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Faroole For President After Sharif ???

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^oba saaxib, it seems you have so much hope on the 100 days ultimatum, do you seriously think Shariif Ahmed could pull this off and magically defeat Alshabaab in south Somalia. It is one thing to be hopeful and another to be realistic, that was laughable idea when they said and still is an amusing one when they keep repeating it.


Shariif Ahmed is leading a weak TFG and under the protectorate of buhuku bahaka, has lost credibility with the international community and has now f a powerful man from Somalia by the name of Faroole who regularly meets and has links with world as well as local leaders and diplomats publicly opposing and discrediting him and all that he stands for.


Faroole's public opposition and denouncement of the TFG and Shariif Ahmed will greatly impact on the political shape of Somalia.

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Iska riyoo. Farole aint nothing but qabiil maamule who wants attention.


FACT: Sharif is the president of Somalia. Live with that, maanta, berri, saad danbe.

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^You said that and all is fine, but the fact of the matter is that Shariif Ahmed is a wounded man, and Faroole has nothing to lose instead declared himself as a man standing with his too feet and opposing this buhuka bahaka protectorate TFG and man who is prepared to fill the gap and excute the jobs Shariif Ahmed couldn't do, he's just coming to the public and to the world, that's all.

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I didn't know you were a medical practioner. How is Sharif wounded? did you treat his wounds? lol


As for Farole, he can come to TMZ hadduu doono, he aint gonna run Somalia. Let him go to Eyl iyo Garacad first markaa ha isa soo sharaxo. No one cares about little Farole and his sons. Nin caruurtiisa shago u dhiibaaya ayey doonaayaan inuu Soomali u taliyo, only in your dreams that will happen.

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^Yeah, a male nurse, Shariif is not only wounded he's decapitated, a dead man walking and Faroole is chilling firing the shots for fun at a dieing man :D :D :D

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All I know is President Sheik Sharif told Farole "No visitor card for you"...loooooool


Wallee wuu ka jaqjaqleysiiyey odeygii Farole ahaa... the TFG is looking good by the



The Chief! Noolow weligaa! cadawgaadana ha jabo! :D:D

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^This was an opportunity for Faroole, he has now found the platform to publicly oppose Shariif Ahmed and finally unseat him.


The ball is on Shariif 's corner to give response to Faroole's comment, now that Puntland President has abondoned and branded the TFG as inept, weak and unrepresentive of the Somali people. This is not coming from a weak small reber or terror groups such as Shabab or Xisbul Islam but the President of Puntland, a man with the mandate and support of 8 regions of Somali. Anyone can see where Faroole is heading with this and his target.

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Sharif has bigger fish to fry than worry about odeyga Farole calaacalkiisa.


Shariif oo Jabuuti gaaray iyo berri oo uu Masar u sii gudbayo

Safarkan oo aan horay loo sii shaacin ayuu Madaxweyne Shariif iyo wafdigiisa ay ku gaareen wadanka Jabuuti, halkaas oo uu kula kulmay dhigiisa wadankaasi Mr Geelle.

Madaxweynaha iyo wefdigiisa oo haatan ku sugan Hotel Kaambeski ayaa la filayaa inay kulamo halkaasi kula qaataan Madaxweynaha Jabuuti, waxaana si rasmi uu uga qeyb gali doonaa tababar loo furayo ciidamada Soomaaliya ee ku sugan wadankaasi.

Xafiiska Madaxweynaha ayaa war ka soo baxay lagu sheegay in Madaxweynuhu uu kaga sii baqooli doono dhanka magaalada Sharma-Sheekh ee wadanka Masar, halkaas oo uu kaga qeyb galayo shir ay yeelanayaan Hogaamiyaasha dalalka ku jira Jaamaacadda Carabta. :D :D :D

Wadanka Jabuuti waxaa ku sugan, isla markaana kuwa badan tababar ciidan loogu soo gaba gabeeyay Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda KMG ah, kuwaas oo sida warar hoose sheegayaan ka qeyb qaadan doona weerarka dowladu qorsheyneyso inay kaga hortagto Ururka Al-shabaab.

