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Dhacdadaan wargeyska ka aqriye maanta.


Pain of manhood left in the hands of an angry lover




An assault victim is struggling to come to terms with the horrifying loss of his penis last week.


Mr Ronald ole Kitare, 27, told the Nation he never imagined that a woman he had come to adore could savagely attack him.


The man now recuperating at Coast General Hospital in Mombasa has vowed never to trust any woman in his life after his fiancée’s vicious attack.


Mr Kitare, who works as a security guard in Diani, separated with his wife early this year as a result of infidelity, bringing to an end, their four-year relationship.


He then fell in love with another woman, and was planning to marry her, only to be hit by the blow of losing his manhood last week.


He claimed his girlfriend arrived home looking drunk, a state he had never seen her in before, sparking a quarrel between them.


“I tried to inquire why she was drunk, but instead of answering me, she confronted me,” Mr Kitare said from his hospital bed.


He added: “My fiancée, who I had planned to marry in the next few months, arrived home at about 8pm and we differed for a few minutes, but later we reconciled,” he said.


Mr Kitare said the woman claimed his estranged wife abused her over the phone for being other people’s “man snatcher”, an issue she did not take kindly.


“Due to that, she threatened to do something to ensure I will not have any other woman in my life. But after some discussion, we resolved our differences and came to terms,” said Mr Kitare.


“I thought all was well since we even made love that night, but because it was a hot night, I decided to sleep on a mat while my fiancée spent the night in the bed.


“I never thought she still had grudge against me, but at about 12am, she sneaked and chopped off my penis using a kitchen knife; she threw the organ away,” he claimed.


But on Monday, Faith Kamulu, 20, denied the charges of chopping off Mr Kitare’s penis before a Kwale court.


Bleeding profusely


Mr Kitare said on Tuesday that he became unconscious that night, but after a while, he regained consciousness and found the woman stunned at what she had done.


“I was bleeding profusely and I was rescued by my neighbours who heard me yelling for help.”


Mr Kitare said that neighbours arrested the woman and handed her over to police officers from Diani, when they arrived at his house.


He said police took him to Msambweni Hospital, where he was treated and later referred to Coast General Hospital.


The woman is still in police cells waiting for Mr Kitare to record a statement with the police. The victim told the Nation he would never forgive the woman who has made him impotent.


Though Mr Kitare has resigned to having no more children, doctors at the hospital said cosmetic surgery could be conducted to restore his manhood.


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^ you are scared huh ! I saw this yesterday on the paper and couldn't believe it ........some women are animals !

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last night there was a total moon eclipse in eastleigh. the eclipse is a reminder to people, making them afraid so that they will turn back to Allaah and pay attention to Him.

allah hanoo dambi dhaafo.

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wow MMA..bal mabuyu isoo qaad markaa soo laabaneysid.


poor guy. Phew! glad they retrieved the 'organ' before the dogs got a chance!

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Warkaan aad loogu naxaayo dariskeena ayuu ka dhacay a few days ago. Right next to our apartment ku geeriyoodeen carruurtaan, Eebba ha u raxmadee.


Carruur ku geeriyootay xaafada Islii Ee magaalada Nayroobi kadib dab ka kacay hoygii ay degnaayeen iyo hoyadii oo koomo ku jirto


Labo caruur ah ayaa geeriyootay kadib markii uu deb ka kacay hoygii ay degnaayeen oo ku yaale Wadada 9ka ee Xaafada Islii Magalaad Nairobi.


Caruuta dhimatay oo aha labo gabdhood oo aad u yar yaraa ayaa dadoodu lagu sheegay 4 jir iyio 2 jir sida ay inoo xaqiijiyeed dadka deriska la ah qoyska ay musiibadaani naxdinta leh ay ku dhacday.


Wararka waxeey intaasi ku darayaan in Caruurtaasi ay geeriyoodeen ka dib markii Shumaca kor saarnna talafishin uu dhalaalay isla markaana qiiqii ka dhashay uu neefta ku dhajiyay dadina ay geeriyoodeen .


Dhanka kale waxaa la sheegayaa in hooyadii dhashay caruutan ay iminka koomo ku jirto ka dib markiin iyaduna ay neefta ku xirantay.


Dhacdadan naxdinta leh ayaa ah tii sedexaad oo ka dahacda Xaafad Islii ee magaalad Nairobi dalka kaenya sanadii aynu so dhaafnay ayaa labo dhacdo oo la mid ah dahacdadaani naxdinta leh ay ka dheceen isla Xaafada Islii ee Magaalad Nairobi.




What warka kor ku qoran doesn't mention is that hooyada carruurta dhashay maqaayad ayee ka shaqeysaa oo maqribkii gishaa. Intee ka tagin kahor ayee shumaca u shiday, ciyaalkana kor kaga xirtay qolkooda, sidaasna shaqadeeda ku aaday.


Aabihii aaway haddaa isweydiineysid, according to wararka jidka laga maqlaaye, wuu joogaa, laakiin guriga ma joogin habeenkaas, probably jaad iyo waxaas ku maqnaa filaa. Rabi ha u sahlo reerka.

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Today's blog: Questions, questons...


A lot of dibadjoog Soomaalis have been to Islii, especially high during the northern summer months like now. However, quite a few more had never been to Islii or have been ages ago when Islii was dominated by single-story lodged houses, like in early '90s.


To those who have never been here, they might have questions about it. They might want to check it, but want to know a bit more about it before coming here.


So if you happen to be one that is mentioned above, you can fire all your questions about Islii. Any question is welcome.

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Today's blog: Electricity and Islii


In Islii, we have a persistent blackouts and outages that lasts into next day. What is amazing is that Islii generates more tax income into coffers of Kenyan government than any other place in Kenya, except save downtown core of Nayroobi. Yet, we have this persistent blackouts. Worse, whenever it heavily rains the power goes with it. Power poles and wires kala go'go'a mar walba, siiba markuu roobka socda fiilooyin badan iska soo go'a, dadkana dilo.


Since dowladaan Kenya completely ignores Islii's public needs, more and more business places and joints and residential building blocks as well are becoming self-sufficient. Sar walba la dhisaayo and previously built ones as well ceelal laga qodaayaa (access to water in Islii is even much worse) and almost all business places use private generators. Some altogether stopped relying unreliable public electricity, instead relying their own private generators 24 hours a day.

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