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Amanpour visits Tripoli

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What is fascinating about Amanpour's tripoli visit is her sit down with handsome Harry. Here is a young, educated Saif, knowing full well that his good looks and charms will not sell the narrative that his family still in control of the country, he resorts to threats and falsehoods. Instead of articulating his position or dare I say, his father's position that Libya is Gaddafi and Gaddafi is Libya, he invites the press in which he ridicules the opposition with garbled tirades , while all along humiliating himself in the process. All of which show that A) the number of deaths continue to tally up at a significant proportion B) family is buying time as the government collapses both here and abroad C) how his role is marginalized to one of boyish looks and charms that strips the panties off the models that he dates.


All in all, one can reach the conclusion that A) Saif is mad or B) Saif is a strategist who will pull the unstable card at IC hearings.....





This morning while watching the interview, I couldn't help notice the tough exterior he attempted to show, he tried to play the machismo card, unfaced by the events, dismissing the protesters and denying the reports of mass scale deaths while admitting the air about confusion, he is purposely misleading the media to buy more time, its the one conclusion I did reach for I do not buy that handsome harry is mad(he is just too good looking to be mad, mad people are ugly and handsome harry is not an ugly duckly)...I think handsome harry is up to something, along with his father and his other brothers.....










Saif Al-Islam pictures courtesy of Saif's facebook page and Esquire

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