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Warfaa for president

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Former Sharif advisor (he resigned after our Sheik wouldn't listen to him). :D


Warfa was a professor at the Somali National University, where he taught biology and agriculture. He also regularly conducted research with colleagues in Somalia, where he jointly discovered several endemic species, notably in the northeastern Bari region.


With the outbreak of the civil war in 1991 and the closure of the university, Ahmed became an important peacemaker, working as a translator for the United Nations and setting up councils for the reconciliation process in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. His efforts brought him into conflict with several local militia leaders, and was thereafter a marked man. In 1994, he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt when his car was sprayed with bullets at a checkpoint in Mogadishu.


Warfa subsequently left Somalia for Nairobi, Kenya, from where he then emigrated to the United States and joined the Salt Lake Community College as a professor. He continues to attend conferences on herbology as a keynote speaker or contributor.


Warfa is also actively involved in the affairs of Somalia and the Somali diaspora, whether as a reconciliator working for the UN and the Somali President or as an activist raising funds for projects such as Hiiraan University.


p.s. I don't know him personally, however I attended an event where he gave a speech and I was impressed. :D Ever since then, I wondered why we don't have leaders like him to guide us...

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The Zack   

Thank you Ukhtii.. He doesn't seem to have what it takes to get the country out of the chaos in. No experience in leadership what so ever. Thanks but not thanks yaa Prof. Warfaa.

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The Zack;693764 wrote:
Thank you Ukhtii.. He doesn't seem to have what it takes to get the country out of the chaos in. No experience in leadership what so ever. Thanks but not thanks yaa Prof. Warfaa.

You sound like Sheik

How do you define leadership? the man oversaw a 3 billion dollar annual project, over 30 years he's been a professor teaching and molding young minds. Sat down with Kofi Anan himself.

More importantly, his campaign message is doable.


I should get paid for buun buunis as i'm becoming quite good at it these jk... those darn marketing classes are finally starting to pay off.

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lol @ marketing classes; you may also do swot, growth-share matrix and other marketing techniques available on him so, he can be saleable to us. Coming back to the point, unlike brother Zack I think the guy is over qualify for Somalia presidency thus, he should opt out, or Somalis will opt HIM out fairly quickly.

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:D... Somalida marwalba "maya, dooni meyno" ayaa ka soo horeysa...take walaalkeen Zack as exhibit A. Marka waa tough crowd dee.


Waxuusan ogeyn in the Prof loo wacdey inuu isa soo sharaxo and not the other way around.

He is a man of science, hees hees ma yaqaan, lacag iyo jago-na baahi uma qabo.

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Somalina. I think you missed in your brief bio that he was a minister in Ali Mahdi's Maanafeesto

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Abwaan;693780 wrote:
Somalina. I think you missed in your brief bio that he was a minister in Ali Mahdi's Maanafeesto

lol...Zack wanted a quick overview...

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The Zack   

Somalina and Taleex, run mise been. The qualifications the guys has are teaching at university, doing researches, and being translator for the UN. That, in any book, aint a leadership skill. Plus, other than solving local militia conflicts, he doesn't have any experience in running any thing that would qualify him to be the president of the nation.


P.s. My conclusion is based on what I know about the guy so far. If y'all are saying he has other qualifications that are not listed on this page, so be it. Doorta ninka.

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Why do we always think only 70 year olds who were somehow part of the Somali problem (corruption, killing etc) can lead Somalia,? What happened to the younger generation? Why don't we give them a chance and FORGET these pensioners?

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The Zack   

Abwaan;693787 wrote:
Why do we always think only 70 year olds who were somehow part of the Somali problem (corruption, killing etc) can lead Somalia,? What happened to the younger generation? Why don't we give them a chance and FORGET these pensioners?

Sharif aint 70 yr old, neither was he part of the previous Somali government. Yet, he isn't getting the country any where.

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The zack and that does not mean that we shouldn't give the younger generation more chances. Who said Sharif was the best option?

And you don't have to be part of the previous governments to be a criminal.

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The Zack   

Abwan, I was just pointing out that we already tried what you were suggesting. Sharif was young (at least I think he was young since he is in his early 40's) and he wasn't part of any problem, to my knowledge. As a matter of fact, he was a religious scholar before he clinched the presidency but yet he failed miserably. To be honest, at this point, I don't really know what can be the solution. The place is effed up bro.

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The zack the solution is simple and clear...Soomaali qabyaaladda haka waantoobaan....Haddii midka ugu shiikhsan la keeno soo cid kama dhalanayo markaasna ciddii laga dhex arki maayo. Waxaan ku talin lahaa in qof dalka hoggaamin kara la keeno xag aqooneed iyo garashoba, regardless of qabiil oo aan dembina hore u gelin, oo aan jilicsanayn qabyaaladna ka maran. Soomaali lagama waayin ee Ilaah indheheenna ha tuso.

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