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How can we increase our eman

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Naden, if someone had oil wealth and the wherewithal but chose to pray instead you could accuse them of willful passivity, but my hunch is that the oil barons pray daily for Palestine to never see peace.


A matter of categories perhaps.

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Cara, it is more than a hunch for me. They also pay for the professional wailers on TV and in some mosques to turn people who can fight for justice into empty petticoats.


Very often, they pay for an ex-freedom fighter to fight a present freedom fighter who will, eventually, also be broken and infiltrated.

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Are we talking about how Arabs use their money of are we questioning whether or not making dua for the oppressed will be answered? Are we heading down a political route or should we stick to the Islamic issues?


In an earlier post you suggested the importance of becoming better Muslims before duas can/will/should be answered (patience, Iman etc come into play).

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Northener, it's not about using money or the politics of it alone but using God's gifts to lift the misery of your brethren (and your own). The hypocricy behind asking for dua'a from the larger 'ummah' while wheeling and dealing with the transgressors speaks volumes about the misunderstanding (innocent or deliberate) of what it means to ask God to lift your misery. It has not lifted in the recent past and it will not lift. Somalia is a prime example as well.

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Naden, I don't think you can relate that to the average man who prays for oppression to be lifted from his brothers and sisters. Thats more of a political debate.

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Let me jump right between the misunderstanding that is taking place or not taking place and just remind myself and you that we should do whatever we are capable of in order to help our brothers and sisters who are oppressed and are currently living under tough conditions.


If that means, making the awareness of their situation known to the public, so be it.


If a person can raise money, than let him/her do so.


Regardless of what we are capable of as individuals, we should never abandon dou'aa even if we are capable of doing more but are too ignorant to fulfill such duties.


Remember dou is like a powerful sword but sometimes such a powerful sword ends up in the hands of a weak soldier who can barely hold it to his neck. In order to use dou'aa as a weapon we must return to the basics of dou and place our trust in Allah. Even if what we request from Allah is never granted.


So lets not make this about politics or label this under any other sub-title, but lets just try to do our part as individuals and inshAllah one day, perhaps even sooner than we think, we can come together as an Ummah and work together to return our status as believers of Allah to what it once was. We can change our situation from oppression to living life in prosperity but personally, I can never enter such a state of living until my brothers and sisters in Gaza are safe and at peace.


O'Allah, forgive them and forgive us.

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Duaa, or supplication is a SOS ( Save Our Souls) distress signal and connection between man and his maker, it works when used in the proper context, ( when we are initially in line with our makers commandments, have exhausted all of our abilities and resources, came short of our desirable condition), it does not work when applied cosmetically for others to see on TV, while the inside is rotten, and our state of affairs speaks of our utter hypocracy, like Naden has brilliantly described.


Misfortumes happen for a purpose, mainly as a punishment, and are only lifted after a price is paid, when we wake up and look at the mirror to see the culprit of our misfortunes in the eyes, and that is the gist of what Naden may be saying as I understand.


Acceptance of Duaa supplications has some conditions:


1. Ikhlaas, Sincerity, no other intentions behind it.

2. Living within ligitimate sources of income.

3. Not an aggressive duaa, that calls for unjust distruction of human life or property, severing of family relationships, etc.

4. Postive thinking about Allah's response that He will accept your duaa no matter how long it takes (Note: Time scale of delivery of help after duaa can take several thousand years, like Allah delivered the children of Israel from the oppresion of Pharoah and made a covenant with them that He will wait and see what they do when their turn of supremacy comes around, which is today, and in Gazza).


Allah SWT says : "Allah does not change condition of a folk up until they change their inner conditions"



Mutanabee, the famous Arab poet has once sang:


Wa lam ara fi naasi cayban, ka naqsil qaadiriina cala tamaami.




I have not seen a defect in a person worse than his/her falling short of completing a task he/she is fully able to perfect.



Have we done our homework before we have lifted our hands to the heavens for help?




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Originally posted by ThePoint:


Actually - I was quite restrained given your asinine statement which you've conveniently sidestepped. Here it is again:


"I think Palestinians have had billions of du'aas going their way since 1948. What have they gained?"


What an arrogant and presumptious statement. Duas are an account solely in the hands of God. And as Muslims - we believe in the worldly life
the hereafter. What, how and whether those duas are addressed is not something we can speculate on but we do know that supplication to God is a core component of Islam. And anyone who tries to undermine that by tying it to 'gains' in this world is missing the point.


