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Grand National Conference in Somalia Moving the capital-

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Again I thank the newsy contributors for their insight. The agreement is not a Putland led one but a Somali National Grand conference and Puntland will only add it's weight to it and no more.

Again some are worried more about Missed advantages and opportunities than about the interest of Somalia and it's people.


Again whas the alternative? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

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Shir lee maa lagu jiraa fiinaa wiito. Waala qafiifay markaas.


And yaala heshiisiinaa, Barbaarta iyo who? Dowladaan hadda jirto yeel ama diid ama ogoloow, iyadaa u dambeyso, iyadaana soconeyso, regardless who heads it at the top.


Leadership can change, but dowladda can still function. Dadka hoggaaminaayo haddaadan rabin now, don't equal them with the dowlad itself. Kuwa hadda joogo shaley ma joogin, berina wey baxaayaan. Ee marka dadkaaga iyo dowladaada dhinac ka raac.

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Trust me in this 550Mp'S who have failed will not keep Somalia hostage. Like it or not the Somali people deserve better and are taking their destiny into their own hands.


This is an agreement between Somali's and for Somalia and in Somalia. Those who dont like it can go jump of a cliff.

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Somali Nation Hope lays in Farlo Admin :cool::cool:


Banaanbax lagu dhaliilayo Dowlada Puntland oo Gaalkacyo ka dhacey


Gaalkacyo( Mudaharaad lagu dhaliilayo Dowlada Puntland ayaa ka dhacey magaalada gaalkacyo, Waxaana mudaharaadka lagu muujinayey in Dowladu ka gaabisey sugida amaanka Gaalkacyo iyo nawaaxigeeda.(Sawirada hoos ka daawo)


Mudaharaadka ayaa waxaa soo abaabuley rag horey xukuumada iyo xukuumadihii hore ee Puntland ka tirsanaan jirey, tasoo dad badan u arkaan iney yihiin xisbiyada mucaaradka .


Bashiir Cali Biixi oo horey u ahaan jirey wasiirka Caafimaadka Xukuumada Madaxweynbe Faroole ayaa Dadka isu soo baxey u khudbeeyey isagoo sheegey in Dowladu ay ka gaabisey sugida amaanka.


Sida naloo xaqiijiyey mudaharaadka waxaa horboodayey oo ka khudbeeyey rag iyaga ruuxooda lagu dhaliilo iney ku guul dareysteen sugida amaanka magaalada ama ku lug leh amaan xumada ka hirta Gaalkacyo iyo nawaaxigeeda

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Again people can see Beyond thier clan hate. Puntland & galmudug have called for a national conference to create a governmtn for Somalia. No one cares who will lead this.

Yes there were demo's in Galkacyu, people held a peaceful demo aired their grievance and went home.

It's amazing the views here were these people are supporting the failed 550 mP parliament of Sharif hotel and are against a conference to chart a new future in Somalia.



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