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Mogadishu: If Mohamed Dheere is not release we will take action TFG officers troops: PICS

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Duke Maxamed dheere jaceyl uma buun bunisidee ma balayo inta socota ka weynbaa rabtaa inay dhacdo so your cynical dream will be fulfilled.

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soomaalida hadaad waraabe shacabka dhexdiisa kusoo xirto qaar baa u dhimanaya qabiil dartiis kuna xisaabtami maayaan inuu ayaga qudhooda faylaha jarayo

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Duke Maxamed dheere jaceyl uma buun bunisidee ma balayo inta socota ka weynbaa rabtaa inay dhacdo so your cynical dream will be fulfilled.

genaralku sidii wiilkii buurnaa uga tagay villa somalia ma niyad fiicnayn.

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The problem with those who don't understand their environment is they waste their time on personalities.

The failure of Sharif/Farmaajo is evident. they can't defeat Al Shabab, nor able to arrest their Furux, Indacacade and other warlord so they score a point by arresting an icon of a clan and then are suprised by the blowback. Amazing world indeed.

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Duke, Mohamed Dheere is another warlord not a clan leader. Few days ago you posted wonder comment about stopping clannish fiefdom and I applauded you because I taught you finally realize we (Somalis) belong one clan which is Somalia. I properly was wrong because you still preaching hatred but you aren’t alone most of us this forum do so everday.

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^^^Not sure why you are confusing yourself adeer. I did not make Mohamd Dheere a clan icon, he did that all by himself and I am not sure how I am clan related to the man or inciting hatred by stating the obvious. If you read any of the sites of this particular community or their forums you would not be speaking as you are now.


Farmaajo and Sharif have just made the man more important than he ever was....

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Has he been released yet? No. Did anyone do anything, I mean kuwii booteynayey? No. I think dadka ka cabanaya xarigga Maxamed Dheere qaar badan iyagaaba victims ah oo waxaa laga dhaadhiciyey nin culus baa xaqdarro u xiran iyadoo dagaal-oogeyaashii oo dhan magaalada iska mushaaxayaan oo aan waxba loo haysan isagana si gaar ah loo fiirsanayo. Anigu waxaan ku talin lahaa in Maxkamad la soo taago oo haddii dembiga hadda loo xiray uu geystey la ciqaabo. Macnuhu ma ahan in la leeyahay shalay buu warlord ahaa...illeen warlords-kii meel walba ayey dhooban yihiin, waxna laguma samayn iyagoo qaar madaxweyneyaal inay noqdeen lagu sheegay, qaar wasiirro ahaayeen, qaar baarlamaanka ka buuxaan.

Maxamed Dheere attention ku filan hadda waaba helay ee hallaga sii gudbo, xuquuqdiisa shakhsiyeedna halla dhawro, xitaa hadduu dembiile yahay xuquu ayuu leeyahay qofku.

Dadka naf ka dhiganaya waxan oo inay mucaaradnimada ay dowladda u hayaan Maxamed Dheere buunbuuninaya tani ma shaqaynayso ee wakhti ha iskaga dhuminina ayaan kula talin lahaa.

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