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Sabriye amp co.

Restless civilians of North Galkayo Upset Over Galmudug and Puntland Co-operation. WHY?

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Magaalada Gaalkacyo oo uu ka dhacay Banaabax lagu diidan yahay Heshiiskii Puntland iyo Galmudug ay dhawaan wada gaareen



Mogadishu Sunday 20 February 2011 SMC



Boqolaal dadweynaha gobolka Mudug degan ayaa dibax ka dhigay waqooyiga magaalada Gaalkacyo, kuwaasi oo ay uga soo horjeedaan heshiiskii dhex maray maamulada Puntland iyo Galmudug ay ku wada saxiixdeen magaalada Garowe, iyagoo socod dheer ku maray waddooyinka magaaladaasi isla markaana ku qeylinayay ereyo ka dhan ah Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland C/raxmaan Xaaji Maxamuud (Faroole), iyagoo ku dhaliilayay arrimo uu ka mid yahay dhinaca nabadgelyada.


Dibadbaxyada ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo waxaa ka soo qeyb galay siyaasiyiin, dhallinyaro, waxgarad iyo dadweyne isaga kala yimid degmooyinka gobolka Mudug, iyagoo ku dhaliilay Madaxweyne Faroole siyaasadiisa ku wajahan arrimaha gudaha Puntland oo uu ka sii jeestay isla markaana wax ka qaban waayay falalka amni darro ee ka dhacaya gobolada hoos yimaada maamulka Puntland.


Dadweynaha gobolka Mudug ee iyagu bannaanbaxyada ka dhigay magaalada Gaalkacyo dhinaceeda Waqooyi ayaa isugu soo ururay fagaaraha magaaladaasi, waxaana halkaasi khudbado kala duwan ka jeediyay shaqsiyaad horay xilal uga soo qabtay maamulka Puntland iyo waxgaradka gobolka Mudug.


"Ciidamada Booliska ee xaafadaha wareegaya xilliyada habeenkii waan la dagaalameynaa, waana iska celineynaa haddii ay mar kale soo dhaafaan laamiga" ayuu yiri Bashiir Cali Biixi oo isagu horay xil uga soo qabtay dowladda Puntland, waxa uuna sheegay in ciidamada Puntland aanay helin mushaarooyin iyo daryeel, sidaasi darteedna ay dhacayaan dadweynaha.


Sidoo kale waxaa halkaasi khudbad ka jeediyay Nabadoon Yaasiin C/Samad oo sheegay in dadka gobolka Mudug degan meel looga dhacay sharaftooda iyo sumacadoodii, isla markaana aan lagala tashan heshiiska maamulka Puntland uu la galay maamulka Galmudug, isagoo sheegay in maslaxo darro iyagoo aamusan la doonayo in loogu taliyo, hase yeeshee maamulka Puntland ayaan ilaa iyo iminka wax jawaab ah ka bixin bannaanbaxyada looga horjeedo.


Maxamuud Axmed Xasan ( Xuurshe)







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Well it looks like the residents of north mudug are not happy with the failure of Faroole's admin and the reality is that its just not safe in puntland anymore. You hear and see people being killed left right centre.


I can hardly fault the agreement and it will depend if the Galmudug Parliament passes or rejects it but as far as its citizens are concerned, its a step forward.

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poor old Sabriye, has been upset for a while ever since the top leaders of Galmudug which of course now centres on A/qaybdeed went by road protected by the Puntland security forces and traveled to Garowe to the residence of President Faroole and signed this agreement.


This is a fact, the fact that we both know who runs Galkacyu inculding its Airport and major arteries is also a common fact, but do go on. This agreement will stick it benefits Puntland, and brings order to all of Mudug..

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^^^Che, sometimes I worry about you., The facts above are purely just that facts. Mr Sabriye's comments were absurd, and tried to be clever when the fact is, his top leaders traveled to Garowe to sign an agreement and that Galkacyu aside from security remains in the hands of Puntland.


Nothing faan about that adeer.

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^^^Common sense is not your forte I see. I am 100% supporter of this agreement it makes sense and I applauded A/qaybdeed and admin of Galmudug for their efforts. Just Mr Sabriye's asaninse comments above was what I was responding to.

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lol@Malika... i'm not against this heshiis it if it will guarantee reer Mudug's safety and security. I just don't see how PL will get involved militarily if say GalMudug were attacked by bunch of guys from Cadaado. It doesn't make sense. There are unwritten laws about this kinda things.


Mr. Beck PL doesn't own Galkacyo(controlling the airport doesn't mean you own the city). Check AllSanaag to make sure if I'm right. :P

Soon he will say Dhuusomareeb is part of PL. Kan wuu waashey.

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Duke-You can't guarantee security in Galkacayo without cooperation from your Southern cousins regardless of Sabriye says. It doesn't matter if you are the top dog in the neighborhood.


You are beginning to sound like the secessionist.

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^^^Everybody must contribute to the cities security and this agreement goes along way to deter the Shababi threat and other criminal acts within the city.


I will not ask anyone what the situation in Galkacyu is least of all people who dont know it, I have family on both communities and thats why this agreement is great.


The false claim of the article and Sabriye's silly addition about Galkacyu folks being unhappy being part of Puntland is what I wanted to address. Galkacyu's community have always played a key role in the state and they still do.

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Dukey ... you seem to be under the impression that I’m against this agreement. If anything I’m rather impressed. Since Faroole’s small encounter with Sh Shariif in Nairobi, he turned out to be the rejected black sheep in today’s Somali Political arena, lonely and helpless. So it comes to no one’s surprise that co-operation with Galmudug is sought be a life line and light at the end of the tunnel for puntland.


What I am impressed with on the other hand is that Galmudug spotted this sensitivity and scored a home run. Co-operation in security will benefit all but was only possible to do with an overly baffled faroole. Let’s hope the citizens of north Mudug don’t continue this restless behaviour and obey Mr Faroole.

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^^^Nonsical stuff as usual from Mr Sabriye. Adeer Puntland is senior player here, and I applaud Abti Abdi and Co for traveling all the way to Garowe to sign the agreement. I always had faith in Mr Qaybdeed since President Yusuf rescued him back when Clan Courts chased him out of Mogadishu. Since then he has visited the state frequently and built his ties. I knew as soon as he came a few months back that he would be able to muster the support from the largest segment which is his branch and bring common sense back.


Well done to Abdi and Co for releasing that Galmudug very survival depends on partnership with Puntland and for them to play the bridge they always played between the NE and South of Somalia..


As for Sharif Ahmed, he is no shape to make any deals, his Parliment and sub clan are vaying for his blood.


As you were..

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