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Agent Nuur Cade tells a whole lot of rubbish to the US in London-Thanks to Wikileaks

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In a very interesting classified document by the US Embassy in London now declassified thanks to Wikileaks the image that Sheikh Sharif and Nuur Adde were anything but Anti-Ethiopian is reveleaded because Ethiopia supports the 'Sheikh' now and that Qatar has been left hanging and that because of this Qatar chose to not support Sharif Ahmed's as the Ethiopian government supports Sharif Ahmed and that Qatar and Ethiopia have a very poor relationship. The 'Sheikh' lines himself with Ethiopia at the expense of an Muslim country such as Qatar?


This should not come to a shock to anyone as the demonstrations and anti Ethiopian stance come now to the forefront and that they were merely smoke screens to prevent the then TFG from succeeding.


Nuur Adde also in his 'wisdom' said that any Anti-Pirate initiates intended should go through the TFG and that autonomous regions such as Puntland should in no way be supported because I quote: 'To much support for Puntland would weaken Puntland's support for Federalism and the long term Prospects for Peace'.


Nuur Adde is clearly twisting the truth there, the truth of course is he doesn't want to see any Int. support and funds going to Puntland as it would strengthen them and their quest for Federalism and as of there a serious challenge to what we are doing and our plans for Somalia. It's Nuur Adde and Sharif Ahmed who are against federalism taking shape in Somalia and its them who are against the peace but a liars or thief's best method has always been to accuse the other of lying or of stealing and that Mr. Adde you did brilliant. I must say this was a great lie Mr. Adde.


Furthermore Mr. Adde who is said by US Embassy officials in London to have still excellent links in the region now has other 'duties' in which he rallies Diaspora support so that the Diaspora engages in a more constructive way to Somalia. One might question himself which Diaspora Mr. Adde has that can support him other than his little clan base and the ones they brought out to protest against Ethiopia every other week or so.


Mr. Adde who thinks that Somalia is only his clan and Mogadishu has shamelessly twisted and overly overestimated what he can do as individual and this has been become apparent. The International Community has to see such charlatans to what they really are and not support them in their truth twisting schemes.


Also in the same cable Nuur Adde said that Hassan Dahir Aweys needs to be scooped in into the TFG as his clan are 'tired of war' (truth of the matter they have been finished off by Abdullahi Yusuf, when they were supporting and fighting in the ranks of Al-Shabab and the Islamic courts and the reality that they were non stop engaged in anarchic turf wars in Mogadishu, Kismaayo, lower Shabelle for the past 20 years and thus couldn't fight on any longer).


He said that any alliance between Aweys and Alshabab would be futile and non lasting as they were made of different components clan-wise (at that time Nuur Adde and co were day-dreaming that they can finish Alshabab as it was their clan who gave them the support and once they remove these support the little boys who weren't of the same clan as theirs would die off or flee because they are the ones who are pulling the shots).


However the reality was that Alshabab hang on and that all the clan territories he was claiming and his birth place were captured by Alshabab without him nor Sharif Ahmed being able to do anything about it. Also Aweys merged with Al-Shabab.


So the question is can Somalia trust such individuals who lie and misinform the world about the realities on the ground who also block stable regions from getting support. Puntland cut of the ties to the TFG precisely of that. The TFG got the International Support against Piracy who did they give it to? They gave it to Djibouti because they themselves couldn't use it because they do not control anywhere.


Now we know at least what arguments they use. Remember this words 'To much support for anyone region would weaken individual regions support for federalism and the long term prospects for Peace'. Nuur Adde said it.

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Wikileaks - Former PM Nur Adde on Political Reconciliation, Federalism, Diaspora Engagement.




1.© Summary.


"There is momentum behind the reconciliation process," former Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein ("Nur Adde") and TFG Member of Parliament Mustafa Duhulow (******/Murosade and ex TFG Minister under Nur Adde) told Poloff May 6 in London. The best way forward for the reconciliation process in Somalia is for Transitional Federal Government (TFG) President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed to reach out to opposition leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys to prevent Aweys from becoming a spoiler and/or allying temporarily with al-Shabaab, Nur Adde said. He suggested the USG and the international community should encourage Sheikh Sharif to engage with Aweys. On regional dynamics, Nur Adde said Eritrea continues to play an unhelpful role and is currently supporting Aweys and that Qatar has not supported Sheikh Sharif because of bad Qatar-Ethiopia relations. Nur Adde agreed building Somali security capacity was critical, with AMISOM having an important role while the security forces establish themselves. He cautioned that it was critical to maintain the balance of the federal system in the TFG Charter for the long-term stability of the political process, and the international community should put pressure on the TFG to implement it. He also suggested that the TFG should take the lead on anti-piracy initiatives, rather than autonomous regions like Puntland. Nur Adde has begun engaging Somalia's Diaspora community and could play a helpful role in shoring up Diaspora support for the TFG. End summary.


