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Xaaji Xunjuf

The new Somaliland governor for xingalool district arrives in Xingalool Pictures

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Somaliland oo Usoo Magacawdey Guddoomiye Cusub Degmada Xingalool (Sawirro)

Xaflad si weyn loosoo agaasimey oo maanta ka dhacdey hoolka Xarunta cilmi baadhista ee Degmada Xingalool ayaa waxaa xilka Gudoomiyaha Degmada Xingalool ee Maamulka Somaliland kula kala wareegey Xaaji Iimaan Warsame Cirroowe gudoomiyihii hore ee Degmada iyo Yuusuf Warsame Cali Shire gudoomiyaha cusub.


Guddoomiyaha hore ee Degmada ayaa caddeeyey in xilkii uu hayey uu ku wareejiyey Mudane Yuusuf Warsame Cali Shire kadib markii ay soo gaadhey wareegto kasoo baxdey xafiiska wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ee Somaliland Dr. Maxamed Cabdi Gabboose taas oo lambarkeedu ahaa 48/01/2011 kuna taariikheysneyd 16 bishan January waxaana ku qeexnaa in gudoomiyihii hore uu xilka wareejiyo isla markaana uu gudoomiyaha cusub xilkiisa u guto si hufnaan iyo hawl karnimo ay ku jirto


Madasha ay ka dhacasey lakala wareegidda xilalka ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Badhan ee Somaliland Mudane C/xakiin Wahaabe, Taliyaha Guutada Shanaad ee Ciidamada Somaliland Maxamuud Boqolle, Isimo, Saraakiil iyo waliba waxgarad kale oo ka tirsan bulshaweynta ku dhaqan Degmada Xingalool waxaana si weyn loogu hambalyeeyey gudoomiyihii hore Iimaan Warsame sida hufnaanta ah ee uu xilka ku wareejiyey.


Isla goobtaa ayaa maamulkii hore ee Degmadu waxa uu kusoo wareejiyey maamulka cusub Gaadhi, Guri iyo waliba dhamaan hantidii uu u hayey maamulka Somaliland iyadoo arrintaas si weyn ay ugu mahad celiyeen madaxdii ka hadashey goobta iyo waliba dadweynihii kasoo qeyb galay xafladda.


Iimaan Warsame oo xilka gudoomiyaha loosoo magacaabey sannadii 2007 ayaa ahaa gudoomiyihii ugu horreeyey ee ay yeelato Degmada Xingalool isagoo tan iyo xilligaa qabtey waxyaabo la taaban karo oo aaney hore ugu hirgalin Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland waxaana lagu tilmaamey sida wanaagsan ee uu xilka u wareejiyey Gudoomiyihu mid xil-kasnimo ay ku jirto oo bogaadin mudan.


Dhanka kale waxaa socdaal hawleed ku maraya Degmada Xingalool Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Badhan ee Somaliland C/xakiin Wahaabi kaas oo uu ugu kuur galayo xaaladaha abaarta ee ka jirta deegaanka isaga oo sheegey in warbixinta deegaanka uu u gudbin doono xukuumadda Somaliland iyo hay’adaha deeqaha bixiye ee ku sugan jamhuuriyadda Somaliland.

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Xaaji, How can we substantiate that these furtive photos from the interior and yard of the house are from Xiingalool. I have yet to see a self-professed secessionist from Hargeisa on Maakhir/Puntland soil . The last time such secretive exercise took place inside an unidentified Badhan house resulted in immediate incarceration and stiff penalty from the regional government of Sanaag.

Please respect the rights of others to remain united with their brethrens and being champions of Somali unity.

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NASSIR;693272 wrote:
Xaaji, How can we substantiate that these furtive photos from the interior and yard of the house are from Xiingalool. I have yet to see a self-professed secessionist from Hargeisa on Maakhir/Puntland soil . The last time such secretive exercise took place inside an unidentified Badhan house resulted in immediate incarceration and stiff penalty from the regional government of Sanaag.

Please respect the rights of others to remain united with their brethrens and being champions of Somali unity.

its from your own maakhir websites and i believe these people are also ethnic maakhiris. Do you see any familiar faces

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