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Xaaji Xunjuf

Djibouti government deports Somali Ethiopians back to Ethiopia.

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Ururka LDDH ayaa bayaankiisa ku sheegay in safiirka cusub ee Itobiya ee yimid dalka Jabuuti uu ka dambeeyay falkan qabqabashada ah iyadoo sida uu sheegay ururkan ay Booliska Jabuuti oy wehliyaan sirdoonka Itobiya ay amin habeenima ah dagaal ku qaadeen meelaha ay dagan yihiin dadka O'gadenya ka yimid iyo masaajidka loo yaqaano Jeberti ee xaafadda 5aad. Wuxuu ururkan xuquuqda aadanaha u dooda sheegay in tobankii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay la ururiyay dad gaaraya dhowr boqol oo qof oo haween, caruur iyo dad waayeel ah ay ku jiraan oo iyagoo hurda guryahooda loogu dhacay lana soo qafaalay oo inta baabuur lagu guray loo sii qaaday dalka Itobiya.


Wuxuu ururka LDDH ee xuquuqul Insaanka Jabuuti u dooda weydiinayaa; Imisa qof ayaa la dilay dadkii la qafaalay markii ay cagaha dhigeen dhulka ay Itobiya gumaysato? Wuxuu kaloo ururka sheegay in dad badan oo Oroma ahna sidoo kale loo qafaalay.


Wuxuu ururka LDDH ku tilmaamay in falka noocan ah ay dadka xasuusinayso habkii waxashnimada ahaa ee ciidankii Nazi-ga ee loo yaqiinay Gestapo ay dadka u xasuuqi jireen (These deportations remind us the barbaric acts of the Gestapo.)


Ururka (Djiboutian League of the Human rights (LDDH) wuxuu aad u cambaareeyay falkan, wuxuuna sheegay inuu ishortaagayo fal-dambiyeedkan lagula dhaqmayo dadka S. og'adenya ee la dagaalamaya ciidamada gumaysiga Itobiya oy caawinayaan maleesiyaad baaga ka qaata jabuuti siduu hadalka u dhigay ururka LDDH.


Wuxuu ururka LDDH ka codsanayaa Haya'dda Qaxootiga ee UNHCR iyo Urarada Caalamiga ah ee Xuquuqda Aadanaha u dooda inay cambaareeyaan falkan lagula kacay boqolaalka Somalida O'gadenya ah ee ka soo cararay gumaysiga Itobiya ee qaxootinimada u joogay dalka Jabuuti.


(The Djiboutian League of the Human rights (LDDH) issues a pressing appeal to the High-Commissioner for Refugees as well as to the international of Human Rights organizations so that they condemn these unbearable acts of deportation which concern hundreds of persons, either refugees, or persons who fled the drought which beat down in the occupied O'gaden.)


Wuxuu ururka LDDH ka codsanayaa xoogagga gobanimadoonka og'danya inay ururada caalamka gaarsiiyaan in dadka la xasuuqay een weli la dhiibin aan loo gacan galin cadawgooda.



Vice-president of the IUHR in charge of the Horn of Africa

(IUHR-Inter African Union of Human Rights)

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23/11/02 (B173 ) Hommage à Abdo Hamargod par Fouroun.


Feu Abdo hamargod, l'un des génies de la culture djiboutienne, était un homme de théâtre, comédien, acteur, et doué dans tous les registres. Abdo exprimait avec passion l'originalité de ses oeuvres, tant par la profondeur que par la connaissance de la culture djiboutienne. L'ampleur de ses chef-d'oeuvre d'intelligence et d'esprit ne cesse de fasciner des générations. Militant de l'indépendance, il a été inquièté plusieurs fois, pour avoir attaqué le système colonial.


Après l'indépendance Abdo, comme ce fut le cas de plusieurs artistes, a été condamné à la misère et au chômage. Cela ne l'inquiétait guère, car Abdo, enfant du pays, bon vivant, et joyeux comme un morceau de vie, nous faisait rire et nous rendait triste et amoureux. Djibouti souffrait d'une crise d'identité et particulier sa jeunesse : Abdo savait saisir l'identité djiboutienne et la conscience africaine (dans sa chanson "qarnii" il disait "qarni walibaa dhaqankisaa waa waa inuu ku dhaartaa").


Au début des années 90, son devoir d'artiste appelle Abdo à présenter un film pour éduquer les Djiboutiens sur le Sida. Il jouait un personnage typique djiboutien atteint de cette maladie. Cependant, et tout à fait par hasard, Abdo, qui souffrait du diabète, est tombé malade quelques jours après cette projection. Très rapidement, il a perdu du poids.


