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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland marks 17th anniversary of the Somaliland National Army

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Somaliland:Army celebrates 17th birthday


HARGEISA (SomalilandPress) — Somaliland army today celebrated its 17th anniversary with a well organized ceremony attended by the President of Somaliland Ahmed Mohamud Siilanyo, commander of the arm forces Gen. Nuh Tani, defense Minister Haji Adam Adami, Ethiopian embassy official in Hargiesa and cabinet members from the government. The event was held at the army headquarter in Hargeisa showcased by a colorful army band members performing traditional dance and songs for the special guess.


Speak first at the ceremony was the head of the arm forces Major General Nuh Tani who highlighted the growth that has taken place in the last 17 years. General Tani informed the guess that currently there are 1000 new army recruits training in three different army barracks in the country. Mr. Tani went on to say that a total of twenty nine officers have returned from abroad after they received trainings in the fields of engineering, logistics, medical doctors and special forces commandos. Also March of this year the army is expecting to receive back total of 10 doctors who have completed 5 years medical training from abroad.


Also defense Minister Haji Adam Adami spoke at the ceremony and said “in the last year we have been searching for officials with army training and disciplinary to help us advance the army and because of that we have created new ranking insignia for all branches of the arm forces, new uniforms design and a new manual training book for the army”.



President Silaanyo concluded the ceremony by first thanking all the men and women serving the arm forces and their families. Mr. Silaanyo said the army should keep the peace, stability and tranquility of the country by staying a step ahead of the enemy. The army should also help the police forces and the naval forces if they are called on. Since taking office President Ahmed Silaanyo has given the arm forces a pay increase of 100% and the focus of his government shows modernization of the arm forces in order to deal with crises and safeguard the peace.

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