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Waa laguu soo wadaa, waa haddaa Pearson airport kasoo doonaneysid. :-)


By the way, I don't even remember eating cuntadaan, I mean I ate it, but qalbigeyga iyo maankeygaba ma joogin. I see on cajalka anigoo cunaayo, yet maba ogeyn goortaa cunaaye. I guess mashquulnimada igu badnayd.

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^^ Mashquulnimada kuguma badneyn ee waxaad aheyd super excited heyhaata heyhaata limaa tuucaduuna, lugna baqaad ugu jirtey lugna dirir ehehe




What is with liin macaan and salad together, qofkii taas saas u soo habeeyey waa inuu sheegaa meeshii uu geeyey liin dhanaantii, booskeeda uuba ku badaley liin macaan in a salad.




Koolo abbaaydeey adi mallaay lee maa kuu daran, how about if I invite you with hilib gabari-maanyo, it is delicious but I had rather inaan xod-xoto than eat her hilib

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^Malaay soo reer Bari uma ihi, duh! While you xodxod gabarmaanyada, ana her cousin malaay aan cunaa...:P


MMA, Pearson iska daayee Buttonville xataa waalaga soo doonanaa...It is normal not to remember whether or not you ate among many other things, that's until you watch the video, then everything comes together...

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MMA, intaad bariiska naga qarsatay ayaad imikana sawiradiisa noo soo dhejisay miyaa? I can't remember the last time I had proper xaflad food (nothing I cook tastes as good to me). I can almost smell udgoonka bariiskaa.

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Today's blog: Islii & Pseudo-gangs


Islii has a Soomaali considerable gangs, though mostly harmless ones. However, they are two formidable ones, a wannabe Crips of L. A. They are called names like Superpower and Ha i baran, Kuma baranaayo (loosely translated into Soomaali since magaca loo yaqaano is Saxaawili is in same meaning).


Each rules a particular xaafad or alley or block. I will particularly talk about kuwa la baxay Superpower, since they are closer to where I live and most well-known.


Superpower iyo gangs like it waxee qaraabtaan from in late evening hours to dawn. Mostly times like 10 pm to dawn. Supwerpower kuwa la baxay rule jidka la dhaho 8th Street. It is one of the well-known jidad ku yaalo Islii, but it has dark alleys. Waa iska ciyaal xaafadda, mostly degan isla jidkaas, 8th St.


Supwerpower waxee bilowdeen la yiri a few short years ago, and they were mostly harmless ones, until they started inay dadka ka dhacaan telefoonada iyo waxyaabaha kale yar yar jeebabka ugu jiro in late nights. Waxee ku hubeysanyihiin mindiyo sida la sheego, koox koox badana u socdaan oo jidkaas mugdiga ah 8th St. wada fadhiyaan during the night, kuma arkeysid jidad kale.


Close to two years ago ayaa la booliiska Kenyan qabqabteen la yiri, qaarna laga dilay. But they are back in force now.


During soonkii tobanka beri u dambeysay masaajidada ayaa iimaamada ka habaaraayeen because islaamo badan oo salaatul leyl u soo socday ayee isbaaro u dhigteen, kana dhaceen telefoonadooda. Habaar koley waxba kama taraayo, haddaan la iska qabanina soon they will be armed. It is only a matter of time before they are armed and terrorize wider neighbourhoods, even committing bold robberies in the shopping centres.

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Today's blog Islii iyo nadaafadda


Soomaalida Islii joogto nadaafad iyo wax la mid ah iskuma fiicno. Some issues has to do with government bureaucracy and its neglect. And kuwa kale Soomaalida qaarkood ugu wacan inay Islii wasaq ahaato. Let's take for mid-range restaurants located in Islii for an example. Both the patrons and the owners waa wada Soomaali.


Wax iga yaabiye maqaayadaha xataa haddii isla markaas la nadiifiye mid wax soo cunay, cuntadiisa soo dhameystay meesha lacaghayaha soo agistaagaayo. Intuu lacagta dhiibaayo ayuu gacmaha waraaqo napkins meesha yaalo kusii tirtiranaa. Haba tirtirto ma xumee waa markuu ku tirtirto meeshuu ku ridi lahaa wuxuu ku tirtirtay. A garbage bin is right under his nose, yet most of them markee tirtirtaan waraaqda wey sii daayaan dhulka ku dhac dhaceysaa. Mid Kenyaati ayaa sidii ciyaalnimo ugu daba shaqeynaayo oo mar walba markee isku bataan dhulka ka aruurinaayo.


