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Jan 15: First Annual Maakhir Conference (Analysis on its agenda)

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First Annual Maakhir Conference

By Jawaahir Jalxad

Jan. 15, 2011


There is much talk about the Maakhir Conference that will be opening this weekend in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Since the demise of the Somali central government in 1991, it has been very common for members of the Somali Diaspora to hold conferences focusing on specific regions. What are the current political and economical factors that are precipitating this conference? What is the purpose of this conference and what can its outcome be?


In July 2010, the Puntland Army, stating the presence of Al Shabaab sympathizers, attacked forces loyal to Sheikh Atam in the mountain hills of Galgala causing the displacement of over 800 families as well as the destruction of the farms and livestock of the local villagers.


The incursion by the Puntland Army, revived many frustrations and discontent felt by the local population forcing the elders and local politicians to take into serious consideration the need for the creation of a local government that will address the lack of economical progress in the Maakhir regions. There is talk of a project financed by the Kuwaiti government that has been brokered with Puntland which will be building the Lasqoray Port as well as a university in Badhan.


The recent exposure of the contract signed between Puntland and the mercenary company Saracen, in which it states an anti-piracy force is being trained to fight pirates in the mountain hills of Galgala, is also of extreme concern for the elders, local politicians and Diaspora members. It is a documented fact that no pirates reside in Galgala and that their stronghold is in the coastal town of Eyl which is a few hundreds of kilometers away from the Presidential Palace of Garoowe.


The Maakhir communities abroad and back home have in the past strongly rallied around two campaigns. The first one was the construction of the Lasqoray Port in which they demonstrated their will and determination to see that project come to a fruitful completion. The second time involved the quest for the Puntland Presidential seat by Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama (Ilkojiir). The local and Diaspora Makhir communities have, in a unified manner, fully supported his presidential campaign.


It is within this framework that the Maakhir Conference will be taking place January 15, 2011 in Minneapolis. This conference has been in the making for several months. Its aim is to bring together as much participants as possible to the table.


As with all meetings organized by Somalis, there is already controversy surrounding this conference. There is an opposing group which is stating that a few people who hail from the Galgala region want to secede from Puntland and it is not the will of the Makhiri people. On the other hand, the supporters of the conference state that those opposing it are in fact just supporting one man – Gen. Ilkojiir.


However, sources close to the organizing committee have stated that the conference is about how Maakhir intellectuals, elders, women and youth can contribute to the overall development of the Maakhir region. These same sources claim it is above all about linking the local and Diaspora population in order to determine their destiny.


It is clear that this conference is the first of its kind for the North American Maakhir community. It is said that both the Garoowe and Hargeisa administrations are worried about this conference and are eagerly awaiting for its outcome. Many analysts and followers of Somali politics are speculating that the outcome will be the proclamation of a Maakhir State. The organizers of the conference have strongly denied this speculation. However, the issue of local government is among one of the topics to be presented at this conference.


Jawaahir Jalxad


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Shirka Maakhir Ee Minneapolis

Biyokulule Online

January 14, 2011



Waxaa berri oo Sabti ah ka furmaya magaalada Minneapolis ee Carriga Mareykanka shirweyne mugweyn oo ay isugu imanayaan aqoonyahannada, cuqaasha, haweenka, iyo dhallinyarada ku abtirsataa deegaanka Maakhir ee deggan North America; iyo weliba iyadoo via-teleconference ay kaga soo qeyb geli doonaan reer Maakhir-ta deggan Europe, Africa, iyo Bariga Dhexe.


Horseed Hagar Kuma Maqana

Shirakani waxaa isu-xilqaamay oo go`aansaday inay hormuud ka noqdaan Jaaliyadda reer Maakhir ee Minneapolis. Waxaa mustaqbalka dhow la filayaa in shirkani ay albaabada u furi doonto dood adag ee ku saabsan ka hadalka wadatashi iyo aayo-ka-talinta dadka reer Maakhir.


Taasina waxay hormuud u noqonaysaa hoos ka soo dhiska deegaanka Maakhir. Waxaana lagu hanweyn yahay in miraha ka soo baxa shirkani uu kor u qaadi doono, sinnaanta iyo wax wadaqabsiga ku dhisan talo wadaagga, istixgelinta, iyo wada noolaashaha ka dhaxaysa ummadda Soomaaliyeed.


Lud Horaa Laqanyo Kicisa


Shirkani waxa uu ku soo aaday waqti dalka Soomaaliya uu ku jiro dagaal sokeeyo oo wejiyo kale duwan xambaarsan, ama ha noqoto mid magac diimeed, deegaan, ama qabiilba huwan. Rajada ahna in dadka Soomaaliyeed mar aan fogeyn yeesho Maamul Dhexe (Central Authority) oo la isku raacsan yahay uusan hadda soo muuqan.