2.© The best way forward for the reconciliation process in Somalia is for Transitional Federal Government (TFG) President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed to reach out to opposition leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, according to former Somali Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein ("Nur Adde") and TFG Member of Parliament Mustafa Duhulow (******/Murosade and ex TFG Minister under Nur Adde). Nur Adde explained to Poloff May 6 during a visit to London that Aweys, who recently returned to Mogadishu (reftel A), could be a spoiler in the political process, but a window of opportunity currently exists because Aweys' clan in South Somalia is tired of fighting and he does not yet have support from al-Shabaab. Nur Adde said the international community should put pressure on Sheikh Sharif "to accommodate" Aweys through power-sharing or other similar political mechanisms.


3.© Nur Adde said Aweys is trying to garner al-Shabaab's support, with their mutual interest being to remove Sheikh Sharif, whom Nur Adde said Aweys is "jealous of." Nur Adde said any Aweys-Shabaab alliance would be "temporary" at best because their goals and clan alliances are "contradictory."


4.© Nur Adde said that Aweys' terrorist listing was unhelpful, as it created another obstacle to reconciliation. He also said that al-Shabaab's terrorist listing was becoming increasing problematic from a public perception standpoint because the UN had begun making deals with al-Shabaab. In the people's eyes, the UN dealing-making means that al-Shabaab is merely a warlord militia, rather than a hardened terrorist organization. Nur Adde reiterated that the USG and the international community should encourage Sheikh Sharif to engage with Aweys to find a way forward for reconciliation. Regional Dynamics -----------------


5.© Nur Adde said Aweys returned to Somalia with Eritrea's support. Aweys had gone to Sudan to enlist support from Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir (reftel B), but Aweys "was not successful." Nur Adde said Eritrea continued to play a destabilizing role in Somalia and suggested that Qatar also LONDON 00001067 002 OF 002 played a negative role, citing the Qatari Government's lack of support for Sheikh Sharif at the recent Arab League Summit (reftel C). In Nur Adde's calculation, Qatar took this position because the Ethiopian Government supports Sheikh Sharif, and Qatar and Ethiopia have very poor relations. Qatar, Nur Adde said, was also trying to bolster its position within the Arab League vis-a-vis Egypt and other more traditional regional Arab players. Supporting the TFG, Supporting Security ---------------------------------------


6.© Nur Adde agreed improving security was critical to moving the reconciliation process forward and that AMISOM had an important role to play while the Somali security forces are set up and trained (reftel D). He argued that not/not giving the TFG enough support would play into the opposition movements' hands and likely lead to further radicalization. Increasing security capacity, creating jobs, and combating piracy are the primary areas where the TFG could use support, according to Nur Adde. A Caution on Federalism -----------------------


7.© Nur Adde cautioned that it was critical to maintain the balance of the federal system in the TFG Charter for the long-term stability of the political process, and the international community should put pressure on the TFG to implement it. He also suggested that the TFG should take the lead on anti-piracy initiatives, rather than autonomous regions like Puntland. Too much support for any one region, he said, would weaken individual regions support for federalism, and thus the long-term prospects for peace.


Comment -------


8.© Nur Adde continues to have a strong grasp on the domestic political situation in Somalia and the regional dynamics. He has, however, turned some attention to engaging the Diaspora community and has trips planned to Denmark, Germany, Sweden, and Canada. Continuing to engage Nur Adde could help ensure that Somalia's diverse Diaspora communities play a productive role in supporting reconciliation and the TFG. Visit London's Classified Website: XXXXXXXXXXXX TOKOLA


Source: The Telegraph

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I think what's happening in Egypt can positively change the political landscape in Somalia. The warlords and the thugs under the guise of representatives have often utilized the fear the world has of the islamists to their own personal advantages. "We stand as bulwarks," is a hackneyed claim they often make to secure more funds only to be embezzled or spent to buy so called parliamentary votes. However, the very first step to containing entities like al-shabaab is strengthening where the rule of law and democratic principles are embraced like the dual track policy aims to accomplish. Before IGAD and the rest of the world give up on Somalia, it's of utmost importance to get rid of the thugs posing as important allies in the fight against the spread of terrorism. The status quo is not sustainable.

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I totally agree with you there Nassir! I also believe Nuur Adde's lies brought about the shift of policy by the United States and thus it gave birth to the dual track approach envisioned by Washington. They learned from that earlier mistake.


However the International Community has to speak in one voice I somewhat was bewildered by Igad's hint of extension to the corrupt TFP. Some neighbouring countries within are doing much more damage and thus want this dual track policy to fail namely Djibouti, a sisterly state of ours who we assisted in their right for self-determination and who is now paying us back by supporting warlords and charlatans such as Nuur Adde, Sharif Ahmed and the likes of Mogadishu and southern warlords.