War maxaa dhibaayo hadduu ku rido garbage binka hoostiisa taalo, uuna arkaayo. It is not one or two. Waa badankooda haddaa tagtid maqaayadaha mid-range ah, kuwa qaaliga miiskooda iyagoo fadhiyo tirtirtaan, so laguma arko dadkaan iyo dabeecadooda camal.


This just sums up wasaqda guud ee Islii iyo what I call maxaa-iga-galay general attitude of Reer Islii.

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It's crazy, i was getting ready to ask you about the gang situation until i scrolled through and read what you posted, thanks for the clarification.

My little sister is currently in Nairobi since late September, and every time she phones me she tells me about the 'superpowers'

from what she tells me they are getting a little rowdy and pressing their luck... it's bad enough that we are impending on Kenya.

Adding to this, definitely doesn't help the already fermenting resentment towards us.


I do hope like you mentioned that this situation be nipped in the bud while it is still in its early stages, or else we'll be dealing with a Kenyan version of Brazil during the late 60's.


Side-note: Do you think it is safe to go?

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Probably your sister is mentioning that gang group only because, I think, they were in the news in the past few days. They killed a 'jokore' boy with baangad. And there were some riots, looting in Islii because of it. Kuwa badan ayaa la qab qabtay sida la yiri. Is your sister staying in Islii?


Yes, it is safe to go. I believe so. Yes, everything is heightened and some are frightened to their dear lives, but still I believe it is relatively safe to go. My two brothers from UK are there, so is another brother-in-law who went there two weeks ago from Toronto. They are all fine. It is a bit qalalaase in NFD (some explosions and attacks happened there in the past few days), though.


Rawla, thanks, abaayadiis.

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That's exactly what she mentioned, 'chokoras' being stabbed or what not over some trivial dispute... i think they are testing the threshold of what is socially acceptable... gradually.


She is not in isili thank god lol (Kariakor estate)

& I'm asking about the safety because i plan to go back next summer insha'allah.

We shall see...

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This is for you, sister.


Ciidamada kenya oo Dhalinyaro Soomaali ah ku dilay Xaafada Islii


11.December.2011: Ciidamada Booliska Kenya ayaa xalay Waxaa ay Xaafada Islii ee Magaalada Nairobi ku toogteen Afar Wiil oo dhalinyaro Soomaali ah.


Wiilashan Soomaalida ah ee la toogtay ayaa waxaa da’dooda lagu sheegay in ay udhaxayso 16 sano ilaa 20 sano.


Inkastoo aan ilaa iyo hada la ogayn sababta rasmiga ah ee loo toogtay dhalinyaradan Soomaalida ah ayaa hadana Wararka naga soo gaaraya Xaafada Islii ee Magaalada Nairobi ay shegayaan in Dhalinyaradan ay kamid ahaayeen
Super Power
oo ah Koox ubadan Soomaali oo Kenya ay mamnuucday.


Mid kamid ah Dadka deegaanka ayaa usheegay in Ciidamada Dilka gaystay ay yihiin Ciidamo loo yaqaan Fly Scott kuwaa oo u tababaran si ka gadisan sida ay u tababaranyihiin ciidamada kale ee dalkan kenya.


Wali Wax Faah Faahin ah Taliska Booliska Kenya kama uusan bixin Dilka ay ugaysteen Wiilasha Soomaalida ah, sidoo kale waxaa inoo suurta geli weysay Xariir aan la samaynay Gudiga ganacsatada Xaafada Islii.


Habeenadan ayaa Waxaa Xaafada Islii ku badnaa Ciidamo isugu jira dhar cad iyo Boolis kuwaas oo qab-qanaya shacabka Soomaalida sharci la’aanta ku jooga Magaalada kadibna lacag ku sii daynaya, Waxaana Arintan lacag qaadashada ah sii xoogaysatay kadib Markii Ciidamada Kenya ay bilaabeen in lacagihii Ciida Masiixigi Kirismiska ay soo dhawaatay.


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