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what do we know about this place we are all aiming for?


sit back, relax for a moment, like a traveller rest for a while under the shade of a tree,

and imagine yourself in your destination, Jannah.


what do you look like?

what are you wearing?


take a deep breath in Jannah, how does it feel, the air of Jannah entering your lungs?


take another deep breath, and smell the sweet fragrance of Jannah, how does it smell?


now open your eyes, and look at your eternal home, what do you see?


the great power of the imagination has been seen in athletes who got injured and instead of working out would use their imagination, it almost had the same effect as doing the work out.


so take a virtual journey in Jannah with your imagination, and share it with us. Insha'Allah



39:73 And those who feared their Lord will be led to the Garden in crowds: until behold, they arrive there; its gates will be opened; and its keepers will say: "Peace be upon you! well have ye done! enter ye here, to dwell therein."


ps. If your vision is blurry, don't worry, it may be that your knowledge of Jannah is limited.

the purpose of this thread is to enhance your vision. Insha'Allah




Keep your eyes on the Prize

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Asalamu Alaykum



In the last couple of days, I have read in this forum, and in other places, both on & offline, some questions about Jannah and the hearafter that caught my attention.



I'm not much concerned and suprised of what those outside of the Tawhiid know about it,, but some of the questions showed me how very little some of Our Believing brothern know about Jannah.



In of the discussions, someone asked, 'if we all get what we want and desire, how will everyone get along and be pleased?'


This reminds me of a story I heard a while back, an American once went to a small village in India, and he showed the people there a picture of the Empire State Building.


The first question the people asked was, "How much sheep can fit in?"



When humans don't understand something fully, they use their references to get a clear picture, and in this case then it is no suprise when you see people using the laws of this world in order to get a better picture of the Hearafter(Jannah).


The only problem with this, is that it is very limiting! and Insha'Allah I'll show you why;


Instead of describing what Jannah has, I'll write few things that it Doesn't have:



There is no Pain in Jannah - you will not feel pain, worry, sadness, sorrow, and similar emotions/feelings.


There is no Fear in Jannah - you will have no fear.


There is no Hunger/Thirst in Jannah - even though you will have all the foods and beverages you desire, you will not feel hunger nor thirst, you will not gain if you eat for a million years, nor will you loose if you fast for a billion. There are no Restrooms in Jannah too!


There is no spitting, yawning, coughing, sweating, bleeding, crying, slipping, breaking, you name it, if it hurts - its out of there, even paper cuts and broken nails have no place in Jannah.


There is no Anger - hate, envy, jealousy, greed, and all the lower wordly urges, to see your brother/sister in pleasure is your pleasure(like one heart) i.e. there is no Competition once you get into Jannah, that is for this world.


There is no Sleep - tiredness, boredom, and all the weak states of this world.



In Jannah there are no urges - everything is done for Pleasure, eating, resting, drinking, making love, they are all done for Pleasure, not for Need.



Now, I can hear the Dunya Mind going, "hold up! hold up! are you telling me I can eat and drink all I want, but I wouldn't have the need to use the restroom?... But! how is that possible?"


This is why it is vitally important for us Muslims to learn and study the Names and Attributes of Allah(swt).


Understaning them will free us from the limitations of our worldy and human references.


It will also sheild us against the trap of Ibliis that most of the rest of humanity has fallen into, trying to 'Know' G-d through the attributes of Man, so they now they have a G-d that eats, sleeps, smokes and even copulates, Subhanallah!


This is just a small glimpse of the very little knowledge we have about Jannah, and as brother Nur once said as an example of how little humans know;


Of Knowledge;

1% we know that we know

1% we know that we don't know

98% we don't know that we don't know



Allah Al-Malik al-Mulk Dhu al-Jalal wa al-Ikram knows best!

Please if you find an error above correct it.


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^thanks sis...will try to listen to it some time.


Oh my, what a splendid virtual tour that was *sigh* For some reason I always imagine the jannah having cool rainy weather (which I absolutely love) and an atmosphere enriched with magnificent fragrances that were unheard of in the dunya. I think to myself, thank God you quit using the meaningless perfume of the world for you wouldn't have been near the smell of the jannah (ok I'm still dreaming b/c I havent really quit :( but Insha'Allah I have high hopes that this ramadan will liberate me from certain wordly attachments).


To be honest, I think the janna is well beyond the human mind's capacity of imagination, it's something we can't even start to fathom. I pray that Allah swt makes us among those of the highest ranks in jannah.


One thing that amazes me about the janna is that one will be forever content with Allah's nicma unlike in this Dunya where we easily get used to or tired of Allah's blessings.


JZK for sharing the info!

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