Aussitôt des rumeurs, sans fondements, se sont propagées partout dans le pays, affirmant qu'Abdo était atteint du sida. En réalité, Abdo était diabétique. Face à cela, face à ce malheur, face à cet abandon et à cette ignorance, il a du lutter. En effet il lui était même difficile de prendre un bus. Tous le regardaient comme un sidaïque et personne ne voulait plus l'approche. Abdo est mort malheureux et triste quelques années plus tard.


Il a succombé non au Sida mais au diabète.


Bref, la dénonciation et la colère ne suffisent pas à décrire le comportement de la société djiboutienne envers ce génie. Avant la pandémie actuelle du Sida à Djibouti, Abdo avait voulu nous prévenir de ce mal dont le pays allait affreusement souffrir. On a ignoré ses conseil qu'il nous donnait. Coupables de silence et d'ignorance, le peuple djiboutien a réservé un triste sort au génie ABDO HAMARGOG.


Comme Abdo chantait lui même, je vous laisse avec ses propres paroles "ha igu digan wallaley, hadu ruuxu danyaroo yahay dadka lagama saaree" .


Que Dieu lui accorde les clefs du paradis.

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By Tesfa-Alem Tekle


February 7, 2011 (ADDIS ABABA) – An Ethiopian rebel group, the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) says ****** nationals living as refugees in neighboring Djibouti are facing deportation in what it said was a “Gestapo style operation” – a reference to the official secret police of Nazi Germany.


In a statement, the rebel group on Saturday accused the Djiboutian government and Ethiopian security forces, of jointly launching the operation, which according to the group resulted in the arrest and extraordinary rendition to Ethiopia of nearly one hundred ****** refugees and legal residents living in Djibouti.


“This operation began on January 20, 2011, when Djibouti police joined by Ethiopian security officials raided more than thirty homes, businesses and workplaces in Djibouti City” it said.


The group alleged that the joint operation forcefully detained ethnic Somalis from ****** and took them to a military camp on the outskirts of the city of Djibouti where they were placed on military trucks on January 23 and taken to an unknown destination in Ethiopia.


“The whereabouts of the rest these victims who were arrested is now unknown even to their families” the rebel group said. The ONLF says that before the ****** refugee crackdown started, joint Djibouti-Ethiopian security forces raided more than thirty homes, businesses and workplaces in Djibouti City.


“Djibouti government has breached both the African Charter and international conventions on the rights of refugees,” it said adding, “By doing Ethiopia’s bidding, the government of Djibouti has acted irresponsibly and recklessly”.


Rebels condemn what they called heinous crimes committed against ****** people in Djibouti and called on the international community to hold the government of Djibouti and Ethiopian leaders responsible for the killings. The group vowed to continue an armed struggle to assure the rights of the ****** people.


“As such, the message of ONLF to the Djiboutian government is that ****** people’s struggle will not be intimidated with ill advised and misguided acts of such as this extradition of our people. These acts will only increase the determination of the people of ****** to continue their legitimate struggle for self-determination.”


In April 2007, ONLF fighters attacked a Chinese-run oil field in Ethiopia’s Somali Region. The attack, which drew international condemnation, killed 65 Ethiopians and nine Chinese workers.


Following the attack, government security forces commenced a series of military crackdowns, which led to the killing of hundreds of ONLF militants.


The ONLF and its armed wing, the ****** National Liberation Army (ONLA) has long been designated as a terrorist group by the Ethiopian government.


Ethiopia accuses Eritrea of arming and financing, the ONLF and the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF). An allegation Asmara denies.


The ONLF rebel group has split into two factions. One faction led by Salahdin Abdulrahman led a breakaway group, which claims to be the main body of the rebel movement, signed a peace accord last October, with the Ethiopian government to end the rebel’s decades of insurgency.


The government said the peace deal was aimed at ending 20 years of war with the guerilla movement that has been fighting for the liberation of the ****** region. Following the peace pact the Ethiopian government has freed hundreds of jailed leaders and members of the group.


However, the remaining faction has vowed to continue its armed struggle and say they are the mainstream body of the movement.


The ONLF, considered as country’s most active rebel movement, has been fighting for the right of the eastern Somali region of ****** to secede since 1984.



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Expect A&T to arrive any minute now with an article mocking the sayings of Sartre, comparing the foresight of the Dj president to the height of Bonaparte and condescendingly compare his fight for freedom to the meek acceptance of double colonisation by the Dj poeple. Looking forward to some fireworks. :D

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NGONGE;693625 wrote:
^^ War sug dee. Ilaa Awadal ayaay arintu gaaraysa ban ku idhi.


Well, waited for a long time but I've never seen him call for Faroole's trucks to be burned down like ours. I've never seen him foam in the mouth about his NFD cousins who renditioned Makhtal (the most prominent prisoner the Ethios have).


Ninkan A&T mar hore baan shakiyay. He always mentions his close cousins who work with Meles and his in-laws in Meles' prison. Arinkaa ka waran!:confused:

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