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Somalia: A country without leadership

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When I say a leader I mean a person who has the courage, honesty and knowledge and the capabilities of making a wise decision and who is ready to implement that decision valiantly regardless of its consequence; be it personal or political risks. In the Somalia case this is what is wanting, a true leadership. The people who are currently running Somalia do not have what it takes to be true leaders. Merely wearing a suite and putting on the characteristic Swahili cap on one’s head and placing the blue Somalia flag with its five-pointed white star behind one’s seat, while shouting meaningless slogans does not make someone a leader. Sadly these low-priced essentials are what the Somalians inconsiderately believe are the properties of a true leader.


In nutshell, I do not want to belittle my follow Somalis in Somalia, but I just want to point to the fact that there have been no true leaders in Somalia and this fact should be highlighted and taken into consideration in the context of the past and present Somalia’s historical facts. This will only be beneficial if the Somalia people would want to look at themselves on the mirror and learn from their past mistakes.


Historically, there was no single Somalia-born person from the ********** region to the Lower Juba region, who had shown a true leadership in the struggle against the Italian colonization with the exception of Ms. Xawo Taako, who was said to have buoyantly encouraged Somalian men to fight back after they were chased by Italian colonial forces. Another group that is frequently mentioned and coupled with Somalia’s independence from Italy is the thirteen SYL members who organized few peaceful demonstrations here and there against the Italian rule.


Conversely, all the Somali leaders and heroes who are associated with the armed struggle against colonization were born in Somaliland, with the exception of Mohamoud Harbi, who was born in Djibouti and Ahmed Gurey a native of Harare region in Ethiopia. The Somaliland born leaders and heroes, who lead a true struggle against European colonization were: the controversial Mohamed Abdullah Hassan AKA the Mad Mullah, who was born in Qoob Fardood in Togdheer region, Farah Oomar, who was a former lawyer, a classmate and a personal friend of Mahatma Gandhi, who was also born in Burao, Somaliland. Sheikh Bashir was a Burao-born Muslim religious leader who was killed in action by the British forces few miles east of Burao, Somaliland.


The Somaliland political parties; the Somali National congress ( SNC), Somali National league (SNL) and the Somali Democratic Union (SDU), which lead Somaliland into independence from Britain were founded years before the establishment of the Somali Youth League (SYL) ,Somalia’s only political party that existed before July 1st, 1960. This indicates that Somaliland was democratic and a multiparty entity even before it gained its independence from Britain on June 26th, 1960. A culture that accepts tolerance, political plurality, personal and collective boldness and sacrifices escorted Somaliland to become what it is, a peaceful and democratic state and the people of Somalia must learn from the Somaliland experience and must not look any further.


The so-called Somalia leaders from the repulsive days of the notorious Siad Barre to Sheikh Shariif’s uninformed regime and all those who came in between these two gentlemen were all busy accumulating more wealth and power, rather than trying to show a real leadership. Unfortunately, this trend is not expected to change in the near future unless Somalians stop for moment and try to reset their brains to today’s reality on the ground and abandon the illusion of thinking; that everything will fall in the right place without coming up with a different way of accepted wisdom about their future and the prospect of their country.


Somalia needs leaders who will sacrifice and dedicate their lives for the welfare of all Somalia and its people. It needs people who are both honest and pragmatic and are competent in forging a close friendship and corporation with their neighborhood. The people of Somalia need to learn from their brethren in Somaliland, who always put everything else aside and do not shy away to take the lead whenever their country calls them to execute the requirement and responsibilities of an authentic leadership.


Regardless of what the people of Somalia might think, the idea of Pan-Somalia was dead from birth and it was over and done within July 1st, 1960, at least for the Somalilanders. The last nail was hammered on the union’s coffin on October 21st, 1969. What was known as Somali state was buried from the time when the people of Somaliland-origin left Somalia and headed back to their homeland.


To be levelheaded, a union between two parties can only exist and function if both parties are in agreement with one another, just like a successful marriage. The Somaliland-Somalia union became dysfunctional from day one and that is why Somalilanders are not going back to that union, at least in the foreseeable future. I assure you, Somali union between Somaliland and Somalia will never happen again, unless true and dedicated Somalia leaders recognize the sovereignty of Somaliland. Otherwise there will never be peace and tranquility in Somalia nor there a union at all. Let us not fool ourselves, empty slogans from Somalia’s Farmajo, Shariif and others do not make sense to the average person in Somaliland. Their insistence on Pan-Somalism is nothing but a childish fantasy and a good example of being dishonest and not being in tune with the actuality. The future leaders of Somalia must understand that they will only be deceitful to themselves and to their people if they insist repeating their predecessors’ mistakes, their worst mistake will be claiming Somaliland to be part of Somalia.


Sooner or later Somaliland will be recognized by the international community and many powerful nations are already taking first steps in that direction, it is both preferable and brotherly-like for Somalia to have a daring leader that will extend the hand of political friendship to their brethren in Somaliland before others do. This will not only be to the benefit of Somaliland, but it will also strengthen the bond between all Somalis and will help resolve the complicated Somalia problem. The future Somalia leaders must show a backbone and avoid the mistakes made by the morally bankrupt leaders of the past and present Somalia.




Yusuf Dirir Ali, MD

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Another group that is frequently mentioned and coupled with Somalia’s independence from Italy is the thirteen SYL members who organized few peaceful demonstrations here and there against the Italian rule.

SYL played a key role in the nation's road to independence without them somaliland or somalia probably wouldn't be recognized as an independent country. Honestly I just don't understand people who disregard facts because they have some emotional qualm against them.


The Somaliland born leaders and heroes, who lead a true struggle against European colonization were: the controversial Mohamed Abdullah Hassan AKA the Mad Mullah, who was born in Qoob Fardood in Togdheer region, Farah Oomar, who was a former lawyer, a classmate and a personal friend of Mahatma Gandhi, who was also born in Burao, Somaliland.

Sayid haduu arki lahaa ninkaan waxaas qoray maanta wuu karbaashi lahaa.;)

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Che -Guevara;693194 wrote:
MD xaal qaado, If axmaqino is defined, Mr Dirir is it.



What hell is Somalia people or Somalians?

Somalians people from Somalia

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^War Xaaji ma waxaad nagu qaldeeysaa galaada khuraafaadka kugu reysid. Adoo ku jirtaa hadaa habal land isku waceysid laakin magaceyna hanooga ciyaarin Somali nala yirahdaa.



LooooL@Jb...This is what happens when one tries so hard to make distinction between two identical peoples. magacii marba dhinac loo jijiidaa.

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Ismahan Somali youth league played a role in the Somalias road to independence from 1950s till the 1960s. This should not be confused with Somalilands road to independence we had our resistance parties Somaliland national league and Xisbullah wich later merged with SNL.

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