Shirkani waxa kaloo uu ku soo beegmay xilli in ka badan lix boqol oo qoys laga bara kiciyey Galagala iyo nawaaxigeeda, beero fara badanna la gubay. Waxaa kaloo iyadana jirta in dhallinyaro fara badan oo ka soo jeeda deegaanka Maakhir ay ku xidhan yihiin xabsiyada Puntland.


Haddaba, Shirkani waxaa loo badinayaa in xallinta khilaafaadka dhex yaal ka sakow, ay u arki doonaan in ugu horreyntii dantooda guud ay noqon doonto abuuris maamul hoose (local) ee ka arrimiya Maakhir. Taasi oo micnaheedu ay tahay in shirka uu si toos ah u abaabula, dhiirrageliyaana aqoonyahannada diyaarka u ah inay tagaan dalkii; Kuwaasi oo qeyb ka noqon doona horumarka iyo maamul-u-dhisidda deegaanka Maakhir. Arrintaasina talo xun maaha.


Hilib Dooro [Digaag] Deris Ma Gaaro


Markaan dhinacyo badan ka eegnay arrimaha ka aloosan Maamulka Garoowe iyo sida ay u hagayaan shacabka mandiqadaasi ku nool waxaa inoo cad in raadreeb xun (repercussion) loo fadhiyo. Shirar hoosaadna aanu ka dhamaan doonin deegaanadaasi.


Haddaan tusaale yar aynu ifinno, waxaa shalay aanu ku aragnay warbaahinta warar sheegaya in Wasaaradda Haweenka iyo Arrimaha Qoyska ee Puntland ay soo bandhigtay waxqabadkeedii sannadkii la dhaafay ee 2010 [Ka Akhri Halkan].


Waa Wasaaradda keliya ee soo bandhigtay waxqabad, haddana, waxaad moodaa in waxqabadkaasii uusan dhaafsiisaneyn Garoowe-Buurtinle-Gaalkacyo.; oo aanan wax la taaban karo laga fulin deegaanada reer Maakhir.


Sidoo kale waxaa qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta Puntland ay shalay xuseen in Wasiirka ugu waxqabadka badan (Wasiirka Sannadka 2010) uu noqday Wasiirka Caafimaadka [Ka Akhri Halkan] oo isna aad moodo inuu ku takhasusay aagga Buurtinle-Jarriiban-Gaalkacyo. Weli ma hayno waxqabad uu wasiirkaasi gaarsiiyey Maakhir.


Labada wasaaradood ee aan kor ku soo xusnay (W. Haweenka iyo W. Caafimaadka) runtii xoogaaga yar ay ku dhaqdhaqaaqayaan waxaa laga helaa hay`adaha samafalka (NGOs). Sidaa darteed, waxay mudnaanta koowaad siiyaan deegaanadooda, oo horaa reer Xamarka ugu maahmaaheen: Hilib Dooro [Digaag] Deris Ma Gaaro.


Waxaa ayaandarro ah oo iyadana mudan in la xuso waxqabadka Wasaaradda Amniga ee Puntland. Waxqabadka Wasaaraddan ayaa qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta Puntland ku muteysiiyey Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Faroole inuu noqdo “Shaqsiga Sannadka” (Person of the Year) ee sannadkii 2010-ka. [Ka Akhri Halkan].


Wasaaradda Amniga howsha ugu weyn ay qabatayna waxay ahayd barakicintii ay ku suubisay masaakiin beeralay ah oo degganayd buuraha Galgala iyo nawaaxigeeda. Faroolena uu afkiisa ka qirtay, mar uu la hadlayey warbaahinta, in ciidankiisa ay laayeen dad kor u dhaafaya 90 ruux.


Illeen horaa loo yidhi “Maan Dad waa Mudacyo Afkood” e, dadka ku xeel dheer arrimaha Soomaaliya hadda ka aloosan, waxay isla dhexmarayaan in shirkan reer Maakhir ee Minneapolis berri uga furmi doono in uu noqon doono dhagax-dhig (turning point) u tarjumo ficil wata jiho-siyaasadeed ku cusub gobolada waqooyi iyo waqooyi bari ee dalka Soomaaliya.


Biyokulule Online

January 14, 2011

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Guri Ba`ayow Yaa ku Leh: Reer Sanaag Nasiib Daranaa

Qore: Jaamac A.

