansato in wax laga badalo qaabkii mucawimada loo siin jiray Somaaliya. Tasoo loo kala qaaday Somaaliya iyo Somaliland. Arrintaas oo ah markii kobaad ee waddan Kamid ah waddamada waa weyn ee caalamku uu ula dhawmo Somaliland iyo Somaaliya sidii laba dal oo kala madax banaan. Yadoo ay is leegtahay mucaawimada uu waddanka kasta gaarkiisa u helaayo.


Warsaxafaeedkan waxaa sidoo kale lagu sheegay in Koonfurta Somaaliya ay dishodeen dagaalo aan dhammaad lahayn, halka Somaliland ay dhisatay dawlad iyo dimuquraadiyad dhamaystiran, tasoo ay u dhan yihiin dhammaan hayadihii sharciga ahaa. Lacagta loo qaybiyay labada waddan ee Somaliland iyo Somaaliya ee ay ku deqayso dawladda Ingiriisku ayaa dhan 80 Milyan oo giniga Ingiriiska ah . una dhiganta ilaa 130 Milyan oo dollar. (130 Milyan Dollar). Arrintan ayaa guul weyn u ah shacabka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, ku waas oo hadda la ildaran abaaro soo noqo noqday, iyo shaqo laaan baahsan. Waxayna arrintani wax weyn ka taraysa shaqo abuurka dhammaan gobolada Somaliland iyo wax ka qabashada arrimaha bulshada, sida caafimaadka iyo dib u dhiska waddanka.

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Xoghayaha horumarinta caalamiga ah ee UK, oo dhowaan booqday Hargeisa wuxuu sharaxaad ka bixiyay in gargaarka UK ee Soomaaliya boqolkiiba 40 ay heli doonto Somaliland.



War saxaafadeedka ayaa xusay in Somaliland ay muujisay demoqraadiyad iyo suurtagalnimada dowlad xasiloon, iyadoo guud ahaan Soomaaliya ay xaalad adag ka jirto.







Source: BBC ......

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And now some F*Q*Sh elements are organizing demo in London to condemn the Britain's decision of increasing Aid to Somaliland ..............



Funny they still have the guts ........ :D

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Jacaylbaro;699055 wrote:
And now some F*Q*Sh elements are organizing demo in London to condemn the Britain's decision of increasing Aid to Somaliland ..............



Funny they still have the guts ........

^You're one disgusting scambag. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. These people you're disparaging have every right to air their opinion about their government supporting separatist groups in their homeland. Just as much as Siilaanyo has to host a German pervert for seventeen years and shoot pornography films of Somaliland women and later pardon this convicted criminal of all his crimes. You must be short on mijin-jaad ah today.

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^Protesting is a method for the public to communicate with their representatives. Releasing and letting walk a convicted pervert who God knows what he did to your women, out of jail is another. Which one are you proud of now? Only a low life would struggle to pick one.

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Somaliland baa lacag la siiyay baa naftuba kaga dhacay ,,, Imagine when the recognition comes .............. I wonder how many SOLers will commit suicide :D

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Jacaylbaro;699058 wrote:
So u one of them ,,, eh ??

He might as well just move to Minnesota like dukey did. They're outnumbered in the UK.

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Jacaylbaro;699063 wrote:
Somaliland baa lacag la siiyay baa naftuba kaga dhacay ,,, Imagine when the recognition comes .............. I wonder how many SOLers will commit suicide

^Weren't just calling names and complaining about "some F*Q*Sh elements organizing demo in London to condemn the Britain's decision of increasing Aid to Somaliland"? Your own words.

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Jacpher;699069 wrote:
^Weren't just calling names and complaining about "some F*Q*Sh elements organizing demo in London to condemn the Britain's decision of increasing Aid to Somaliland"? You own words.

Is not a big deal. Its just words on a screen.

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Jacaylbaro;699063 wrote:
Somaliland baa lacag la siiyay baa naftuba kaga dhacay ,,, Imagine when the recognition comes .............. I wonder how many SOLers will commit suicide


:D Haters will always hate. Somaliland dhuushay lol.

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