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General Duke

AMISOM still holding Mohamed Dheere[ why has he not be transfered to TFG?]

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They made history today? You dont know history, Mr Dheere was arrested a few years back , so do try again.

This is not historic just reinforces the fact that there is no government, this TFG entity is more pathetic than any seen before.

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Duke-Yeey watched while the Somali Capital carpet-bombed by the Tigrays and Sharif is no different as AMISOM levels the neighborhoods. I don't see adiga and Somalina isku heeysataan. The TFG is joke now as it was then.



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^^^Che of course you occupy the moral highround. You support those who have been shelling Mogadishu since 2004, first as Clan Courts[iCU], then as resistors to "occupation". then as Hizbul Islam/l Shabaab. The same groups who lost the war in the outskirts of Baidoa, fled for their lives only to start an urban war at the expense of the people of Mogadishu. You know, Yey entered Mogadishu without a single shot being fired at him. Then who started the urban Jihad? That killed so many civilians and uprooted millions. The group you support


You supported the grave diggers clapping, raising funds all the while drinking hot Cofe with your white friends in Boston.


I forgot I was talking to our very own cyber Jihadi.

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LooooooooooooooooooooooL...Now you agreed on something.Was that so bad? Now you two kids go and get white chocolate mocha for me:)


Somalina....I don't preach-somethings speak for themselves.



Duke....All I'm saying we are saying we are in the same dhiiqo. Wax la,isku caayo ama la,isku faaniyo meesha majiro.

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It is funny how you don't mention the Sheydaans you support that kill their own brothers daily.

I think you are def preaching to the wrong audience.


Duke and I understand each other when it comes to AS (Somalia's enemy number 1). :)


Now lets all go for coffee. :D

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Che: While I agree with yousomewhat about the situation, I can not but see the irony of those who supported Sharif's war against the national interest, who hid behind the cloak of religion, nationalisam and pride. Who in fact pushed Somalia's stability back a decade or so. Pointing fingers. People fought Yusuf, not for country or faith but because of clan. People who waged Jihad on the Tigray, are now lap dancers for the Tigray. Its ironic is it not that the old man with all his faults came to be more real than all the long bearded Abu Hebels and the fake nationalists like Abdiqasin, Nur Cade and Co.

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