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Ankara: Turkey welcomes Puntland Minister of education PICS

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Wasiirka Waxbarashada Puntland oo Ka Waramay Safarkii uu Ku Tegay Dalka Turkiga



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Wasiirka Waxbarshda Puntland Cabdi Faarax Juxaa ayaa dhawaan safar gaaban ku tagay dalka Turkiga halkaasoo uu wasiirku kula soo kulamayamda madax kala gadisan oo ay kamid yihiin Wasiirka waxabrshada dalka Turkiga, Wasiirka Beraha, Wasiirka Warfaafinata,Gancasto,Xildhibaano,iyo ardeyda Saaomaalida ah ee dhigata Jaamacadaha dalka Turkiga.


Wasiirka Waxabrshda Puntland Cabdi Faarax Juxa ayaa ku tilmaamey safarkiisi dalka Turkiga sidii loo xoojin lahaa wada shaqaynata labdaa dhinac iyo sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa deeqada waxabarsho ee dalka Turkigu siiyo Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Puntland.

Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in waxayabihi uu madaxdaa kala hadalay dhamaantood laga gaaray guulo lataaban karo


Kulamdaasi kadib ayaa wasiirku waxaa uu sheegay in ay labda dhinac ay isku waafaqeen in ay kordhiso dowlada Turkigu deeqada waxabarsho ay siiso dalka Soomaaliya gar ahaan dhinaca Puntland dowlada Turkiga ayaa sidoo kale ballan qaaday in ay sameeyaan xarun lagu barto aqoonta Sayniska tasoo laga dhisi doono deegaanda Puntland


Dowlada Turkiga ayaa waxaa kaloo ay balan qaaday in ay dhawaan soodiridoonaan dhakhaatiir khuburo ah kuwaasoo eegi doona xaaladda caafimaad ee deegaanda Puntland iyo in kabilaabi doonaan fursdo gancsi deegaanda Puntland


Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Faroole oo shir looga hadlaayey arimaha Soomaaliya uga qaybgalay dalka Turkiga sanadkii 2009 ayaa dhidibada u taagey xiriirka Turkiga iyo Puntland, waxaana uu ka helay balan qaadyo faro badan, Dawladda Turkiga ayaa sanadkii 2010 u soo dirtey Puntland dhakhaatii9r caafimaad kuwaas oo qalniin iyo daaweyn badan ka geystey qaarkamid ah magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Puntland.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee Safarka Wasiir Juxaa ayaa lagu tilmaami karaa guul u soo hoyatey waxbarashada Puntland, haddii ardeydu helaan deeqo waxbarasho oo dalka Turkiga ah.


Maxamed saciid Yuusuf

Wakiilka Horseed Media


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Maashaallaah great news. I very much welcome the Education Minsiters visit to Turkey and his quest for scholarships for Puntland students to grant them higher Education in Turkey.


What has amazed me it's that the Education Minister Abdi Farah Juxa not only succeeded in this quest for higher education but that he also met with the Turkish Agriculture Minister, Information Minister, MP's and countless Businessmen to deliver for the people of Puntland better health service as Turkey will send out a new delegation consisting of doctors and surgeons and other humanitarian relief.


It shows how an attractive hub and location Puntland has become and that many are interested in not only investing but also extending a hand of friendship to it's people. I praise the Education Minister for his efforts and strives. We can count ourselves lucky to have such excellent and hard working ministers and a competent President like Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamoud as our President. Maashallaah may allaah safeguard them all.

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Juxa is a shining star indeed amongst the ministers but also the Health Minister Cali Cabdullahi Warsame, the Minister for Women and Family Affairs Marwo Caasho Gheelle Diiriye, Finance Minister Faarax Cali Jaamac, Minister and State Minister for Planing and International Cooperation respectively Da'uud Maxmed Cumar and Mr. Cabdulqaadir Cabdi Xaashi and the State Ministers for Good Governance and Minister for Constitutional and Federal Affairs Mudane Gaashaan and Jimcaale shouldn't be discounted.


We're very grateful for President Abdirahman for selecting this men and woman for office and I'm adamant that the new reshuffle of the Ministers who didn't do as well would as the above mentioned will be following the others ministers in their good work and thus will strive the same and deliver a better outcome than their previous forerunners and predecessors in office.

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halkaasoo uu wasiirku kula soo kulamayamda madax kala gadisan oo ay kamid yihiin Wasiirka waxabrshada dalka Turkiga, Wasiirka Beraha, Wasiirka Warfaafinata,Gancasto,Xildhibaano,iyo ardeyda Saaomaalida ah ee dhigata Jaamacadaha dalka Turkiga.

This is what Shariif feared, Puntland ministers meeting other state ministers.

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