What is needed is to shift the capital out of Mogadishu strengthing the places where law and order and democracy exists in, bring in Somaliland, Puntland and anyone who cares and has shown can take care of themselves liaison with political and religious actors in central Somalia make concessions to Somali actors within Alshabab and then build an army and new state institutions an alternative to Al-Shabab march south with your policy as one united country to oust the religious warlords and the anarchic war profiteers in southern Somalia that's the only solution.


Djibouti would then become a tiny state most people think our neighbours to the south and west is against a proper functioning Somalia but the truth is nations like little nation-states such as Djibouti who have vastly profiteered from Somalia's demise are reaping unimaginable wealth and they don't want to lose it thus overplaying and estimating their real power and worth.

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Che-Guevera, I am not doubting you work but cayrna kama dhaaran

It is ok to be against TFG but in Soomaaliya jiritaankeeda la deny-gareeyo just because of qabiilkeenna ma taliyaan waa laga fiican yahay aniga aragtidayda.

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Abwaan.....Cay-r is unhealthy hence I stay away from it. No one is denying jirataanka Soomaaliya but people have the right to question those running Xamar and reject the logic concentrating all power in Villa Somalia.

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Johnny B   

Fiqikhayre;693232 wrote:
In a very interesting classified document by the US Embassy in London now declassified thanks to Wikileaks the image that Sheikh Sharif and Nuur Adde were anything but Anti-Ethiopian is reveleaded because Ethiopia supports the 'Sheikh' now and that Qatar has been left hanging and that because of this Qatar chose to not support Sharif Ahmed's as the Ethiopian government supports Sharif Ahmed and that Qatar and Ethiopia have a very poor relationship.
The 'Sheikh' lines himself with Ethiopia
at the expense of an Muslim country such as Qatar





Drabbish to the bone,rubbish to the depth !! ®


Worse , the wishful thinking of some Puntland supporters goes beyond mere supporting of terror if needs be, and at the expence of the possibility of reviving the Nation. sad!

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Whateva JB and JB said.



Waa ka soo horjeedaa go'aanka xil kororsiga laakiinse jawaabta xildhibaada kasoo jeeda PL for Farole's admin ayaan ka helay.



Mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo sheegay in Puntland aysan ka hadli karin go’aannada xukuumadda KMG ah



Mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo sheegay in Puntland aysan ka hadli karin go’aannada xukuumadda KMG ah


Isniin, 07 Feberaayo, 2011 (HOL) – Xildhibaannada baarlamaanka ee kasoo jeeda Puntland oo ka jawaabayay hadalkii maamulka Puntland uu ku cambaareeyay go’aankii baarlamaanka uu ku kororsaday xilligiisa shaqo, ayaa sheegay in Puntland aysan awood u lahayn inay ka hadasho arrimaha dowladda Soomaaliya.


“Cambaareynta Puntland ee ku saabsanayd kororsiga baarlamaanka waa mid laga xumaado, xaqna uma lahan inay ka hadasho arrimaha dowladda Soomaaliya, maadaama ay horay u sheegtay inay kalsoonidii kala laabtayay,” ayuu yiri xildhibaan C/fitaax Rashiid oo ka mid ah xubnaha baarlamaanka ee kasoo jeeda Puntland.


Mudane Rashiid wuxuu sheegay inxildhibaannada baarlamaanku ay xaq u leeyihiin inay kororsadaan xilligooda shaqo, ciddii ka hadashana ay u arkayaan inay tahay cid aan doonayn madaxbannaanida iyo sharafta dalka Soomaaliya iyo mas’uuliyiintooda.


Puntland oo ka mid ah maamullada ka jira Soomaaliya oo aan weli ku dhawaaqin inay ka go’day Soomaaliya inteeda kale, ayaa maalin ka hor waxay soo saartay qoraal ay ku cambaareynayso muddada saddexda sano ah ee xildhibaannada baarlamaanku ay u codeeyeen inay ku darsadeen waqtigooda shaqo.


“Waxaan uga baahannahay Puntland inay caddeysto mowqifkeeda, yeelatana meel loo raaco, taasoo ku aaddan inay weli ka mid tahay dowladda Soomaaliya iyo inay ka baxday,” ayuu yiri xildhibaan Rashiid, isagoo intaas ku daray in dowladda Soomaaliya aysan wadahadallo la furayn Puntland inta ay mowqifkeeda ka caddeynayso.


Hadalka mudanahan ayaa imaanaya iyadoo toddobaadkii hore ay xildhibaannada baarlamaanku saddex sano ku darsadeen xilliga ay shaqeynayaan, taasoo caalamka intiisa badan uu diidmo ka keenay, balse ay xildhibaannadu ku adkeysanayaan in arrintaas ay tahay mid sharciga waafaqsan.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya



Abwaan kuwa denygareynaayo iney xukuumad jirto waa cadawga Soomaliya safka ugu horeeya ku jira (PL, AS iyo the likes of odey Culusow) marka kuwa supportgareynaayo maxaad jawaab uga raadineysaa. An AS supporter ayaa ka hadlaaya qaranimo iyo rights of others. What a joke!

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