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General Duke

2011: The end of the clan empass...

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The Somali war has now entered its 20th year.

"Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains.


The Somali people deserve a better tommorrow and no longer can we except the status quo.

Its time to rethink what is in our interest, what is it that we want for ourselves and for our families ad people. Credible leaderhsip must take root in this nation...


A single Somali state must be recreated, with rights for every single Somali regardless of clan, ethicity and region.


We must reclaim our nation from the forces that want to continue to controll it. The UN, other NGO's and those parasitic leaders who want to hold us in bondage.

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Great post, but how can we achieve that when we have Glmudug, Puntland, Somaliland, Hiiraan State, Jubba Raza Statee, BunduqLand, Bayland.


For the short period, Soomaali waa kala dhaqaaqdey, weyna adagtahey in laisku soo noqdo unless the current generation perishes, and that will happen after 70 years when me and you passed the 100+ age, or already in our graves sucking the sand.



I am not hopeless, yet I pray day and night for quick fix for Somalia, all I can do is pray more.

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Qabil is not the main issue. Tracing one's geneology is not the problem. Lack of leadership, the failure of the old guard, and the parasites around us have destroyed our people.


We need to break these chains.


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Again, Puntland, Somaliland and others are not the enemy. Nor should time be wasted on them.


We need to gather information on the common Somali. How much do they earn, how do they live, what are their aspirations, what are their dreams?


Who are the new leaders, what type of leadership do they want?


We are out of touch with the average Somali and how he or she lives. How can we try and solve their problems.


Time is wated on the capital, yet we have none. On a parliment yet its led by illeterates. On land yet we can not share.,


There is war in Buhudle, how many people live in that town. Can we provide water to them, instead we raise money for bullets to kill more of its inhabitants.

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The thing is Somalis do not all want the same thing, each group has taken their own path for what they believe is best for them. Forcing conformity will not end well.

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The majority of all of these Presidents and Prime Ministers that have come and gone were diaspora based and supported by specific somali communites therefore the diaspora are not divorced from what has happened in Somalia the last two decades.

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