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Contentions It’s Time to Bomb the Puntland Pirates

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Press reports suggest that Somali pirates have executed the four Americans they seized on a yacht. While this is tragic for the families, it is also an affront to the United States. After we won our independence from Great Britain, we fought our first war both to avenge and prevent piracy against Americans. Perhaps it is time to draw a lesson from history. While many captains in the politically correct U.S. Navy will avoid hanging the pirates they catch on the high seas, and spending millions to try pirates in U.S. courts is an obnoxious waste of taxpayer money, there are other options.


Many of the pirates base themselves in Puntland. There, the fruits of piracy are obvious, as pirates—and their families—have used both booty and ransoms to build palatial mansions. Piracy thrives because of the profits. Perhaps it is time for U.S. drones to raise the cost and let any surviving Puntland pirates make an honest buck salvaging the rebar. Of course, just to assuage international concern, we might leaflet-bomb first to give the pirates’ family members fair warning that their villas have been condemned.


American honor matters. The world is watching. If we do not remind these pirates that they shouldn’t mess with America, we may just find that every two-bit criminal and terrorist believes he has an open invitation.




By: Michael Rubin

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Bugland (JB)- You wish, shame on you for quoting a extreme right wing, tea bagger, Obama hating website. Puntland is fighting pirates and the best way to defeat them is to work with Puntland ultimately to stabilize Somalia.

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JB, waxaad ku riyooto ayaa nin cadaan ah soo qorey miyaa? :D

Aqoonsigii bada hoosteeda jasiirada (the shark ku jira Jaws keliya ku geyn karo) ku taal ayuu dhex yaalaa somewhere. Soo day dayo bal adigoon riyoon. :D

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We call them here tea baggers. Here is one definition.

A whining fool shouting loudly for liberty but not willing to pay the bill.

After most American workers saw more money in their paycheck due to the lower tax rate, the teabaggers at Fox News railed against high taxes, but did not discuss how much Jesus hated hypocrisy

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