I doubt anyone is advocating for sitting on our hands and just offering prayers. Muslims should do more. But your comments on the 'value' of duas vis a vis the Palestinians is quite frankly retarded. How's that for a contribution?
Ala, did you just call her statement retarded and asinine? What? And you are getting away with it? You couldn’t come up with any othe productive way to Contribute other than insult? Where are the Moderators? Nur, did you not see this? Cajiib. :rolleyes:


So, what this means is that if you don’t agree with someone’s statement or opinion, It is ok to call the statements stubidh and retarded here? And the moderators are ok with it?


Enlighten me, brother Nur smile.gif

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Xiddigo sis.


You write:


"Enlighten me, brother Nur "



May Allah enlighten your heart with his love, your mind with His wisdom, your mouth with His dhiker, your soul with His devotion, your body with his obedience, may He provide you a torch of light with which you differentiate falsehood from truth, justice from injusice, good from evil and a friend from a foe. May He shine light infront of you, light behind you, light on your sides, and light below your feet and may He lift you to the light of the stars ( Xiddigaha) in iinaam. May Allah make you the light of your family and friends, and resurrect you in the day of judgement with light on the siraat, light upon light, may Allah guide us all to His light, amin.




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Originally posted by Xidigo*:

quote:Originally posted by ThePoint:


Actually - I was quite restrained given your asinine statement which you've conveniently sidestepped. Here it is again:


"I think Palestinians have had billions of du'aas going their way since 1948. What have they gained?"


What an arrogant and presumptious statement. Duas are an account solely in the hands of God. And as Muslims - we believe in the worldly life
the hereafter. What, how and whether those duas are addressed is not something we can speculate on but we do know that supplication to God is a core component of Islam. And anyone who tries to undermine that by tying it to 'gains' in this world is missing the point.


I doubt anyone is advocating for sitting on our hands and just offering prayers. Muslims should do more. But your comments on the 'value' of duas vis a vis the Palestinians is quite frankly retarded. How's that for a contribution?
Ala, did you just call her statement retarded and asinine? What? And you are getting away with it? You couldn’t come up with any othe productive way to Contribute other than insult? Where are the Moderators? Nur, did you not see this? Cajiib. :rolleyes:


So, what this means is that if you don’t agree with someone’s statement or opinion, It is ok to call the statements stubidh and retarded here? And the moderators are ok with it?


Enlighten me, brother Nur
Clearly you're unfamiliar with SOL rules. You may call a person's statements insulting words but not the person. There is a difference.

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The Point


At SOL Islamic page, we attack problems not people, that is a long standing eNuri wisdom.


The best way to defend Isalm is to live it by way of our choice of words, a litmus test when in doubt is to ask our selves " would the Prophet SAWS use such a word when confronted in a similar situation"/


The answer is no.


So, that sets the standard.


When discussing issues, Allah swt teaches us to say good words " quuluu lil naasi xusnaa" and " qawlan sadiidaa" and " wa jaadilhum billatii hiya axsan"


And the Prophet SAWS sunnah that says a Muslim does not put people down with comments. " Laysa bil lacaan"


Insults are not defined by you, but by the person who feels it, so we have to always walk in their shoes for a mile.


Now, the words of asinine ( comes from the latin root of donkey in stooopidity) and "retarded" are not called for to dismiss and argument no matter how far fetched it may seem to you. Its also difficult to separate an attribute we earned with what we say or do, from our person, if what we say is asinine, that will reflect on our person


I suggest that you kindly apologise as its an Islamic akhlaaq that if we by way of mistake insult a person, that we make it up in kindness.




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Originally posted by Nur:

Xiddigo sis.


You write:


"Enlighten me, brother Nur "



May Allah enlighten your heart with his love, your mind with His wisdom, your mouth with His dhiker, your soul with His devotion, your body with his obedience, may He provide you a torch of light with which you differentiate falsehood from truth, justice from injusice, good from evil and a friend from a foe. May He shine light infront of you, light behind you, light on your sides, and light below your feet and may He lift you to the light of the stars ( Xiddigaha) in iinaam. May Allah make you the light of your family and friends, and resurrect you in the day of judgement with light on the siraat, light upon light, may Allah guide us all to His light, amin.




Ala, Hal keen ku maqnaa bal!


Alahu Akbar! Qalbigaagu ha nuuro forever yaa brother Nur.


Maa shaa Alaa, Aamin to all that heart melting duca!


Intaa sadex laabkeed ayaan kuugu ducaynayaa adiga iyo Muslimiintoo dhan. Aamiin!


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Originally posted by Johnny B:

^If 'Eman' means 'Faith' then increasing it is as simple as increasing the percentage of life after one is 100 per cent dead. no?!

Johny b


You are making it harder to be understood sxb. We dont all know what a "percentage of life" is.


Anyway i think faith or iimaan is worth pursuing as a quality that affects our lives and it does so to a greater extent than is measureable .

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Back to the topic at hand...


How else can we improve our level of eman?


Any other actions?

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