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The Zack;687982 wrote:
Qodax, actually I have heard that there are some talks going on in Djibouti and the US, the UN, and the EU along with the AU are planning to name Siilaanyo as a president of the country and Faroole as a prime minister and move the capital to Hargeisa temporarily. The plan is to create a unified and strong government in the north and its suroundings. Once a very strong military of Somalia is created, there would be a cirka and dhulka attack to the south, town by town.

Zack, the talks have been going on the last year. But these talks are not about forming a new central goverment for Somalia. But its rather a bottom-up dialogue in order to create a coalition of Somalia's regions and entities (Puntand, Galmudug, Galguduud,Gedo forces in Ethiopia and Kenya, etc) and who together with Somaliland forces will free Somalia from Al-Shabaab.


The biggest issue is not the military effort to enter Somalia or fight Al Shabaab, this wont be the biggest obstacle. The issue is how to gain the harts and minds of the locals and therefore their support. And for this an alternative idea to the one Al Shabaab has to be presented to them. In order to do this local and regional authorities and the rule of law have to be established by and for the locals, supported by the diaspora communities.


This is the reason why diffrent diaspora communities have taken the iniative and already started creating own regional and local's State's(Hiiraan,Gego,Galmudug,Galguduud, Waax iyo Waaxdi,Jubbalandetc). So they can already start to asses the local needs, and can start to engage dialogue with local population and come to common grounds.


This is the direction the talks are heading to. It will be a long road and it wont be easy. But the involvement of every single Somali is needed to make it a succes. The future of the Somali is not something we can leave to a single man or a group of self appointed Ministers.

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Qandalaawi waxaagu cadkaanow ama ku cunay ama ku ciidee. maxuu Faroole badali karaa malaha wuxuu oran Garowe hala isugu imaado. Sharif wax mahayo lakin asaga inaad tagerto bay dantu ku jirtaa.

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Somalina;687953 wrote:
I dont know if you forgot, but dude kicked Koonfurians out of PL.

Can he show his face in Mogadishu? remains to be seen...

lol and I don't know what his excuse was. I think Cadde had a good point markuu celiyey a plane load of Somali laga soo tarxiilay Sucuudiga by saying inay u bartaan oo mar walba dadka u soo tarxiilaan meeshaan Soomaalidana loo isticmaalo in degaankaan lagu soo celiyo lagana soo qafaalo dalal kale ayaan ka baqay, balse this guy is nin ay ka muuqato siyaasad xumo oo caadifad qabiil iyo hanti qaran boob ay indhaha tirtay.


Haddii aan taas halkaas kaga gudbo, horta yaaba yiri Madaxweyne Soomaali ayaa hadda la goobayaa, mowduucaan ah Faroole ayaa lala soo xiriiray iyo shuruudo ayuu ag-dhigay warkiisa iskaba daa.


lol...Adna Warfaa u kaadso wax weyn ma keenayee...Haddiiba isbeddel la rabo waa in dhinaca dadka da'da yar loo badiyaa odayaashii dalka sidaan u galay warkooda naga daaya.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;687956 wrote:
i agree with oba hilooowlo Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb Maxmmad dhere for president.

Waqooyi Galbeed transfer ugu qaata markii Siilaanyo koofurta soo

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Qandalawi;688080 wrote:
^Yeah, a male nurse, Shariif is not only wounded he's decapitated, a dead man walking and Faroole is chilling firing the shots

She is shooting a dead man ??? ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kee baa waalan markaa ??? :D:D

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Abwaan;688135 wrote:

lol...Adna Warfaa u kaadso wax weyn ma keenayee...Haddiiba isbeddel la rabo waa in dhinaca dadka da'da yar loo badiyaa odayaashii dalka sidaan u galay warkooda naga daaya.

lol...Warfaa is smart man, wuuna u qalmaa. Teeda kale, magacyo ayaa la tuurtuuraaye meeshan, marka waa isaga darsadey. lol



Dood: Mustaqbalka DFKMG ee Somalia



1- Xildhibaan Daahir Maxamuud Geelle :D

2- Dr. Maxamuud Maxamed Culusow (wax walba wuu ka soo horjeedaa! lol)

3- Danjire Cumar Idiris (smart man) :D

4- Xildhibaan Xareed Xasan Cali (caqli lix saac aka Farole mouth piece)

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