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Secessionist hallucinations after Kalshaale defeat (The wounded tell a tale of fantasy)

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The secessionist outfit who attacked yesterday the organised citizens and militia of Hagoogane Cayn Region of Puntland tell a tale of fantasies in their sick-beds in a make-shift hospital in Burco about a heavenly miracle they witnessed in the battle against the SSC unionists.


This has been the latest talk in Buuhoodle town capital of Cayn region of Puntland whereby the wounded secessionist attackers said clearly hallucinating that after they had defeated the militias in front of them that they were ambushed and attacked from the rear by a Sheikh in white robes with angels riding on camelback who had artillery mounted on top of their camels shooting heavily at their direction.


They said the Angels who attacked them must have been lead by a freemdon fighter who died 70 years ago who fought against the British colonial rule in the last century. This long ago deceased freedom fighter by the name of Sheikh Ali was one of the bravest disciple and best army commanders of the late Somali hero Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan better known as the Sayyid who fought against the British for twenty odd years in a rebellion against colonial rule and oppression.


However Shacabkamedia office in Buuhoodle succeeded in getting a picture of one of these mounted camel 'technicals' the SNM militia described as being an army of Angels on camelback though in reality they were armed men from Buuhoodle belonging to the Camel-back division who mounted their artillery on top of the camel-backs and once you see the picture one is really astounded at the artillery fire coming off from the top of the mounted camel-back who the secessionists clearly were afraid and shaken by that they thought they were being angels on camel-back attacking them from the rear and subsequently causing their defeat.



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Mucjiso Lagu Arkay Dagaalkii Hagoogane Iyo Ciidamada SNM-Ta Oo Sheegay Inay Dhabar-Jebin Ku-Sameeyaan Niman Dharcad-Wata Oo Awr-Dushiisa Tikniko Ka Soo Ridiyay)


Written by Administrator


Tuesday, 08 February 2011 15:55



Ciidamadii Somaliland ee ka qeyb-galay dagaalkii Baliga Hagoogane oo iminkadan lagu daweynayo Isbitaalka magaalada Burco,ayaa sheegay inay mucjiso Rabaani ah ku arkeen Dagaalkii ay la galeen Ciidamada SSC,kaasoo ay sheegeen in dagaalka ay ka qeyb-qaadanayaan Niman Awr Tikniko saaran ku-dagaalamaya,kuwaasoo uu hogaaminayey Sheekh dhar-cad xiran


Dhaawacyada Somaliland ayaa badankood dadkii soo booqday ee eheladooda u sheegay in kolkii ay eryadeen Ciidamada SSC,inay dhabar-jebin ku-sameeyeen Ciidamo dhar-cad ku-labisan oo Awr saaran,kuwaasoo si hubka daran-dooriga u dhaca ka soo ridayay Awrka dushiisa


Hadal-heynta ugu badan ee galabta goobaha lagu shaaheeyo ee Magaalada Buuhoodlo,ayaa looga sheekeysanayaa arinta ka soo yeertay Ciidamadii SNM-ta oo kolkii la jebiyay Ilaahay rucbi iyo cabsi ku-riday,iyagoo aaminay in dagaalka ay ka qeyb-galeen Malaa'ig uu hogaaminayey nin ka tirsanaan jiray Ciidamadii Daraawiishta ee Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan,kaasoo lagu magacaabi-jiray Sheekh Cali Dhuux Allaha u naxariistee.


Sheekhan ay Ciidamada dhaawaca ee SNM-ta ay leeyihiin dhabar-jebin ayuu nagu sameeyay,isagoo hogaaminaya ciidamo dharcad xiran oo Malaa'g ay ku sheegeen,waxa uu geeriyooday mudda laga joogo 70-sanno,waxaana uu ka mid ahaa Saraakiishii ugu sareeyay Ciidamadii Daraawiishta ee la dagaalami-jiray Gumeystahii Ingiriiska ee ku soo duulay Waqooyiga Soomaaliya


Hadaba Xafiiska Shacabkamedia ee Buuhoodle ayaa ku guuleytay inuu helo sawir ka mid ah Awrkii hubka Tiknikada la-saaray ee dhabar-jebinta ku sameeyay Ciidamada SNM-ta,kaasoo ay ku sheegeen Ciidamo Malaa'g ah oo Awr-saaran,balse Ciidamada ayaa ahaa kuwo ka-tirsan SSC,Guutada loo yaqaan (Awrayaal)kuwaasoo Tiknikada saarta Awrka dushiisa,waxaana kolka aad aragto sawirka aad la yaabaysaa,habka Awrka dushiisa looga ridiyo Tikniko dushiisa lagu rakibtay,waana mida cabsida ku riday Ciidamada SNM-ta inay ku waashaan Malaai'g Awr-sidataa dhabar-jebin nagu sameysay



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