General Duke

Garowe: Puntland Galmudug agreement: Common sense prevails: PICS + Report

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So how is galmudug and puntland going to defeat Alshabaab do they have a different plan ,or a different approach.

I mean the Amir just trained another unit just a few days ago.

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^^^Your Amir Godane wears women clothes and is unable to come out in Public. His agents were trashed in Galgala and his troops are unable to get a foothold into Puntland or Galmudug for that matter.


So cry secessionist Somalia is coming back.

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GD, AS is major security concern whether you admit it or not. Hadaad Mudug ka hadleyso waa gooni, laakiin ha ka hadlin Soomaliya ayaa la soo celinaa adigoon AS xal u hayn. We all know waxa laga hadlaayey this meeting, heesaha raqiiska ah naga daa. :D


Soomaliya ayaa shir loo qabanaa, AS lagama hadlin waa wax aan soconayn.

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^^^Not sure what you are harking on about love. The National Conference inside Somalia, and the bringing of all Somali's inside Somalia and the creation of a viable, competent and lean Parliment and cabinet is a blow to both cross dresser Godane and the secessionists.


However if you want to make an excuse for the 550MP's, and extension seeking Sharif, and being hostage in AMISOM held Vs Shabaab held territory then by all means continue.

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General Duke;696101 wrote:
^^^Your Amir Godane wears women clothes and is unable to come out in Public. His agents were trashed in Galgala and his troops are unable to get a foothold into Puntland or Galmudug for that matter.


So cry secessionist Somalia is coming back.

The Amir is so far leading the largest Islamic Military force in Somalia and you did not elebriate how two clan fiefdoms will defeat Alshabaab other then your Emotional outburst.Or do you wanne implement a dual track approach perhaps using Ethiopian mercenaries and Ugandan while the two clan enclaves are watching from their mudug red desert how these foreign mercenaries fight inside civilian populated areas in Mogadisho, Great idea Duke.

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^^^I will take your Amir seriously when he stops wearing women dresses and hiding behind children. He is unable to capture Guriceel what you dreaming about Galkacyu? :D


Keep crying ya secessionist.

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It seems Qaybdiid and his friends have reached the conclusion that post-ICU revolution Mogadishu to be unsuitable for their earlier hami and so wish to continue some of the tribal pandering in nether regions. I can hardly fault them but times will catch up to the rest of the country as they always do.

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This is great for Mudug! Ceelasha wadaaga and be good neighbours. Waa wax wanaagsan.

Assassination will hopefully stop and maybe the two clans will share the airport revenue (if PL is feeling generous that is). :D


Somaliya waa la ogyahay dhibaatada taal, qofkii rabo inuu wax ka qabtana wuu ogyahay meesha uu ka bilaabaayo period!

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Somalina;696122 wrote:
This is great for Mudug! Ceelasha wadaaga and be good neighbours. Waa wax wanaagsan.

Assassination will hopefully stop and maybe the two clans will share the airport revenue (if PL is feeling generous that is).


Somaliya waa la ogyahay dhibaatada taal, qofkii rabo inuu wax ka qabtana wuu ogyahay meesha uu ka bilaabaayo period!

haa thats what i wanted to say ,, walaalkeen duke wuxu u haysta hadu mudug iska fadhisto isaga iyo abtigi oo ay halka dawlad meel ma gaadho ku so aasaasan inu Amiiirku iska ba ba'ayo iyo ciidamada Al shabaab, meesha plan ba lo bahanyahay a good plan waliba.

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Somalia's problem is repeating the same mistake at every turn. The Al Shabaab fear well organized and togh Somali's. The solution and where to start it is simple, use the gains thr Puntland has made and Galmudug as a spring board to clear out the central regions of the filth. Contain Mogadishu using AMISom and others and open multiple fronts all the time while having the legislative and executive in a peaceful town where there is no hope of takeover.


When Mogadishu is clear move the capital back. No one cares for where the governmet sits. We need it to be safe.


Puntland had had less assignation and murders in a year than Farmaajo's militia killed in 3 weeks.

Let's stIck to facts. Th agreement in Garowe is a good step in the right direction for Somalia to chart a new positive path.

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You live in fantasy world. Capital la wareejinaayo ma jirto and certainly it aint gonna be Garowe of all the places in Somalia.

AS wareejista oo la dagaalama first haddii kale stop the bs, it aint helping no one.

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With all due respect that's your opinion and you are entitled to it. Garowe deserves to be capital as much as any other piece of land of Somalia. Your singular opinion wont change anything.

The Somali people want an alternative to the failed projects of he past. They deserve better than the circus troops led by Sharif Ahmed and his old cross dressing friend Godane.


A national conference led by Somali's to be held in a peaceful city in Somalia who's inhabitants are willing to take responsibility and welcome the delegates. That's what we want and need and that's what this agreement calls for.


A bold move and a most welcome development for the Somali people.

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Amay sheekadu security iyo iskaashi dhaqaale ka weyn tahay oo wax ku hoos qarsan yihiin? Sida Musharrixiinta Jagada madaxweynaha iyo PM? Just su'aal xog-ogaal! lol

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