The SSC Predicament!

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N.O.R.F;697901 wrote:




Indeed. This war wasn't about politics. It was about barkado la isku qabsaday back in Nov/Dec 2010. That is the way ordinary people back home see it first and foremost. Internet foot soldiers baa ka dhigay an anti SL war.

Excuse me? First Who are we to say what the SSC motives are? None of us can speak for this movement or say that we some how now the truth about what they are fighting for......ALL we can do is listen to what their press releases are - I am pretty sure the numerous Somali flags waving on the streets of Buhoodle is proof that this is about anti-secessionism from Somalia. The SSC has been crystal clear, that they have no intention of being part of a region that wants to break-away from Somalia. So if people want to speak about what the Hargeysa admin or Puntland admin is talking about than by all means do it, but only the SSC and it's supports can speak for the freedom fighters.


So we can just stop accusing the SSC of having ulterior motives or interpret what they are sayign differently. The fact ballot boxes were refused, the interviews with international media etc etc.


We can accuse them of fighting over a lack of resources or whatever conspiracy theories. Yet, the Freedom and Justice group - SSC has made it no secret! They want to remain part of Somalia.

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NGONGE;697902 wrote:
Sayid, Duke, rise above it saaxib and talk sense. At the moment you are a mere bystander and therefore your input makes no difference either way.Haye dheh.

NGOONGE Predicament is that he seems to be contradicting himself. “Clan is everything” has come to haunt him for what makes the unity of Burco & Hargaysa more Paramount than LA and Garowe? The fact of the matter is that the people of SSC are facing a clan war led by the same old warlord who led the SNM in the previous clan war between the two communities. NGOONGE is preaching for no apparent reason and is impressed with his own writing.


As for Puntland, and its people its stance is clear, it is supporting its people and is helping the wounded and its leaders are in the front lines assessing the situation. The difference between Hargaysa’ calls for clan war and Garowe’s restraint is one of maturity. Puntland forces are already outside LA and pouring into Cayn and there is nothing the SNM can do but send out weak traitors like Xabsade and statements from Siilanyu.


This is a clan war NGOONGE and you belong to Siilanyu’s clan, I belong to Xaglatoosiye’s lets not get confused adeer. Be a man and stick to your “clan is everything” slogan. Man up, I know the Burco fantsy of an easy victory has already vanished with the wind.

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Thankful;697904 wrote:
Excuse me? First Who are we to say what the SSC motives are? None of us can speak for this movement or say that we some how now the truth about what they are fighting for......ALL we can do is listen to what their press releases are - I am pretty sure the numerous Somali flags waving on the streets of Buhoodle is proof that this is about anti-secessionism from Somalia. The SSC has been crystal clear, that they have no intention of being part of a region that wants to break-away from Somalia. So if people want to speak about what the Hargeysa admin or Puntland admin is talking about than by all means do it, but only the SSC and it's supports can speak for the freedom fighters.


So we can just stop accusing the SSC of having ulterior motives or interpret what they are sayign differently. The fact ballot boxes were refused, the interviews with international media etc etc.


We can accuse them of fighting over a lack of resources or whatever conspiracy theories. Yet, the
Freedom and Justice group
- SSC has made it no secret! They want to remain part of Somalia.

Where did this war start? When? What happened to ignite it? Where did the mediation take place before it kicked off again? Who was involved in the mediation? Clan elders?


Web warriors and siyaasiyaal made it anti SL (ie political).

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^^^The war started when Siilanyu's clan started claiming SSC land for their secessionist agenda. The rest is the same old Somali's making excuses for their sub clans.

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NG, your post is a simplified version of unmissed Oday named Oodweyne. Hope he is doing ok.

Besides, let me correct few points in your post and then will ensue with my regards to what you called the Predicament of ssc.

NGONGE wrote:

Today, they are calling for Somali unity, which, I assume, is to say that they plan to wait for Somalia to sort itself out and then join it.<O:p</O:p

SSC is not waiting for Somalia to sort itself out but they are part of Somalia. Needless to sound that they left and waiting out there to join when things straightened.

NGONGE wrote:

Declare their own
“Mamul Goboleeyd”
yet depend on those two entities (or Ethiopia) for their essential supplies? And how does the Somali unity idea work out when the clowns to the left of them and the jokers to the right both don’t recognize the TFG

<O:pI am not sure what you’re implying here about relying for essential supplies. It may be you’re talking about seaport, is that so? If that is the case, Ethiopia you have mentioned has no seaport itself. And remember, both Bossaaso and Berbera/Buro rely on the livestock from ssc regions. The effects are already felt in Burco.. “Buusaarad baa ka dilaacday magaaladii” because of this war.

These are few of the things I thought need to be correct at your end. However, the longer issue of ssc you discussed such as lack of vision after things are settled, you’re right there are no at least visions and agreements discussed about the future of ssc publicly. I am not saying, there aren’t any, but we are talking about publicly know. But remember every movement starts like this way and shapes itself. I can post speeches made by Silanyo, your godfather, when he was SNM leader and he was talking about the Somalia Unity and just the removal of the late dictator. Now he is singing different tone.


NGONGE wrote:

The SSC, of course, has many choices. It could wage all out war on SL and speed up the conclusion of this conflict (by winning or losing). It could rejoin PL and trust its fate to the unpredictable whims of the lovable Imam or it could keep things as they are today with lots of songs and hit-and-run attacks. The first choice will get them out of their predicament one way or another. The second choice is feasible but requires stronger stomachs and resolute minds (the Imam has that effect on people). The third choice (the one we are in now) is the worst of the lot for it is a pointless distraction that will keep the SSC people singing, fighting and seething with anger without any final results<O:p</O:p

SSC already made its choice and it passed hit and run already that was two or three years ago. It’s in full war with S/L win or lose and so far they are winning.

