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oba hiloowlow

Is the ''Superclass''supporting radical terrorist organizations like Shabaab ??

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^ Did you watch the bit the where the speaker touches on Blackwater (of which Saracen I is part of) in Iraq and Afghanistan? Is there any doubt about them? Maybe it is in your interest to turn blind eye?:)

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Yeah i watched but runtii i didn't know saracen was a part of Blackwater,,, how can it my interest, my only interest is in al shabaab laga saaro dalka, with foreign intervention its going to be the same consequences as in the operation restore hope 1993, and the ethiopian occupation 2007-2009. Wax kheyr ka imaanaya ayaasan jirin , Al shabaab would only gain more supporters and the fightings would increase.

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What if it's in their interest for the fighting to increase. There some folks who believe "terrorists" should be fought on their turf otherwise they'll turn up in their neighbourhoods. That's why they are in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. They know there were no "terrorists" in Iraq before its occupation, but they still believe it's in their interest if "Jihadists" (or shall say potential Jihadists) come to Iraq and be eliminated. But it has proven to be very expensive. In Somalia, the same could be done with the cheap AU forces and Somalis paying the price.

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yeah i know what ur sayin and i agree with u.. The war against terrorism its just a joke, the only thing they are fighting for is economic reasons. you can se the consequences of that in somalia there is thousands of foeign jihadists now and AU forces ,, some believe that this is a somali war but it isn't, it's a international war, i don't think sheikh shariif's government is realising that because they are depended by the international community. Somalida waa in la mideeya waakaas xaalka, international community wont do a shit for Somalia.

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