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SSC Leaders condemns the Atrocity against SSC People by S/Land

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Madaxweynaha Maamulka SSC Dr. Saleebaan Ciise Axmed ” Xaglatoosiye” Oo Waraysi Siiyay Saxaafada(Dhagayso).



London: Madaxweynaha Maamulka SSC Dr. Saleebaan Ciise Axmed ” Xaglatoosiye” ayaa waraysi dhinacyo badan taabanaya siiyay laanta Afsoomaliga ee BBC da. Madaxweynaha ayaa ku nuuxnuuxsaday in qabiilada Soomaaliyeed aysan isu dowladayn loona baahan yahay in Deegaankastaa uu iskii isu maamulo inta Dalka Soomaaliya helayo dowlada caam ah oo wada gaadha.

Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in Shacabka SSC aysan marnaba aqbalayn in lakala qoqobo Dalka Soomaaliya.

Halkan Ka Dhagayso Madaxweynaha Maamulka SSC Dr. Saleecaab Ciise Axmed

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The irony they are complaining now when they first attacked the sland army. And now moaning when things got heated. You know what they say if you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen.

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Press Release
To: The Transitional Federal Government of Somalia
The United Nations
The European Union
The Arab League of Nations
Organization of Islamic Conference
The African Union
Inter-Governmental on Development (IGAD)
The Somali Public in general.

From: The Unity and Salvation authority,
SSC Regional Administration of Somalia.

Amsterdam, 07-02-2011


On Monday, 7th February 2011 at six o’clock in the morning the militia headed by Mr. Silayo has without any excuse attacked civilians and pastoral nomads in and around Maygaagle and Kalshaale. Mr. Silanyo’s militia initiated the early morning aggression by shelling heavy artillery. This inhuman invasion was the second in one week. The ***** militia has used excessive force on unarmed communities by using all types of military hardware. The ***** tribe inherited 60 percent of last government’s military arms. The military equipment in their possession was the property of Somali National army – once the strongest in Africa.

Today’s violent behavior needs no witness but Mr. Silanyo himself. He broadcasted obnoxious speech (BBC Somali Service of 7th February, 2011 at 18:00 hours) in which he called all ***** clan to unanimously take arms against the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn. Mr. Silanyo, having thousands of militia and the above mentioned military gear made this call. This shows the animosity and ill feeling in his heart. The only crime committed by these civilians which Mr. Silanyo vowed massacre them in the SSC regions is fact they belong to non-***** clan and that they do not anyway subscribe to what the ***** call Somaliland.

We have appealed to the international community number of times in the past few weeks to get involved in this atrocious and shocking crisis in the SSC regions. It is extremely disappointing the international community did not respond to these horrendous atrocities committed by Hargeisa administration. On the contrary, we learned some international community members spear-headed by Great Britain, USA and Denmark, among others support ***** clan in their aspirations to kill, dominate, subjugate and humiliate our people in the SSC regions. We particularly protest against Britain’s unrestricted financial support to the Isaaq’s Somaliland. Britain’s support for one Somali clan against another is contradictory and inconsistent with western democratic values. The monetary donations given to Hargeisa administration are directly used for the mass-killing and occupation of the civilians in Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions. Further support for Mr. Silanyo’s regime is encouragement for his illicit and criminal actions. There is no justification whatsoever for any country or international organization to support or maintain relationship with Hargeisa while it continues ethnic cleansing

We demand immediate intervention and involvement of the international community to discontinue the savagery actions of Mr. Silanyo and his clique in Hargeisa. This regime has killed, wounded, imprisoned, tortured, ripped-off their land and humiliated in any way possible against civilian population of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn. We insist and plead the international community to arrest, prosecute and incarcerate Mr. Silanyo and other individuals responsible for the crimes against humanity that took place in SSC regions from October 2007.

We, Authorities of the Regional administration of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn strongly condemn in its strongest terms Mr. Silanyo ’s bloodbath and carnage against our people. We would like the Somali people join us in this condemnation. From the beginning our message was an expression of peace and stability for the clans in the northern regions Somalia. In 1991, when the last Somali Government disintegrated, all clans in the northern region of the country gathered and reached an agreement to live side-by-side in peace. From then, we respected that agreement but Hargeisa administration has violated the settlement.

Please, be reminded that Mr. Silanyo has started this new offensive amid the residents of Kalshaale and Maygaagle were struggling against the current severe drought.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Mohamoud Jama
Secretary for Foreign Affairs
SSC Regional Administration

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Is Silanyo copying Faroole's cries and lies on BBC? I wonder if Ethiopia is engineering the atrocities and the tactics against the people of SSC and Maakhir.

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