A_Khadar Posted January 24, 2011 NSUM,(Press Release)- Each time Abdirahman Faroole, the president of Puntland, faces difficulties in his fiefdom, or fails to have his way with his TFG opponents, his knee-jerk reaction is to go for his gun, or stir the wrath of his domestic clan audiences as his chosen weapon to settle issues that otherwise call for dialogue, diplomacy and conflict resolution. A good example is his fight with dissidents led by Mohamed Said Atom in the Galgala area. This time, it is the TFG that has gone under his skin and not surprisingly he wants to put them in their place. Granted that he has grievances against President Sheikh Sheriff, justified or not, and that a token hard talk to vent his frustration is in order. What is not acceptable is his reckless and ill-considered tantrums to cut links and end cooperation with the TFG Playing to the gallery might briefly win him instant support among the uninformed among his domestic audiences, but he is playing with fire that could have far reaching detrimental consequences for the whole of Somalia. Whether intended or not, Froole could be leading his region towards the slippery road of secession in the footsteps of Somaliland. Demonstration in support of Faroole's action have been reported. And even the Puntland Diaspora Forum has joined the anti-TFG hysteria much to their shame. Neither the unity of Puntland nor that of Somalia matter much to Froole, considering his collaboration with Ethiopia and his betrayal of the SSC regions. Former Prime Minister,nAbdirazaak Haji Hussein, already downcast with what happened to the Somalia he stewarded so well after its birth as an independent country, must be wincing with shame in his old age when he sees what his own region of birth is doing to sink the shaky TFG. All the same, Somalis can console themselves that the people of Puntland, from whom Faroole hails, have a chequered and honourable history in the liberation and government of Somalia, and are the last to bring down the TFG let alone desert the union, unlike our brothers in the North, often referred to interchangeably as Somalidiid or Somaliland. When Faroole speaks for the people of Puntland and its government, other Somalis should be Northern clear in their mind about who he has in mind. While the regions of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn (SSC) are technically part of Puntland which they joined in 1998, successive Puntland administrations, including the present one, have left them to the mercy of predatory Somaliland's occupation. President Faroole can not therefore be speaking for the SSC people, nor will they like him to speak for them as part of his unholy alliance against the TFG. The Northern Somalia Unionist Movement (NSUM), speaking on behalf of the SSC people, whose sacrifices for Somalia, its defence, liberation and unity, need no reminding, draws the line between bearing grudges against the TFG and playing roulette with Somalia's desperate efforts to emerge from its quagmire. Irrespective of the well-grounded grievances that the SSC have against the TFG, including its dismal record in defending the union, the NSUM would nonetheless like to take this opportunity to assure the President, the Prime Minister and the TFG as a whole of the SSC's undivided and unshakeable loyalty to Somalia and to its government. Long Live Somalia, and down with its enemies whoever they may be. NSUM Executive Committee. source: www.lasanod.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polanyi Posted January 24, 2011 Unshakable loyatly to the TFG. UHAAAAHA. HE HE HE.KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted January 24, 2011 Well at least the ssc guys stayed consistent and gave their unconditional support for the TFG wether sh dalxiis leads it or Warlord Cabdilahi yusuf Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A_Khadar Posted January 24, 2011 Xaji, so now you admitted the SSC people are not into clan affiliation to support any gov but rather greater Somalia regarless who sits on the chair even that may be your current leader Silanyo.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A_Khadar Posted January 24, 2011 Waxaa saaka abaaro 9kii subaxnimo ka bilowday magaalada Buuhoode ee xarunta gobolka Cayn isku soo bax balaadhan kaasoo ay ka soo qayb galeen inta badan dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan Buuhoodle. Banaan baxan oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen Cuqaasha, Waxgaradka, Ururada haweenka iyo dhalinyarada Buuhoodle ayaa waxaa ujeedkiisu ahaa sidii loo muujin lahaa taagerada ay shacabka Buuhoodle u hayaan dawladdooda Soomaaliya. Shacabka oo lulaya calanka Soomaaliya iyo weliba sawirka Madaxweynaha jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya mudane Sh Shariif Sh Axmed iyo Ra’iisal wasaare Maxamed Abdullaah Farmaajo ayaa waxaa ay markii danbe isugu tageen, Barxad weyn oo ku taala Darwish School halkaasoo shacabka ay kula hadleen Cuqaasha ugu waa weyn gobolka cayn sida Cheaf Caaqil