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Puntland discontinues TFG cooperation, urges UNPOS to review Somalia policy-Thanks Int. Community

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Puntland discontinues TFG cooperation, urges UNPOS to review Somalia policy

16 Jan 16, 2011 - 9:43:41 AM


The administration in Somalia's stable region of Puntland has issued a strongly-worded press statement announcing a new policy with the country's weak Transitional Federal Government (TFG), while urging the UN Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) to "reconsider" its overall Somalia policy, Radio Garowe reports.


On Sunday, Puntland's Council of Ministers held an extraordinary meeting at the State House in Garowe, the capital of Puntland.



Daud Mohamed Omar, Puntland Planning and International Cooperation Minister

The meeting, which was chaired by Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole," discussed a review of relations between Puntland and the TFG and concluded with the administration holding a press conference, according to government officials.


Mr. Daud Mohamed Omar, Puntland's Planning and International Cooperation Minister, read the press release in the presence of six Cabinet members, including Environment Minister Mr. Abdigani Yusuf Adde, Public Works Minister Mr. Dahir Khalif, Family Affairs Minister Ms. Asha Ghelle, Deputy Interior Minister Mr. Ali Gaab and State Minister for Good Governance, Mr. Mohamed Farah Gashan.


Minister Daud answered three reporters' questions after the press release. Answering one question, he stated that Puntland's press conference is in response to TFG President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed's "interference" with a donor meeting in Djibouti, whereby Puntland was invited.


"We believe that [President] Sharif's interference is due to the lack of confidence for his own administration, following Puntland's success at the Istanbul Conference [of May 2010] because he is worried about Puntland' s role and influence at the donor conference in Djibouti," Puntland's Planning and International Cooperation Minister Daud told reporters.


Puntland cites complaints


According the press statement, the Puntland government complained about its exclusion from the 2008-2009 Djibouti Peace Process.


Furthermore, the Puntland press statement cited other complaints including the TFG leaders' "unwillingness to actively support federalism for Somalia in violation of the TFG Charter."


Puntland condemned the TFG's "lack of progress" on key matters, including security, reconciliation and the establishment of federal states.


The TFG was accused of involvement in "creating anti-government armed militias aiming to destabilize peaceful regions of Somalia."




The press statement declared support for the U.S. dual-track policy for Somalia and welcomed the efforts of African Union peacekeeping mission (AMISOM), which guards TFG installations in Mogadishu.


The statement declared that "Puntland shall not cooperate with the TFG until a legitimate and representative Federal Government is established and agreed upon by the legitimate stakeholders in Somalia."


Furthermore, Puntland's statement said that "the TFG does not represent Puntland in international forums," while urging UNPOS to "reconsider its position and support for the TFG at the expense of other Somali stakeholders."


Peace conference in Puntland


The statement strongly opposed any term extension for the current TFG, which came to power in Jan. 2009 at the conclusion of the Djibouti Peace Process. Since then, Al Shabaab insurgents gained control over most regions south of Puntland, including many districts of Mogadishu.


In recent weeks, reports surfaced that the new TFG Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed "Farmajo" traveled to New York for the UN General Assembly meeting to appeal for international support in extending the TFG mandate by an additional three years.


But the Puntland government, which is the biggest domestic backer of the TFG, rejected any such possibility, stating that Puntland "asserts its firm opposition to any term-extension for the TFG under all conditions."


The statement concluded with an appeal to all Somalis to come to Puntland for a "broad-based Somali National Reconciliation Conference."


Last month, Puntland organized and hosted the national football tournament to be held inside Somalia for the first time in 23 years. Some 15 teams representing 18 administrative regions of pre-1991 Somalia competed, with the team from Mogadishu winning the championship.


Located in northeast Somalia, Puntland considers itself a supporter of federal Somalia. Over the past two years, TFG-Puntland relations have been strained due to the TFG leaders' unclear position on federalism for Somalia.



READ: Puntland's New Position Towards the TFG of Somalia

READ: Mogadishu team wins Somalia football cup held in Puntland



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Daud Mohamed Omar, Puntland Planning and International Cooperation Minister says TFG not fit for purpose and no to extension. Puntland is ready to host new Peace Conference.

