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Hay'ada (SDC) iyo Maamulka Somaliland oo laba mashruuc ka hirgaliyey degmada Dhahar.

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Dhahar (SPR): Waxaa magaalada Dhahar laga bilaabay laba mashruuc oo ay fulinayeen Hay’ada lagu magacaabo SDC laba mashruuc oo ay lacagta ugu deeqdey maamulka Soomaaliland. Mashaariicdan ayaa kala ah Xabsi (Jail) oo ay magaaladu yeelato oo ku fadhiya 40x40 oo isla markaasina dhismihiisu haatan socda iyo waliba Seylada xoolaha oo weyn isla markaana ka kooban laba qeybood oo kala ah: qeybta kawaanka iyo qeybta khudaarta. Shacabka ku nool magaalada Dhahar ayaa waxay si weyn usoo dhaweeyeen mashaariicdan kusoo korodhey deegaanka isla markaana sheegay in ay magaaladu aad ugu baahneyd mashaariicdan.

Mashruucan oo ay gacanta ku hayaan hay’ada Maxali ah oo lagu magacaabo SDC oo ka howl gasha deegaanada gobolka Sanaag. Waxaanu wareysi la sameyney madaxa hay’ada SDC Axmed Aadan Gurey oo ka warbixiyey labadan mashruuc.





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well done by Somaliland, who funded the project. building goverment infrastructure is so important for the people and presence of the goverment in that particular region.

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