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Puntland,Gulmudug state to discuss security Related issue.

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Garowe-At the security situation in the areas and the control of somalia's semi-autonomous state of puntland and self styled administration of Galmudug state are to meet today on security issues in Garowe town, the capital of puntland. Galmudug and puntland are to talk about the how they togethere assure the tranquility of their territories. The meeting which is said the first of its kind, is crucial the cooperation of the two authorities. And by the way Galka'yo is town that joins puntland and Galmudug, though most of the town controlls Puntland but still they share some of it.And this town became a place where repeated planned killings, and expositions are routine in the last few months.

source shabelle. let us wait the outcome.

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Puntland iyo Galmudug oo ka hadlaya dhamayta muran ka dhaxeeya


Garoowe: (Sh. M. Network)Kulan looga hadlayo iskaashiga amaanka iyo xalinta qilaafaadka ka dhaxeeya Maamulada Galmudug iyo Puntland ayaa waxaa uu ka soconayaa magaalada Garoowem ee Caasimadda gobolka Nugaal.


Wararka ka imaanaya magalada Garoowe ee Caasimadda gobolka Nugaal ayaa sheegaya in kulan xasaasi ah uu ugu soconayo Xarunta Madaxtooyada ee Maamulka Puntland Wafdi uu hogaaminayay Madaxweyne ku xigeen Maamulka Galmudug C/samad Nuur Guuleed iyo Madaxweynaha Maamulka Puntland Sheekh C/raxmaan Max’uud Faroole iyo qaar ka mid ah golahiisa wasiirada.


Kulanka oo ahaa maanta mid ay labada dhinac ay ku kala saxiixanayeen qodob muhiim ah oo maalmihii u dambeeyay ay ka wada hadlayeen, waxaana la tilmaamayaa in qodoba maanta labadaasi dhinac auy ka hadlayaan ay yihiin iskaashiga labada Maamul, Amniga iyo in magdhaw laga dhiibo dadkii dhawaan lagu dilay dagaaladii ka dhacay Tuulo ka tirsan gobolka Mudug Kaasi oo u dhaxeey labo Maleshiyo beeleedyo oo kasoo kala jeeda Maamuladaasi.


Kulankaan oo u muuqday mid la’isugu soo dhawaynayo Maamulada Galmudug iyo Puntland ayaa waxaa la tilmaamay in uu garwadeen ka yahay C/xasan Qeybdii iyadoo aan la’ogaan karin waxyabaha dhabta ah ee kasoo bixi kara kulanka maanta ugu soconaya Xarunta Madaxtooyda ee Maamulka Puntland iyo Galmudud.

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