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Golaha Wasiirada Dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta yeeshay kulan degdeg ah,kulankaasi oo qaatay mudo saacado ah qaatay ayaa waxaa ka soo baxay warsaxaafeed ku aadan muqifka cusub ee Dowladda Puntland kaga aadan TFG.

hadaba warsaxaafadeedkaasi ayaa waxa saxaafadda u akhriyey Wasiirka Wasaaradda Qorshaynta iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ah Mudane Daa'uud Maxamed Cumar,wuxuuna u dhignaa sidan:


Puntland State of Somalia




Janaayo 16, 2011


Mawqifka Cusub ee Dawladda Puntland kaga aadan TFG



Ka dib markii la arkay; ka qaybqaadasho la�aanta iyo wada-tashi la�aanta ee Dowladda Puntland shirkii Djibouti oo saldhig u ahaa dhisitaanka Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah (DFKMG) ee Soomaaliya oo hada jirta;


Ka dib markii la arkay; hirgalin la�aanta dhanka DFKMG ah ee Heshiiskii Galkayo (23 Agosto 2009) iyo Isafgaradkii Iskaashiga dhanka Amaanka (12 Abriil 2010) oo ay wada saxiixeen DFKMG ah iyo Dowladda Puntland;


Ka dib markii la arkay; qaabkii looga fogeeyey Dowladda Puntland ka faa�idaysiga mashaariicda ay bixiso Beesha Caalamka ee loogu talo galay dib-u-dhiska iyo hor�umarinta deegaanada Soomaaliya oo dhan oo ay ka mid tahay tababarada ay ciidamada amaanka ee Soomaaliya ku qaadanayaan dalal ay ka mid yihiin Uganda, Kenya iyo Djibouti;


Ka dib markii la arkay; ishoristaaga DFKMG ah Qoraal-qabyeedkii Dastuurka Federaalka Soomaaliya taasoo ay sabab u yihiin Madaxda DFKMG ah oo ka war-wareegaya nidaamka Federaalka arrintaasoo ka soo horjeeda Axdiga KMG ah ee Dowladda Federaalka;


Ka dib markii la arkay; hor-usocod la�aanta DFKMG ah ee dhanka Amniga, arrimaha bulshada iyo dhisida Dowladdo u dhisan Nidaamka Federaalka sida lagu xusay Axdiga KMG ah ee Dowladda Federaalka;


Ka dib markii la garawsaday; tayo la�aanta iyo tabar la�aanta Hogaanka DFKMG ah ee dhanka hor�umarinta dib-u-heshiisiinta iyo qorshe xumada DFKMG ah kaga aadan doorkii looga filayay inay samayso inta aanu xilka u dhamaan;


Ka dib markii la ogaaday ; in DFKMG ay qayb ka tahay hurinta colaadaha xasiloonidarada ka abuuraya goobaha nabdoon ee Somaliya.


Golaha Wasiirada ee Dowladda Puntland oo maanta shir aan caadi ahayn isugu yimid ayaa go�aamiyay arimaha soo socda:


� Waxay amaan u soo jeedinayaan doorka taageero ee Beesha Caalamka u fidiso Soomaaliya iyagoo si gaar ah usoo dhaweeyey Ciidamada AMISOM ee nabad-ilaalinta;

� Waxay u soo jeedinayaan Beesha Caalamka in aysan u aqoonsan DFKMG ah mid wakiil ka ah Dowladda Puntland;

� Waxay ku dhawaaqeen in Dowladda Puntland aysan wax wada-shaqayn ah la yeelanayn DFKMG ah inta laga helayo dowlad Federaal ah oo ay ku heshiiyeen saamilayda kala duwan ee Soomaalida;

� Waxay cadaynayaan in DFKMG aysan sinnaba wakiil uga noqon karin Puntland ka qaybgalka shirarka caalamiga ah, waxayna ugu baaqayaan Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee Siyaasada Somaliya (UNPOS) in ay dib uga fiirsato mowqifkeeda iyo taageerada ay la garab-taagantahay DFKMG ah taasoo lid ku ah qaybaha kale ee Somaliyeed sida Puntland;

� Waxay si weyn usoo dhaweeyaan siyaasadda cusub ee Dowladda Maraykanka (Dual track Policy) ee ku aadan arrimaha Somalia taasoo ka turjumayso xaqiiqada dhabta ah ee Somalia.

� Waxaa ka go�an Dowladda Puntland inay si gaar ah ugala macaamisho Beesha Caalamka arrimaha dib-u-dhiska iyo hor�umarinta Puntland, sidoo kale waxay kala shaqayndoontaa arimaha dib u heshiisiinta Somaliya, IGAD, AU, Arab League, Islamic Conference, EU, USA, iyo dhamaan deeq-bixiyeyaasha;

� Waxay aad ugu soo horjeedaa in DFKMG ayan dhaafi Karin mudada xilkeeda, maadaama ay ku guul daraysatay hawlihii loo igmaday;

� Waxay ku baaqeen soona dhaweeyeen in Puntland diyaar u tahay qabashada shir dib-u-heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed.



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International Community phones Puntland with shocking news:


Scandalous Sharif: I will not come to International Somali Donor Conference in Djibouti if Puntland shows up.

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Puntland's answer to the shocking message by the International Community and Sharif's refusal to come to International Community Donor Conference in Djibouti if Puntland shows up


Puntland oo gabi ahaanba joojisay wadashaqeyntii DF

16 Jan 16, 2011 - 8:40:13 AM


Kulan aan caadi aheyn oo maanta 16.01.2011 ay isugu yimaadeen golaha Wasiirada dowlada Puntland ayaa waxaa kasoo baxey go'aamo adag oo gabi ahanba lagu joojiyey wadashaqeyntii iyo xiriirrkii dowlada Puntland la laheyd dowlada Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif.


Go'aamadaan kulankaaan aan caadiga aheyn ee golaha Wasiirada ee Puntland kasoo baxey ayaa la gaarey sida ay sheegayaan warar GO ka heley xubno ku dhow shirkaan kadib markii shir caalami oo maalinta berri ah 17 Jan,2011 ka furmi lahaa magaalada Jabuti ay faragalin ku sameysay dowlada Sheekh Shariif Madaxweynaha ka yahay.


Warsaxafadeed kasoo baxey kulankaan oo uu akhriyey Wasiirka qorsheynta iyo xiriirka caalamiga ayaa u qornaa sidatan;


Ka dib markii la arkay; ka qaybqaadasho la’aanta iyo wada-tashi la’aanta ee Dowladda Puntland shirkii Djibouti oo saldhig u ahaa dhisitaanka Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah (DFKMG) ee Soomaaliya oo hada jirta;


Ka dib markii la arkay; hirgalin la’aanta dhanka DFKMG ah ee Heshiiskii Galkayo (23 Agosto 2009) iyo Isafgaradkii Iskaashiga dhanka Amaanka (12 Abriil 2010) oo ay wada saxiixeen DFKMG ah iyo Dowladda Puntland;


Ka dib markii la arkay; qaabkii looga fogeeyey Dowladda Puntland ka faa’idaysiga mashaariicda ay bixiso Beesha Caalamka ee loogu talo galay dib-u-dhiska iyo hor’umarinta deegaanada Soomaaliya oo dhan oo ay ka mid tahay tababarada ay ciidamada amaanka ee Soomaaliya ku qaadanayaan dalal ay ka mid yihiin Uganda, Kenya iyo Djibouti;


Ka dib markii la arkay; ishoristaaga DFKMG ah Qoraal-qabyeedkii Dastuurka Federaalka Soomaaliya taasoo ay sabab u yihiin Madaxda DFKMG ah oo ka war-wareegaya nidaamka Federaalka arrintaasoo ka soo horjeeda Axdiga KMG ah ee Dowladda Federaalka;


Ka dib markii la arkay; hor-usocod la’aanta DFKMG ah ee dhanka Amniga, arrimaha bulshada iyo dhisida Dowladdo u dhisan Nidaamka Federaalka sida lagu xusay Axdiga KMG ah ee Dowladda Federaalka;


Ka dib markii la garawsaday; tayo la’aanta iyo tabar la’aanta Hogaanka DFKMG ah ee dhanka hor’umarinta dib-u-heshiisiinta iyo qorshe xumada DFKMG ah kaga aadan doorkii looga filayay inay samayso inta aanu xilka u dhamaan;


Ka dib markii la ogaaday ; in DFKMG ay qayb ka tahay hurinta colaadaha xasiloonidarada ka abuuraya goobaha nabdoon ee Somaliya.


Golaha Wasiirada ee Dowladda Puntland oo maanta shir aan caadi ahayn isugu yimid ayaa go’aamiyay arimaha soo socda:


• Waxay amaan u soo jeedinayaan doorka taageero ee Beesha Caalamka u fidiso Soomaaliya iyagoo si gaar ah usoo dhaweeyey Ciidamada AMISOM ee nabad-ilaalinta;


• Waxay u soo jeedinayaan Beesha Caalamka in aysan u aqoonsan DFKMG ah mid wakiil ka ah Dowladda Puntland;


• Waxay ku dhawaaqeen in Dowladda Puntland aysan wax wada-shaqayn ah la yeelanayn DFKMG ah inta laga helayo dowlad Federaal ah oo ay ku heshiiyeen saamilayda kala duwan ee Soomaalida;


• Waxay cadaynayaan in DFKMG aysan sinnaba wakiil uga noqon karin Puntland ka qaybgalka shirarka caalamiga ah, waxayna ugu baaqayaan Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee Siyaasada Somaliya (UNPOS) in ay dib uga fiirsato mowqifkeeda iyo taageerada ay la garab-taagantahay DFKMG ah taasoo lid ku ah qaybaha kale ee Somaliyeed sida Puntland;


• Waxay si weyn usoo dhaweeyaan siyaasadda cusub ee Dowladda Maraykanka (Dual track Policy) ee ku aadan arrimaha Somalia taasoo ka turjumayso xaqiiqada dhabta ah ee Somalia.


• Waxaa ka go’an Dowladda Puntland inay si gaar ah ugala macaamisho Beesha Caalamka arrimaha dib-u-dhiska iyo hor’umarinta Puntland, sidoo kale waxay kala shaqayndoontaa arimaha dib u heshiisiinta Somaliya, IGAD, AU, Arab League, Islamic Conference, EU, USA, iyo dhamaan deeq-bixiyeyaasha;


• Waxay aad ugu soo horjeedaa in DFKMG ayan dhaafi Karin mudada xilkeeda, maadaama ay ku guul daraysatay hawlihii loo igmaday;


• Waxay ku baaqeen soona dhaweeyeen in Puntland diyaar u tahay qabashada shir dib-u-heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed.



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War deg deg ah:Puntland oo xiriirkii u jartay DFKMG ah(Warmurtiyeed).

16. januar 2011




Garoowe: (Allpuntland)-Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa si rasmi ah goordhaweyd xiriirkii ugu jartay dawlada Kumeel gaarka ah ee Soomaaliya,waxaana ay Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed taas ku macnaysay dib u socodka & hagaag la’aanta maamulka DFKMG ah oo guud ahaanba lagu tilmaamay mid aanan diyaar u ahayn isku keenista Shucuubta soomaaliyeed & Xurmaynta maamulada fadhiya ee xasiloon ee kajira dalka.


Kulan aan caadi ahayn oo ay golaha Wasiirada ee Puntland ku qaateen garoowe ayaa lagu sheegey in Puntland ay jartay xiriirkii DFKMG ah ayna diyaar u tahay isku keenista Shucuubta Soomaaliyeed ee ay colaadu kala irdhaysay.


Kulankan aan caadiga ahayn kadib ayaa ay Golaha Wasiiradu soo saareen Warsaxaafadeed ay uga hadlayaan arimaha u dhexeeya iyaga & DFKMG ah Iyo sida ay diyaarka ugu yihiin isku keenista walaalaha Soomaaliyeed,waxaana uu u qornaa Warmurtiyeedku sidan:-



Ka dib markii la arkay; ka qaybqaadasho la’aanta iyo wada-tashi la’aanta ee Dowladda Puntland shirkii Djibouti oo saldhig u ahaa dhisitaanka Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah (DFKMG) ee Soomaaliya oo hada jirta;


Ka dib markii la arkay; hirgalin la’aanta dhanka DFKMG ah ee Heshiiskii Galkayo (23 Agosto 2009) iyo Isafgaradkii Iskaashiga dhanka Amaanka (12 Abriil 2010) oo ay wada saxiixeen DFKMG ah iyo Dowladda Puntland;


Ka dib markii la arkay; qaabkii looga fogeeyey Dowladda Puntland ka faa’idaysiga mashaariicda ay bixiso Beesha Caalamka ee loogu talo galay dib-u-dhiska iyo hor’umarinta deegaanada Soomaaliya oo dhan oo ay ka mid tahay tababarada ay ciidamada amaanka ee Soomaaliya ku qaadanayaan dalal ay ka mid yihiin Uganda, Kenya iyo Djibouti;


Ka dib markii la arkay; ishoristaaga DFKMG ah Qoraal-qabyeedkii Dastuurka Federaalka Soomaaliya taasoo ay sabab u yihiin Madaxda DFKMG ah oo ka war-wareegaya nidaamka Federaalka arrintaasoo ka soo horjeeda Axdiga KMG ah ee Dowladda Federaalka;


Ka dib markii la arkay; hor-usocod la’aanta DFKMG ah ee dhanka Amniga, arrimaha bulshada iyo dhisida Dowladdo u dhisan Nidaamka Federaalka sida lagu xusay Axdiga KMG ah ee Dowladda Federaalka;


Ka dib markii la garawsaday; tayo la’aanta iyo tabar la’aanta Hogaanka DFKMG ah ee dhanka hor’umarinta dib-u-heshiisiinta iyo qorshe xumada DFKMG ah kaga aadan doorkii looga filayay inay samayso inta aanu xilka u dhamaan;


Ka dib markii la ogaaday ; in DFKMG ay qayb ka tahay hurinta colaadaha xasiloonidarada ka abuuraya goobaha nabdoon ee Somaliya.


Golaha Wasiirada ee Dowladda Puntland oo maanta shir aan caadi ahayn isugu yimid ayaa go’aamiyay arimaha soo socda:


• Waxay amaan u soo jeedinayaan doorka taageero ee Beesha Caalamka u fidiso Soomaaliya iyagoo si gaar ah usoo dhaweeyey Ciidamada AMISOM ee nabad-ilaalinta;


• Waxay u soo jeedinayaan Beesha Caalamka in aysan u aqoonsan DFKMG ah mid wakiil ka ah Dowladda Puntland;


• Waxay ku dhawaaqeen in Dowladda Puntland aysan wax wada-shaqayn ah la yeelanayn DFKMG ah inta laga helayo dowlad Federaal ah oo ay ku heshiiyeen saamilayda kala duwan ee Soomaalida;


• Waxay cadaynayaan in DFKMG aysan sinnaba wakiil uga noqon karin Puntland ka qaybgalka shirarka caalamiga ah, waxayna ugu baaqayaan Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee Siyaasada Somaliya (UNPOS) in ay dib uga fiirsato mowqifkeeda iyo taageerada ay la garab-taagantahay DFKMG ah taasoo lid ku ah qaybaha kale ee Somaliyeed sida Puntland;


• Waxay si weyn usoo dhaweeyaan siyaasadda cusub ee Dowladda Maraykanka (Dual track Policy) ee ku aadan arrimaha Somalia taasoo ka turjumayso xaqiiqada dhabta ah ee Somalia.


• Waxaa ka go’an Dowladda Puntland inay si gaar ah ugala macaamisho Beesha Caalamka arrimaha dib-u-dhiska iyo hor’umarinta Puntland, sidoo kale waxay kala shaqayndoontaa arimaha dib u heshiisiinta Somaliya, IGAD, AU, Arab League, Islamic Conference, EU, USA, iyo dhamaan deeq-bixiyeyaasha;


• Waxay aad ugu soo horjeedaa in DFKMG ayan dhaafi Karin mudada xilkeeda, maadaama ay ku guul daraysatay hawlihii loo igmaday;


• Waxay ku baaqeen soona dhaweeyeen in Puntland diyaar u tahay qabashada shir dib-u-heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed.


Cabdiqani Xayir


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Puntland oo Sheegtay Inuu Burburay Heshiskii kala Dhaxeeyey Dawladda Federaalka


Golaha Wasiirada Dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta kulan deg deg ah ku yeeshay magaalada Garoowe ee Caasimada Puntland,waxaana shirka lagu dhawaaqay inuu burburay xirrirki kala dhaxeeyey Puntland iyo Dawladda Federaalka.


Wasiirka Wasaarada Qorsheynta iyo Xirrirka Caalamiga Dawladda Puntland Dr.Da’uud Maxamed Cumar oo galabta Saxaafada kula hadlay Xarunta madaxtooyada magaalada Garoowe shirka kadib ayaa sheegay in shirka ay kasoo baxeen go’aamo ku aadan wada shaqaynta Puntland iyo Dawladda Federaalka,waxaana kamid ahaa;


Waxay Wasiiradu amaan ujeediyeen dhamaan beesha caalamka doorka taageero ay ka fulisay Soomaaliya tan iyo burburkii Dowladdi dhexe

Waxay beesha Caalamka ujeediyeen in aysan u aqoonsan Dowladda Federaalka mid Wakiil ka ah Dawladda Puntland

Waxay ku dhawaaqeen in Dawladda Puntland aysan wax wada shaqayn la yeelanaynin Dawladda Federaalka inta laga helaayo Dowlad Federaal ah oo ay heshiis ku yihin dhamaan saamilayda Soomaalida

Waxay Cadeynayaan in Dowladda Federaalka aysan sinaba wakiil uga noqon karin Puntland ka qaybgalka Shirarka caalamiga

Waxay ugu baaqeen Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay Siyaasada Soomaaliya (UNPOS) in dib uga fiirsato mowqiifkeeda iyo taageeradeeda ay ula garab taagantahay Dawladda Federaalka taas oo lid ku ah qaybaha kale ee Soomaalida sida Puntland.

Wasiirka Wasaarada Qorsheynta iyo Xirrirka Caalamiga ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Dawladda Federaalka aysan dhaafi karin waqtigeeda u harsan isagoo tilmaamay in Dawladda Puntland ay diyaar u tahay in ay Soomaalida u qabato shir nabadeed.


Go’aankaan deg deg ah ee kasoo baxay Wasiirada Puntland ayaa yimid saacado kadib markii Shir ka dhici lahaa Jabuuti oo Dawladda Puntland lagu casumay uu ishor istaagay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Sheikh Shariif,waxaana shirkaas Puntland uga qaybgali lahaa Madaxweyne Dr.Faroole iyadoo ay soo qaban qaabisay Hay’ada UNPOS.


Maxamed Siciid Yuusuf

Wakiilka Horseed Media


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I wonder why Sharif would want to isolate Puntland like this, especially considering that we are one of his most important allies!


Last month, Puntland organized and hosted the national football tournament to be held inside Somalia for the first time in 23 years. Some 15 teams representing 18 administrative regions of pre-1991 Somalia competed, with the team from Mogadishu winning the championship.

Who cares? They should be mentioning how Puntland welcomes countless numbers of internally displaced peoples, despite its meager resources! How it and NW Somalia are two of the most stable regions in the country.


I am certain that Sharif knows what he was doing and anticipated Puntland would respond in this way!

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Thanksful it's a calculated move, Sharif is scared that Farole attends the Donor meeting. He want's to stay in power and tell his fancy lies but Farole who is much more of a shrewd politician and Statesman Sharif could ever be with a proven career record as a politician and who knows how to mingle with the Donor countries and lobby them would certainly convey a different message than the arabic speaking Sharif.


That's why he refused coming if Puntland attended the Donor meeting. The man is fighting a battle. He should be confident on his own merits and achievements and not worry about Farole and what he might say to the Donor countries etc.

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Sharif is scared of Farole stealing the lime light, that's all. He's also scared of the new federal constitution and wants to go back to the 1960 constitution which would be a breach of the Transitional Federal Charter.



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I completely agree with you, I think Faroole has done a remarkable job bringing international attention to Puntland and Somalia as a whole. Especially with the whole two track policy with NW Somalia and Puntland.


I am certain Sharif was worried that Faroole would take the spot light away from him if they attended Djibouti together! However, I am certain also that he knew that Puntland would respond in this way.


I dont think Sharif cares about Puntland since he has never bothered to visit the region even once! Because of this, I truly have no idea what he is trying to achieve.

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Sharif is the enemy to progress especially Puntland progress and with the recent success of Puntland and President Farole's last successful lobbying in Istanbul where Puntland secured major investments through Public Private Partnerships and that brought many Doctors and Surgeons into the country, and the building/finishing of Garowe International Airport and Bandar Qasim Airport in Bosaso he's scared that Puntland get's more funding/progress and pledges from Donor countries because the Donor countries pay by reputation Puntland is a huge state which is 1/3 of Somalia with 4 million people living in it. It has a good and competent government that is progressing the State in a rapid fashion, that is what is bothering Sharif, that's why he said 'I will not come to the conference if Puntland attends it'.


In a nutshell that's all.

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Press Release in English:


Puntland State of Somalia



January 16, 2011


Puntland’s New Position Towards the TFG of Somalia.


Considering the lack of participation, consultation and representation of Puntland Government during the 2008-2009 Djibouti Peace Process which led to the formation of the current Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia;


Considering the lack of implementation on the part of TFG of the Galkayo Accord (23 August 2009) and the subsequent Memorandum of Understanding on Security Cooperation (12 April 2010), signed between the TFG and Puntland;


Considering the marginalization of Puntland from the international community’s initiatives and funding intended for the reconstruction and development of Somalia as a whole, including past and ongoing training of Somali security forces in countries like Uganda, Kenya, and Djibouti;


Considering the TFG obstruction to the timely completion of the Draft Federal Constitution, mainly due to TFG leaders’ unwillingness to actively support federalism for Somalia in violation of the TFG Charter;


Considering the TFG lack of progress on security, delivery of public services and establishment of Federal States in accordance with the TFG Charter;


Considering the weakness and lack of capacity of the TFG leadership to advance national reconciliation and to put forth a viable and visible way forward for lasting settlement in Somalia during and after the current TFG mandate expires;


Taking into account the fact that the TFG has been involved in creating anti-government armed militias aiming to destabilize peaceful regions of Somalia;


In an extra-ordinary meeting, the Puntland Council of Ministers has today decided the following:


• Praises the international community’s role in providing continued humanitarian and development assistance to Somalia, and especially welcomes the role of the African Union peacekeeping mission (AMISOM) in Mogadishu;


• Requests the international community not to endorse or cooperate with the TFG as a legitimate representative of Puntland;


• Proclaims that Puntland shall not cooperate with the TFG until a legitimate and representative Federal Government is established and agreed upon by the legitimate stakeholders in Somalia;


• Declares that the TFG does not represent Puntland in international forums and calls upon the UN Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) to reconsider its position and support for the TFG at the expense of other Somali stakeholders;


• Welcomes, supports and endorses the new U.S. Dual-Track Policy which is based on realities on the ground in Somalia;


• Remains fully committed to deal separately with the international community on reconstruction, development and reconciliation matters for Somalia, namely: the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the African Union, the League of Arab States, the Organization of Islamic Conference, the European Union, the United States, and all donor communities-at-large;


• Asserts its firm opposition to any term-extension for the TFG under all conditions;


• Calls for and welcomes to host a broad-based Somali National Reconciliation Conference to be held in Puntland.



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