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Nuunka, the $25,000 ma'aha per year payment. Waa one time lacag la bixiyo saa furaha ugu heshid. Haddeeba Amaal kiyoos kor ku yaalo oo yar yahay $5,000, imagine kan oo afar jibaarkiisa ah oo meel fiican ku yaalo, sar cusubna ku hoos yaalo oo socoto.


Saak, cunto jumlo iyo tafaariiq ayee isku gadaan, plus very prime location ku yaalo, especially saro dad wax heysto deganyihiin hoostooda. Aad ugu socotaa. Gabar Siyaad Barre abti u yahay oo Reer Mareykan ah midkood share ku lehba oo sanadkiiba mar imaataa.


Teeda kale waa runtaa. Lacagta inta taalo waa fooqal caqli, maba la rumeysan karo. Dadkana kama muuqato, unbelievable waaye. Qofkii leh $50,000 la imaanaa oo ganacsi weyn ku furanaa waaba lagu qoslaa.


Che, wuxuu Nuunka kuu sheegay hoteelo ma'aha so don't heed. Wixiisa wa iska lodge, I think. There is no decent hotel that is cheaper than 500 Kenyan shillings per night. Anything cheaper than 500 waa looj qaabdaran. Most economical hotels in Islii costs between 500 to 1,000 Kenyan shillings a night. In dollar terms, waa between $6 to $12 dollars a night.


Then after that you have the so-called 'high-end' hotels' suites that cost between 1,500 to way up 4,000 a night. Again in dollars waa $18 to $50 per night.


Those are Islii hotels, which I would recommend. Ha isku wareerin staying in downtown and commuting to Islii each day. Adoo Islii iska joogtid kuu roon, especially now they have very, very decent, modern hospitals, including ones whose pictures I posted.


Malika, ina'adeerkaa Che waala soo dhaweynaa hadduu rabo, xataa yariistoo lagu meheriyo waa loo sii diyaarinaa uu qabowga kaga baxo. 045.gif


Wyre, masoo noqoneysaa mise bas waaye boorkeeda iyo dhiiqadeeda ma rabtid?


Kamaafi, haa waa runtaa. Alliance Medical Centre waxaa furanaayo dad wax kusoo bartay Bakistaan, qaas ahaan magaalada Karachi. My brother-in-law ka yimid Toronto ku jiro, who himself wax kusoo bartay jaamacadda Karachi in '80s and again in '00s. My older brother also asagana ku biiri rabo, who again wax kusoo bartay Karachi in late '80s and early '90s. Asagana Ingiriiska ka imaanaayo next month or so. Both share ayee ku darsadeen.


The medical centre this coming month la furi rabaa, wax kaliya la sugaayo waa farmashiyaha daawooyin la dhigi lahaa u dhamaan. Sawirka meeshaas horaa usoo giliye, again waa kan:




The mid-floors of this building laga dhigaa isbitaalka/clinic.


Jacbaro, hay'adii ku keentay maa meesha trainingka ku qaadaneysay ku dajisay. Dhoore waaxid, dadka hay'adaha keento Islii hoteeladeeda soo degaan and the NGOs pay after receipts loo geeyo.

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^ Maulid Nabi is a public holiday in East African - I miss those days, competiting on


Loool@MMA, bees adaa kuguu oog Che marku yimadoo -lol

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Are the green flags hoisted upside down ?


MMA, what is in the greatest demand in Nairobi today ? What is the next potential market to tap into ?

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MMA, thanks for the info.


Markaad maqaayada joogtid sawiro ka soo qaad qaad ok. :D


p.s. qofwalba business ayuu ku waashey. Great

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, hay'adii ku keentay maa meesha trainingka ku qaadaneysay ku dajisay. Dhoore waaxid, dadka hay'adaha keento Islii hoteeladeeda soo degaan and the NGOs pay after receipts loo geeyo.

Waar niyow hawlo kalaan u socday laakiin Islii wax dan ah igama soo gelin. Xataa qaraabo joogtay waan haleeli waayay.

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MMA Bro sooner or later I will come back

Masha allah ixtifaalka Nebigeenna (S.W.C)

Intaasoo sanaan joogay sidaan oo kale wallee inaanan looga dhigin, woe me, How should I miss nimcadan:(

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Malika, Mowliid ma holiday ayuu ka yahay Kenya? Uma maleeyi.


Sensei, tough question you asked on there. On a glance one would think Islii (I can't comment about the wilder Nayroobi) doesn't need anything and it got everything under the sun, but on a further look, one can still see it needs this and that.


One aspect I think it lacks is high-end cafe, not as high as Starbucks, but certainly one that is between Tim Hortons and Starbucks. I believe inay soconeyso if maamul wanaagsan iyo dhaqaalo adag la giliyo, dad badan ayaa lacag ku heysto inta and wouldn't mind spending a few shillings of theirs to relax, especially since Soomaalida iska war jecelyihiin iyagoo fadhiyo.


About the flags, waala iska waday, I guess. Dadka waday maba ogeyn in uu yahay upside down.


Soomaalina, I just had suqaar iyo sabaayad at a maqaayad with a friend just short while ago. If I knew waa kuu soo sawiri lahaa, though that suqaar sucked. The suqaar version of Islii and kan Soomaalida dalalka Galbeedka degan maqaayadahooda sameyaan laba kala yahay. Islii's suqaar is more like kalaankal. Marax iga dheh. grinning-smiley-044.gif


Che, hoteelada in mid-range prices waxaa qaarkood la dhahaa: Landstar, Gulf Place (aka Shariifka), Barakaad, Xiddig, Kaah iyo kuwa kale.


My personal recommendation would be Landstar. Qaarkood hoteelada wadaado ayaa leh oo dadka wareerinaayo, I mean like no visitors allowed, no going out on certain times. Kuwaas ha isku degin.


Saak, hadduu xuska dhalashada Nabigeena (NNKH) dadka ka wada dhigaayo 'Suufiyo,' then we all are. Meeshaan gardheere waa joogaan, dadkaa ku sheegtay 'Suufi' iyagana waa joogaan. In fact, masaajido ayaa la kala leeyahay, waana la iscaayaa qudba ka qudba each Jimco. Waa yaabeysaa. I will blog about this in another time.


Wyre, haa, wey ku dhaaftay.

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MMA, maqaayad walba aad tagtid menu-ga ii soo sawir fadlan. Teeda kale ma leeyihiin delivery service?

Gurigaada adoo joogtid mooto cunto ma lagugu keenaa?


Askarta Kenyatiga ma ku qashqashaadeen weli? Kanadeeska malaga danbeeyaa? Djibouti waa la jecelyahay koley :D


p.s. su'aalo aan kugu wareeriyey...iga raali ahow inboow.

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:D:D:D:D Inna Lillaahi Wa Inna Ileyhi Raajicuun.









Peace, Love & Unity.

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Nina:D haddii ey askarta kenya kuu ogaadaan inaad canada ama mareykanka ka timid biil bey kaa dhiganayaan:D

10,000 Ksh ka yarna waa habeenki xaloo tagay iney kaa qaataan:D

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