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General Duke

Galkacyu-Garowe public demonstrations and anger at SNM aggression in CAYN

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What is wrong with this Liiban fella? By the way farole has been in power for two years so calm

down and stop all this nonsense and insults, you sound like a 10 year old.

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uchi;697062 wrote:
What is wrong with this Liiban fella? By the way farole has been in power for two years so calm

down and stop all this nonsense and insults, you sound like a 10 year old.

And what is your problem ???


Uchi, who told to speak for your Warlord Faroole? If the warlord is your uncle that is your problem, stop acting like 3 year old crying for milk, go blame your fellow Puntlanders for disrespecting SSC people and SSC Movement.


You should tell the supporters of Warlord Faroole and his pirate militia to stop the lies and insulting SSC Movement and SSC freedom fighters like Duke.

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