C/Laahi Yuusuf koore, Caaqil Sanweyne, Caaqiil Carrab Xasan Fadal iyo kuwo kaloo badan. Cuqaasha ayaa shacabka u sheegay in deeganadan gobolka Cayn ay yihiin kuwo leh maamul u gaar ah oo SSC Soomaaliya la dhaho, isla markaana ay hoos yimaadaan Dawladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya. Caaqil Carrab Xassan Fadal ayaa ku tilmaamay wax laga xumaado hadal ka soo yeedhay maamulka Garoowe madaxdooda oo uu ka mid yahay C/Raxmaan Maxamed Faroole oo sheegay in dawladda Soomaaliya ay kalsoonidii kala noqdeen, wuxuuna sheegay intaasi ay tahay mas’uuliyad daro. Wuxuu sheegay inkastoo shacabka reer Buuhoodle aysan ka tirsanayn maamulkii hore ee lagu midoobey hadana in ay dhibayso kelmed muujinaysa kala fogeyn dad Soomaaliyeed iyo dawladdooda wuxuuna sheegay in hadalkaasi uu ahaa mid aan hada loo baahnayn. Cheaf Caaqil C/Laahi Yuusuf Kooreye oo ah Caaqilka ugu Faca weyn deegaanka Buuhoodle ayaa isna sheegay inuu tacsi u dirayo shacabka Soomaaliyeed kana raali gelinayo hadalkii gefka ahaa ee aan ka fiirsashada lahayn ee ka soo yeedhay Daa’uud Maxamed Cumar oo ah Wasiirka qorsheynta ee maamul goboleedka Puntland, kaasoo ku gefay madaxweynihii hore ee jamhuuriyada Soomaaliyeed Marxuum Maxamed Siyaad Barre, asagoo sheegay inuu hadalkiisii ahaa” Hadalka Farmaajo ee Hargyasaan Biyo gelinayaa waxay ka dhigan tahay markii Siyaad barre yidhi waxaan qabanyaa ciyaaraha gobolada oo waxaa qaadi doonta Hargaysa ayadoo xabadi ka soconayso”, hadalkaas ayuu Caaqilku ku tilmaamay mid aan ku habooneyn mas’uul Soomaaliuyeed, isla markaana madaxweyne qaran oo geeriyoodey aysan ahayn loo nisbeeyo mas’uul kale oo hada waayihiisa iyo wacyigiisa jooga. Wuxuuna sheegay in Ra’iisla wasaare Farmaajo haduu Hargaysa biyo gelinayo aysan ahain lagu Aflagaadeeyo ee ay tahay arin in lagu amaano mudan maadaba Hargaysa ay tahay caasimadii labaad ee Soomaaliya. Wuxuuna sheegay in dadka Soomaaliyeed aysan ahayn kuwo kala maarmi kara ama kala goo’gi karaayaa. “ Yurub ayaa midowday, Maraykanku wa dadyoow kala gedisan oo isku baahaystay midnimo markeey ******** faa’idada ugu jirtaa midnimada isku caqiido , dhaqan iyo dhalasho maahaa” in maanta nin mas’uul sheeganayaa uu dhaho dawladdii yarayd ee dadkaba hada indhaha u ahayd Read all and pics http://www.jidbaale.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1077:isku-soo-bax-balaadhan-oo-lagu-taageerayo-dawladda-soomaaliya-loogana-soo-horjeedo-maamulka-puntland-oo-ka-dhacay-magaalada-buuhoodle-ee-xarunta-gobolka-cayndaawo-sawiradd&catid=42:wararka-af-somali Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted January 24, 2011 a khadar don't confuse ssc guys i mentioned with the patriotic Somalilanders from eastern sool and Buhoodle region there is a difference between a clan rebel group motivated by diaspora members such as the nsum Group. Don't ever confuse the people of Somaliland in particular population from eastern sool and buhoodle region with clan rebels. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Somalina Posted January 24, 2011 Shacabka oo lulaya calanka Soomaaliya iyo weliba sawirka Madaxweynaha jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya mudane Sh Shariif Sh Axmed iyo Ra’iisal wasaare Maxamed Abdullaah Farmaajo ayaa waxaa ay markii danbe isugu tageen, Barxad weyn oo ku taala Darwish School halkaasoo shacabka ay kula hadleen Cuqaasha ugu waa weyn gobolka cayn sida Cheaf Caaqil C/Laahi Yuusuf koore, Caaqil Sanweyne, Caaqiil Carrab Xasan Fadal iyo kuwo kaloo badan. Shacabka wey hadleen awoowe. Soomaliya Ha Noolato! p.s. Mudane Sharif should visit Buuhoodle ASAP. (I know the TFG reads SOL)... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taleexi Posted January 24, 2011 A glimmer of hope would have been if when people speak their mind should be respected as such. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacaylbaro Posted January 25, 2011 So the Garowe-Bosaso-Galkacyo triangle is even cornered more ............ Now the ball is between Somaliland and Somalia .... no more ciyaal dhexda ka qayl qayliya ,,, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
caydarus Posted January 25, 2011 Somalina;689873 wrote: Shacabka wey hadleen awoowe. Soomaliya Ha Noolato! p.s. Mudane Sharif should visit Buuhoodle ASAP. (I know the TFG reads SOL)... waan kugu raac sanahay midnimada somaaliyeed wamuqadas alow somalida is jeclaysii walalayaal khayaaliga kale iska dhaafa, iyo qabyaalada okk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Libaax-Sankataabte Posted January 25, 2011 Warqaadaas Cabdikariin (Sheikh Shariif's Office Boy) miduu qoray bay aniga iila egtahay. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Che -Guevara Posted January 25, 2011 Come now LSK-you can disagree with men but call him an office boy? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A_Khadar Posted January 25, 2011 If you are the gentleman LSK I knew in this forum, calling the minister an "Office boy" is a bad call. Otherwise you are imposter.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites