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The Zack

Sheekh Sharif to Resign?

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Sheikh Sharif will not leave that job unless diplomatic precedent is fully followed. But considering the situation in Yemen at the moment, I fear the villa will not be ready for some time yet. Possibly another seven months.

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The Zack   

LOL@NGONGE, another 7 months kulahaa..


Sharif Hassan : speaks (well sings) in Af Maay to Shariifka -


Ani lee kiin dhiibidee

Ulla ani lee kiin dhiibidee

Ani lee iin heytee ogaaw

Ani lee iiheytee ogaaw


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Does it even matter? Hes not working for the interests of Somalis only the interests of the West. His only goal is to keep Somalia in a power struggle between AMISOM - TFG and Al Shabaab. The AMISOM could if they wanted, taken over all of Mogadishu and neighbouring areas including cities such as Jowhar by now.

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^^ U have to remember that President shariif marku noqonaaye madaxweyne in 2000 ciidamo daacad heystay kaliya, while cabdullahi yusuf captured the whole country with 50 000 Ethiopians and 10 000 somali soldiers from PL. marka u can probably imagine the process to train soldiers, and now when he is ready to capture the whole country Shariif sakiin and the warlords are working actively to make it fail..

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Abdullahi Yusuf captured the whole country? The Ethiopians captured the whole country not him. He invited them to destroy the south even more than it already was destroyed, if he actually wanted to take the honour for capturing the whole country he should've trained 50.000 Somalis and actually take control and not leave after 3 years after destroying everything like the Ethiopians did. They didnt come to help but merely to destroy.

Shariif should start training Somali soldiers and then when they are ready kick this Bantus out of Somalia and take control of the country, make it develop before they make elections etc. How many Somali soldiers have actually been trained during Shariifs time? If Al Shabaab can control that much of an area with only a few 100 specialists and a few thousand recruits who mostly have just recently been trained, then in these 2 years Shariif should've been able to train thousands of Somalis with his funding.

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^^^ You all are missing the point. Shariif Sakiin made Sheekh Shariif, PERIOD. And now he is getting ready for taking back what should have been his, because he's 1000 times better leader and far better politician than Sheekh Shariif...


So, you guys should start learning aaf Maay because for the first time in the history of Somali all Somalis would have to get used to having a president from Digil and Mirifle.. Not because of anything but for the simple fact, that digile and mirifle have produced the only individual who can lead Somalia today...


Wallahi, if Shariif Sakiin was from the other two major clans, he would have been much more popular than he already is today.

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dee meeshii marku cabdullahi ka tagay political Vacuum ayaa ka dhacday oo fududeysay shabaab iney la wareegto gobolo badan,,, Shariifkana kow ayuu waxkasta kaso bilaabay alxamdulilah maanta ciidamada xooga dalka 20 000 ay gaaraayan, inbadana waxey ku maqan yihiin tababar dalka Uganda.. Marka hadey dhaqdhaqyada ceynkani sidaan uu socoto dee qiyaastii 10 sano gudahiis ciidan xoog leh ay dalku lahaane sidii ay mar aheyd.

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Liban;717498 wrote:
^^^ You all are missing the point. Shariif Sakiin made Sheekh Shariif, PERIOD. And now he is getting ready for taking back what should have been his, because he's 1000 times better leader and far better politician than Sheekh Shariif...


So, you guys should start learning aaf Maay because for the first time in the history of Somali all Somalis would have to get used to having a president from Digil and Mirifle.. Not because of anything but for the simple fact, that digile and mirifle have produced the only individual who can lead Somalia today...


Wallahi, if Shariif Sakiin was from the other two major clans, he would have been much more popular than he already is today.

War this has nothing to do with Qabiil ninyahow, war reer bay and bakool themselves started to call shariif xassan for the nickname Shariif Sakiinleh, the guy is a capitalist individual who only cares about his own, also he is the guy who sold badda soomalia..

