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Grand National Conference in Somalia Moving the capital-

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^^^Why is there no need for another conference? I forgot Farmaajo has defeated Al Shabaab, reformed the parliment and all is well in the south? Give it up son, Somalia needs a final conference to end the transition, go ask Puntland & Galmudug admin, who control together 100 times more people, more land and more resources than Sharif, Farmaajo, their 550 Mps and the 8000 well armed, well equiped, well paid African troops.

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We are talking about Somalis here bro. There is no comparison whatsoever.

Keep dreaming from your comfortable couch in Minnesota though.


Why don't you do a survey and find out how many Somalis actually want Garowe as the capital of Somaliya. It is really that simple Dukey.

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Muqdisho caasimad Somaliyed mar waa ahayd; Xabbad, madfac, dil, doox & barakac ayaa Xamar imminka u gaar ah." Garaad C/llahi Cali Ciid.


Garowe, Feb 17 - Garaad C/llaahi Cali Ciid, afhayeenka Issimada Puntland oo ka hadlay doodda ku saabsan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in Xamar ay mar ahayd caasimada Somaliyeed, balse nasiib darro hadda aanay lahayn muuq iyo muunad caasimadeed. Garaadku waxaa uu intaas ku daray in 20-kii sano ee la soo dhaafay Xamar ay ahayd meel xabbad, madfac, barakac, dil, doox iyo barakac ay u gaar ahaayeen.


Garaadku waxaa uu sheegay in caasimadu ay tahay wax lagu heshiiyo, haddii loo baahdana la wareejin karo, iyada oo la tixgelinayo duruufaha markaa jira.


Waxaa uu intaas ku daray in caasimad noqoshada Xamar, ama magaalo kale oo Somaliya ka mid ahi, ay tahay mid talo iyo heshiis ku imaan karta.


Garaadku waxaa uu tilmaamay in Muqdisho la qabyaaladeeyey, laga dhigay magaalo reer leeyahay, aanan lagu tilmaami karin in ay tahay caasimad Somaliyeed. Waxaa uu daliil u soo qaatay dhismaha maamulka Xamar oo uu sheegay in ay ahayd in uu ka koobnaado 18-ka gobol ee Somaliya.

Doodda ayaa ka dhalatay xog ka soo baxday dawlada Puntland oo dhigaysay in Puntland aanay u aqoonsanayn Xamar in ay hadda tahay caasimad Somaliyed, balse ay mar ahaan jirtay.


Duqa magaalada Muqdisho oo arinta ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in Xamar Alle ka dhigay caasimad, weligeedna ay ahaan doonto, cid ay ka baryaysaana aanay jirin.


Cabdi Xasan Awoowe,

Daljir, Garowe.



Garad Abdullahi Ali Iid speaks the truth yet again.

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Somalina;696109 wrote:
We are talking about Somalis here bro. There is no comparison whatsoever.

Keep dreaming from your comfortable couch in Minnesota though.


Why don't you do a survey and find out how many Somalis actually want Garowe as the capital of Somaliya. It is really that simple Dukey.

The better question is, how many Somali's want to try the same old failed formula yet again. And how many has it benefited to have Mogadishu as the capital these past 20 years?

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Such conferences have momentum in the beginning but at the end of the day will follow the same route of division and ineffectiveness. Also, I think the powers that be have realized the hope in warlords, clan elders, tribal fiefdoms, and the likes yield no fruit. Today, the battles are drawn between the TFG vs. Al Shabaab. The situation is very clear. It is the world's interest not to muddle the situation by adding new factors such as clan elders and the likes and rather instead work on strengthening the TFG, which they are surely planning for I assure you post-mandate. For example, the consitution has already been formulated, the number of parliamentarians and how they will be chosen has already been formulated. So the process of post-mandate has not really uncovered itself, but the planning is already complete. There is no need for a conference. What is a conference going to reconcile; Al Shabaab with what they call a "isticmaar" government?

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^^^Gabbal, is your insight the same one that was predicting Hiiraale was coming back to Kismayu with some major gas? Or is your new found confidence in the TFG because of Farmaajo who promised major fireworks in his first 100 days and delivered the arrest of Mohamed Dheere with the support of 8000 African troops?


Its clear, that what has failed is the ship that you are now supporting. The TFG failed long ago. There is no appetite for the world to continue to support a 550 Mp Parliemnt led by incompetents. A grass roots alternative has emerged. The Powerful clans of central Somalia have no turned their focus and together with Puntland represent a big shift.


You was always good at adding up the clan math. Add Galmudug, Puntland and the central clan = you have a resounding power that many Somali’s will take seriously.


Also No national Conference of this kind ever took place those that did, such as Garowe, and Burco/Borama were major landmarks.

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lol@Garaad Cali Ciid....


Anyone else but him. He doesn't know the truth even if it hit him in the face. Poor old man should just shut it!

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Muqdisho is the capital of Somaliya last I checked, and it doesn't need your permission awoowe!

Your leader keeps bringing little boys whom he abducted to Xamar as if they gonna capture the Villa. It has been how many years now and you leader has yet to capture Muqdisho. I feel sorry for the parents who lost and/or are losing their children over Godane's bs fake jihadi war.


Kuwan PL waxay gaareen heer ay dhahaan Muqdisho ma ahan magaalada madaxda Soomaliya, markaas ayey rabaan iney shir iyo waxyaabo aan loo joogin ka hadlaan. Dream on!

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Mogadishu is not the issue, is a well loved city. What matters the people of Somalia and the nation. No one can accept the tilt that we hav been in the past 20 years.


That's what needs to be changed. The average Somali cares about the future and years for a Somali led solution.

Hold a national conference in Somalia and lead an offensive against the filth that's hding our peopl back.


Mogadishu's status can wait when the dust settles and the Somali people decide.

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Let's just pretend we had no clan issues and we see what this really is, a couple

of large families with many brothers and uncles etc and many smaller families who are also of the same religion and language, but just can't get along in the same street ... What then? What agreements could you forge between them

so that they can all live along side each other.


It's pretty pathetic, If nobody wants to get along, just start your own town and pick your own mayor, maybe one day build a road between each other and maybe do some trade and maybe some day someone will

marry someone from the other town and move over and maybe some day...

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Grand National Conference? For who TFG , Puntland and Galmudug .


Move the Capital to where Garow ? Last time I check Somaliland Army was outskirt of Garow no .


Puntland Needs a Grand National Conference Since it Broke down to …. SSC , Mahkir State , Garow – bossaso - Galkacyo Triangle .


All this nonsense Coming out of Farlo Admin For what ?

1. Tolka lost Prime Minister and president seat .

2. Tolka no longer considered factor in the TFG.

3. NGO Funds is goin straight to the TFG.

4. SSC is strong and no longer member of Puntland admin

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