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Grand National Conference in Somalia Moving the capital-

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“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” Albert Einstein


Somali political elite and those who see themselves as leaders are either insane or close to it. For two decades they have been gathering around hotels, like buffaloos around water holes distant from the people they “represent. In Djibouti, Nairobi or Addis Ababa they have held multiple and forgettable conferences, drew up charters and with the force of the ever present “International Community” created government that never took root in Somalia.


Instead of bringing respite or a solutions each coneference creates newr and ever more dangerous facts on the ground. The first Djibouti conference after the fall of Barre, resulted in the sub clan war between Aydeed & Ali Mahdi that destroyed what was left of Mogadishu.


The Sodere conference led to the warlords of Mogadishu becoming ever more present and important on the national stage.


The Arta Conference, brought about years of stagnation and anarchy and the rise of terror groups taking root in the country thanks to Abdiqasin’s prancing around.


The Embagathi conference let to Somalia becoming another thater of operations for the war on terror with Ethiopean troops and their arch enemy Eritrea fighting inside the country.


The Djibouti conference of 2009, led to the creation of 550 Mp parliament, the promotion of Sharif Ahmed as a national leader and allowing Al Shabaab and their minions to take over large parts of the country. It led to AMISOM becoming a corner stone of the Somali solution as prescribed by the international community.


In all the years of war, only two reconciliation coneferences ever had a lasting effect on Somalia. One was held in Burco/Borama and led to the creation of Somaliland. The other was held in Garowe and created Puntland.


Thus while all the “international” led conferences failed, those held at home that addressed real issues were a success.


Its hightime we stop the seld delusion and start taking our national destiny into our own hands. Somali’s destroyed Somalia and only they can bring it back.


A national conference to be held inside Somalia with a view of creating a government for the people by the people. This time the Somali people need to lead the initiative and create a lean parliament, a small cabinet and an executive that is competent.


Duke, son of Somalia

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Okey Duke fikradada ma xumo laakinse Maamulka PL waxaa laga rabaa raali gellin ku aadan falalkii foolxumada badnaa ay uu geysteen walaalaha konfurta somalia kaso jeedo Gaar ahaan Bay iyo bakool oo lagu eedeeye iney Argagaxiso yihiin, oo Qaarna xabsiga la dhigay,qaarna la dilay,qaarna dukaamadooda la boobay tarxiilna ugu daray. Maamulka sameynaayo dib uu heshiisiin waxaa laga rabaa iney ahaato Ceeb ka saliim taasi ma ila qabtaa??

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Not only an apology but there should be actions taken against the admin itself for any crimes commited against civilians in the war to hunt down Al Shabaab.


Now will the leadership of Mogadishu, the likes of Ahmed Diiriye and others apologise for the crimes commited against all of Somalia, return the looted properties still being held and seek forgiveness from the millions killed in the name of clan?

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Not only an apology but there should be actions taken against the admin itself for any crimes commited against civilians in the war to hunt down Al Shabaab.

waa dhab i just hope that day will come.


Now will the leadership of Mogadishu, the likes of Ahmed Diiriye and others apologise for the crimes commited against all of Somalia, return the looted properties still being held and seek forgiveness from the millions killed in the name of clan?

Probably not. Dowladd dhexe oo shaqeyneyso maalintey timaad ayaa nimanka dembiga ka geystay shacabka maxkamad la hortaagi doonaa, apology laga yeeli maa kuwaas.

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^^^Great now that we are in total agreement, lets work on the National Conference inside the country. I have already nominated the city of Galkacyu and Garowe as my top two.


Peaceful, deep inside Somalia and ready to roll.

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^Would I be wrong to say that you want the capital to be relocated to Puntland? Not that you have written in words. And please, spare me the cries of 'there you go, that is dirty politics' cry. Ever since I have come to read your writings on these posts, you've always carried the flag for your region (PL, I assume), not Somalia greater. Why would anyone honestly believe that what you say now is for the good of all Somalis and Somalia? That you don't harbour ulterior motives to hijack the executive seat of a potential Somali gov't to your region.


Let us all talk positively.




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^^^You did not make much sense there lad. For 20 years you did not have a capital or a functioning state, thus whats wrong with trying something new?


Attaturk moved the capital from Istanbul to Ankara, and things worked our perfectly. Think oustide the box for once, and as for Puntland its 1/3 of Somalia, thus if I love Puntland I love Somalia. No brainer there.

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Isn't fascinating that you make a claim to comprehension, yet your lack of the very thing is so damn obvious to everyone. What is with this obsession of you being the only one to understand and no one else can? Get off the effing high horse kid, before I whip you off it (not literally, I'm not violent person).


In short, Puntland, just like the majority of SL is one tribal enclave. There is nothing wrong with standing up for its development, educationally, economically, and even achieving transparent system of gov't there, but don't impose your tribal views on all of Somalia. Whether it is 1/3 or 1/2, it is still a region and can not impose on the rest of Somalia. Equality for the land and its governance is the key to unity and peace. Get that through your head.

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Now he wants to compare Somalia to Turkey. Dukey! Dukey! slow your roll brother!


Alshabaab needs to be dealt with first and foremost. Everything else is malayacni.

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Dhagax- You want to repeat the same actions over the past 20 years yet get a different result. As for stating the obvious yes I love Puntland State of Somalia a great deal, what do you love? What region have you supported, reported on or given a damn about? The problem here is you seem to dislike me for supporting something; in return you present nothing, no new ideas.

I wont waste much time with you lad.


Somalina: Attaturks example is more than valid, at that time Turkey was facing greater dangers than we are in now. With the Allied victors of WW1 attemtping to dismember it. Attaturk had to face Armenia, Bolsheviks in the East. Greece, France, Italy and Britian to the West. With Istanbul and the Sultan held hostage by Allied forces.


A new capital and a breathing space was needed for the new Turkish republic. Anatolia and the village of Angora [Ankara] was chosen. The puppet bloated parliament in Istanbul was rejected and a new National Congress was created in Ankara and the rest is history.


Yes a new national congress, a new capital and a fight to reclaim the country and the capital should be a priority.


Thus lets think beyond our narrow mindset and prejudices and think about the nation.

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