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^^^ Oba, my brother stop accusing the Honorable Shariif Sakiin for something you have no prove. Other thing, He got the nickname Shariif sakiin due to the fact he's very sharp politically, not because he's capitalist as you believe.


Brother, tell me one thing Sheekh Shariif did for you to support him this much.. Everything you believe was done by him, was actually done by Shariif Sakiin.. You know deep inside they were best friends and Shariif Sakiin was the teacher and Sheekh shariif the student. So who should lead our country today, the teacher or the student??


The student, was able to sit on the seat of president-ship because of 4.5 rule. Because the teacher couldn't run in 2009 due the simple fact his 4.5 seat was occupied by Aden Madoobe..

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in 10 years, lol. Probably wont happen, if 60 000 couldnt control southern Somalia for more than 3 years what makes them think that they will control all of Somalia and bring peace to it for more than a year with only 20 000 soldiers? Funny thing is, USA has time to invade Libya and take control of it but they dont invade Somalia and bring stability and peace or Yemen which is killing people everyday. This is because the governments of Somalia and Yemen works for the interests of USA, otherwise Yemen would already been occupied and Somalia aswell. TFG and Yemen government works for USA, Libya doesnt and gets invaded for rejecting to work for the interests of the West and killing a few rebels who are destroying their own country. So I am not so sure that Somalia will have any stability anytime soon, your plan could be right that in ten years Somalia will be stable again if they wanna change their plans in Somalia.

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Liban Shariifka waxaan taageerayay since 2006 even before shariif hassan was in the picture.Tan kale Shariif xassan waa nin caqli leh taas been kama sheegaayo, he saw sheikh shariif as a potential individual marka saas uu sxb la noqday sida uu masraxa siyaasada mar danbe uu so gali karo since abdullahi yusuf kicked him from Baydhabo.Liban cuqdada iska daa qof kasta oo soomaliyeed no matter qabiilkiisa has the right to be the president,, i would actually nominate Wasiir Fiqhi as the president and the PM as Farmaajo, there i see potential and great leadership.


Leezu, the 60 000 couldn't controll because weerar aa lagu so qaadi Xamar, xasuuq ay geysteen etc, and the people supported ICU because of the 6month peace,, marka markii ethiopianka baxeen and shabaab ay qabsadeen dalka, dadku waa ay arkeen the real shabaab and their actions, gowracid,gacma goyn,gaaleeysiin,, marka hadda haduu dagaal culus dhaco wax aan aaminsanahay iney tahay dhamaadka Al shabaab, sababto waxqabadkooda waa la arkay.. Shacabkana way ka daaleen dagaal, its time for peace.

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^^^Leezu, Its politics my brother. No country would help another country for nothing.. The reason they invaded Libya is not because it is not working for the interest of the west.. But for the simple fact, they can not have Libya destabilized, so they have to choose sides after the people revolutions.. From the lessons of the history, they decided to side with the people (or the rebel) as they are called.


But the number one reason they are willing to come in and show some power to bring stability is for the simple fact that Libya is the biggest African oil producer and the 9th largest in the world, period.

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^^^ Oba, You are entitled to your own opinion my brother. But, please don't try to discredit Shariif Hassan. Just state the facts, if you can get facts to what you say about him, then sure show us the facts. Other than that, its democracy my friend, you can support who ever you like to support..


As for me, the only leader I believe who can change Somalia today is not Sheekh Shariif, Fiqi or Faramjo. But Shariif Hassan (aka Sakiinleh) because he posses all the qualities we need in a true leader who can run the country. He is very smart, humble, politically master mind and gets along with everybody. And lets not forget, he is the only leader that we seen in our lifetime or even in the 1960's who can pursue everybody to his cause. Now that is a true politician for you.


Since 2004, every government that comes we see problems between president and PM, President and the speaker and that is how they end up failing. But, when Shariif Sakiin, gets in power he will make all the leaders in the same page, trust me.


Sheekh Shariif doesn't need more time, but we need Shariif Sakiin, for PRESIDENT.

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