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Guryihii Beelaha SSC ku lahaayeen Hargeysa oo dab la Qabadsiiyey‏

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^^ Waad isku dhex yaacday buu kugu yidhi..


Ibi, JB and NG and all other s/landers, you can defend the clan as much you like, but one thing is true when things are heated in the buttle fields, travelers and those stay in Burco/Hargaysa will get hurmed as well as those in LA/buhodle. So stop trying so hard to defend every little point. After all, Clan is everything no one is buying that you are above clan. Weliba kuwiina qurbaha ku koray sixun bay idiin gashay...


The Ibti, I thought,is a bit cleaner from clan, waxayba taagantahay Qowsaaro camal bay u tubanyihiin burco/hargaysa, clear insults... Other thread waxay lahayd don't babyseat ssc, they can't live without us..hehe..

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NGONGE;697868 wrote:
Anigu shakhsi ahaan sheekadan wan ku dhawakhay. Markaan idhaahdo reer SSC waa kuwa Burco iyo Hargeisa ba jooga, ayaa la i yidhahda "kuwaa iska ilow, waa traitors", markaan in ay 'traitors' yehiin aqbalo ayaa lala soo booda "tollay, tollay guryahaad ka gubteen"!

Xitaa nacamlayaashiiniina guryohoodii ma badbaadin weydeen...... Ha lays daba ******loqo bal aan aragno dhaxalkee!

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