Lastly what is absurd is why your clan want to force another somali clan to their own agent. Isn’t this the same reason you so despised to remain in the Union? Isn’t this why you prefer Ethiopians/Oromos than Somalis. You and Silanyo and all of your leadership circle have one commonality which “Hierocracy”.

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Ibti raised some good points. Somaliland shouldn't give much attention to SSC (Economically) we should instead direct all the aid for "Eastern Somaliland Regions" to Erigavo , Maydh, Ceelafweyn, Garadag, Xiis, Dararweyne , etc the places that are fully behind Somaliland. Somaliland adminstration shouldn't waste their resources on ungrateful people.

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NGongle lost all the common sense since his uncle was elected, and of them is saying that SSC will run back once they see all the development that is taking place in LA, are these people really serious, do they even know what is going on in the city, forgot about LA hargaisa does not have enough water, so concentrate on that and forget about SSC. LA was doing fine until your “ciidamada qaranka Aka clan” decided to invade, so who are we kidding this is a clan war and SL will never win, they already lost calooshod u shaqaystayaashii la joogay let alone regular cabdi iyo caasha. You guys need to acknowledge this clan war that SL started and no one wins, soon Hargaysa/Burco and entire North will be like Mogadisho unless intelligent people among you intervene and hold the crazy man back. Even women are joining yesterday they were those in hargaisa and here is LA women.

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*Ibtisam wrote:
Why must people babysit them and guide them (particularly as they don't want help or guidance) let them go and check the four walls, in the end they know they can’t survive alone (no one can) and will need to join someone or another or arrive at the same conclusion as yours.


;);) If S/L can survive without the rest of Somalia, why would you think ssc can't survive without s/l? You'e all contradicting everything you say. SSC needs no babyseating for sure not from s/l, "Kiisa daryeelaa kukala ku dara"


N.O.R.F wrote:
Indeed. This war wasn't about politics. It was about barkado la isku qabsaday back in Nov/Dec 2010. That is the way ordinary people back home see it first and foremost. Internet foot soldiers baa ka dhigay an anti SL war.

I like how people flip flap. Wasn't it politics when your admin sough this is an opportunity to expand and capture Buhodle. What happened to all the border closing triumphant .. Wasn't all that mere politics when Silanyo ordered Kalshale to be his militia base. Now when things became ugly, the tone has to change and you all are singing, it's all about "Berkado"..

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^ No I am not agreeing with you that anyone else turned this to be politics but Silanyo and his co sought as an opportunity to cease Buhodle.. Boom, it failed now and he is calling peace... My a** peace. You and ur sol co were clapping boarder closure.. Weren't you?

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*Ibtisam;697885 wrote:
Ngonge: Maxa ka galey what they will do once they achieve what they set out to do?? :confused: Don’t you believe they are smart enough or like SL people after SNM ended could formulate their own policy (it may well be after all this they go to Puntiland, SL or both) but the idea is they want to get there on their own. Why must people babysit them and guide them (particularly as they don't want help or guidance) let them go and check the four walls, in the end they know they can’t survive alone (no one can) and will need to join someone or another or arrive at the same conclusion as yours.


With all that said I think the current SSC situation (though everyone wants to build it up and use it for its own agenda (SL & SSC) is nothing more than the usual yearly fights of reer miyi over shortage of resources, with the rain failing, lack of water and grazing land, that area will always result in clashes in dry season. It seriously needs some sort of plan for the nomads during the dry seasons so that families are not forced into these situations. I know people like to claim the lines are clear cut, but those sub clans have lived together so long and so in each other’s business that its really nephews killing their uncles and uncles killing the nephews.; in time the families would've sorted this out amongst the reer miyi, I don't see why a new problem over resources which involves the sub sub sub clan of the jeclo people has become part of the old SL vs SSC. The idea of building situations up so that they look bigger and more deadly is really counterproductive and just increases the fear mongering among the communities.


Ngonge if SL and Silanyo had any sense they would’ve left the reer badiyes and SSC alones and concentrated their little resources on developing other areas, soon enough LA and the rest of SSC would’ve been crying why are we not getting anything and we need development and progress too and that would’ve been their hook. SSC is useless to Puntiland if Somaliland has no interest in SSC, in which case SSC would’ve tried to make themselves relevant to one or the other or try make up their own thing. Either way this situation would not have risen, why and how SCC become such big part and importance to SL and PL? At this moment SL does not seem to understand the simple equation of the more people talk about SSC, the less people talk about SL, and I don’t see how or why SL focused so much energy time, effort, money and other resources on people who don’t want them or appreciate their interference. Let SSC be the big elephant in the room, seen and ,ignored, why is SL determined to be defined by SSC?. More than anyone else SL should understand force and bullying does not work, after all that is why they left Somalia.


As for SSC leaders and elders, they can’t have both feet in different place, if they picked a side instead of trying to eat from both sides or flip flopping depending on where the money is then their protests would’ve been understandable laakin haad their credibility is pants and all we do know is that they stand with whoever is paying that months cheque. SSC people need to stop following these fools.

Maanta shaaheena isku xawaash in lagu daray bay u egtahay. I've been advocating what you laid up there for awhile and still do but sadly your leadership doesn't get it. Let us underline one thing. SSC communities have rejected outrightly your secession project for them it is like sink or swim scenario. If your kin folks continue their elusive dream of closing fake borders I assure you everyone of us will test his/her share of hell. Finally, If I***** did, DH*********** can.

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