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Sannad-guuradii 41 aad ee ciidanka cirka soomaaliyeed ee (february / 15 / 1960) kii

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Anigoo ku hadlaya magacayga iyo magaca guud ee Ciidanka Cirka Soomaaliyeed, ayaa waxaan halkan uga soo wada hambalyeynayaa dhammaan Duuliye-yaashii, Ingineerradii, Farsama-yaqaannadii Askartii iyo dhammaan Qoysaskoodii Ciidanka Cirka Soomaaliyeed meelkasta' ay kala joogaanba, Maanta oo ay ku beegantahay (Febraayo - 15 keedii), ahna Maalintii la' aasaasay Ciidankii Cirka Soomaaliyeed una dabbaaldagi jirnay, ee Sannad-guuradii 41 aad ee ka soo wareegatay (Febraayo - 15 keedii 1960 kii).

Duuliye Asli Xasan Cabaade oo u Hambalyeyneysa Dhammaan Duuliya-Yaashii, Ingineerradii, Farsama-Yaqaannadii, Askartii iyo Dhammaan Qoysaskoodii Ciidanka Cirka Soomaaliyeed, Munaasabadda Maanta Ku Aaddan Ee (Febraayo 15 Keeda), kana Soo Wareegatay Sannad-Guuradii 41 Aad Ee Assaaskii Ciidanka Cirka Soomaaliyeed.



General Ali Matan Hashi was the first Somali ever to fly and is therefore regarded as a Somali Hero.

The first flight between Mogadishu to Hargheisa was named "Ali Matan Airways" in honour of Gen. Ali Matan Hashi, the first Somali man to fly and the one who personally built and nurtured the Somali airforce.



The first and only Somali Female Pilot in the history of Somali Aviation. Asli Hassan Abade ( Flag bearer)



General Ali Matan Hashi in the middle





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wey fiicnaan lahayd inaan dabaal dagno anagoo dowlad xoogan ah laakin waxaa noo taalo tacsi 20sano jirsatay marka qof tacsi utaalo farxad mala sugayo ,

insha allah wey soo laabani doontaa awoodeena , wax mar dhacayna iney marka dhacaan waa possible , raxmada allena kama quusaneyno .

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Xaaji Xunjuf;695368 wrote:
1960 51 sanna ka so wareegey not 41 awoow halka yara sax

But but but Somalia has only been free for 50 years.

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^ Why're getting uptight?:) I only pointed out the inconsistency. Was the national air force created before the country's independence? If you can't answer it's not big deal.:)

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Not getting uptight at all. I'm sure you can use Wikipedia, but just incase you can't here goes.


The Somali Aeronautical Corps was the name of the Somali Air Force during the pre-independence (1954–1960) period. After 1960, when Somalia gained independence, the name changed to the Somali Air Force.

The Somali Air Force was established before Somalia's independence, and was at first equipped with a small number of Western aircraft, including Beech 18s and C-47 Dakotas for transport tasks, a few Piaggio P.148 trainers, P-51D Mustangs used as fighters, and a pair of Bell 47 Sioux helicopters.

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^ Still does not make sense. If it was created after independence then it's less than 51 years since Somalia celebrates its 51 independence anniversary in July. If it was created in 1954 then it's (57? meaning) older than 51 years being celebrated. Check Wiki, maybe it's AMISOM Air Force anniversary:).

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