June 04, 2009


Tan iyo intii la dhisay Maamulka Puntland ee 1998, bishii Ogost 1-dii ayaa waxa la oran karaa gobolka Sanaag fursad uma helin inuu tiigsado horumar wax ku ool ah. Gobolka ma helin adeeg caafimaad iyo mid waxbarasho. Ma helin ceelal fiican oo ay dadku biyo ka cabbaan, iskadaa in dadka loo abuuro shaqo ama nolol maalmeedkooda e.


Siyaasiyiinta Reer Sanaag e wakhtigii Maamulka Puntland la dhisay ka dhex muuqday waxa ka mid ah guddoomiyihii Baarlamaanka ee wakhtigaasi, Eng Yuusuf Siciid Madaxay. Dadka marka aad waraysato waxay kuu sheegayaan in guddoomiyahan lagu tilmaami karo wakhtigaasi nin wax badan xukuumadda Puntland ku cadaadiyay inay Puntland xaruumo ka furato Sanaag si dadka gobolku u helaan shaqooyin, balse xukuumadii markaasi jirtay aanay wax dheg ah Jalaq u siin.


Markii wakhtigii xukuumadaasi dhammaatay ee Cadde Muuse noqday Madaxwaynaha Puntland (January 08, 2005) ayaa xubno fara ku tirsi ah waxay nasiib u yeesheen inay ka mid noqdaan Golaha Xukuumada Puntland, sida Wasiirkii Xannaanada Xoolaha, Cali Jaamac Faarax Cali [buureed], iyo Guddoomiyihii Baarlamaanka Axmed Cali Xaashi, in kastoo ay jireen xubno yar oo ahaa Agaasimayaal iyo Wasiir-xigeenno, walaw aanay ku waasi wax cod ah ku lahayn xukuumadda dhexdeeda.


Labadaasi masuul ee ka mid noqday xukuumaddii Cadde Muuse ee aan kor ku sheegnay ayaa waxa lagu tiriyaa inay ka mid ahaayeen Raggii xusul duubka ugu jiray in dib loo qodo Buurta Majihan ee dhiigga badani ku daatay.


Bishii May ee Sannadkii 2006 ay Kulan qarsoodi ah ku yeesheen magaalada Bosaaso Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Axmed Cali Xaashi iyo Wasiirka Xannaanada Xoolaha Cali Jaamac Faarax; Kulankaasi ayaa waxa ku weheliyay Madaxwaynahe Cadde Muuse, isaga oo u soo bandhigay qorshe ah in dagaal lagu qaado Majiyahan, wayna ka yeeleen madaxweynaha, iyaga oo qaatay Xoogaa shilimaad ah.


Dadka Reer Sanaag iyo dhammaan siyaasiyiintoodu waxay aad uga xun yihiin qaabka uu u sheeqeeyo Maamulka Raad dhaqaajiska ah ee Puntland, kaasi oo iyada oo ay awal aad ugu soo horjeedeen bulshada Reer Sanaag uu haatan Madaxwayne Faroole Dastuurka cusub ee Pl ku soo Qoray Bogiisa hore in Gobollada Sanaag iyo Sool meesha laga saaray.


Qaar ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta aad Miisaanka wayn ugu leh Gobolka Sanaag ayaa waxay leeyiihiin Gobolka waxa Looga soo dhacay dhanka Xubnaha ugu jira Puntland ee sanaag metelaya, kuwaasi oo noqday Kuwa Galay Calooshii Faroole, isla markaana ka gaabsaday inay ka hadlaan qodobka qeexaya in Sanaag meesha laga saaray.


Wasiirrada sida aadka loo dhaliilayo, waxa ka mid wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha ee Puntland General C/laahi Axmed Jaamac Ilka Jiir oo u loolamay doorashadi Puntland ee u dambeyey, isaga oo markii dambe uu ka helay Faroole. Wasiirka ayaa waxa ay odayaasha Sanaag ku dhaliilayaan Ka gaabiska wax ka qabasha La`aanta Gobolkii markii hore laga soo galbiyay ee Sanaag.


Ilka Jiir ayaan ilaa haatan dib u eegin Gobolkii uu Asal ahaan ka soo jeedo ee Sanaag; isaga oo noqday nin Fekerka C/raxmaan Faroole ku dhaqaaqa. General Ilka Jiir ayaa markii hore waxa loo haystay nin miisaan Culus oo wax wayn ka bedeli karaya marxaladda Puntland isla markaana horumarinaya Gobolka Sanaag oo inta badan Gobollada Puntland ee 7-da ah ka hadhay – marka laga hadlayo dhanka arrimaha bulshada.


Xubnaha Golaha Xukuumada Puntland ku jira ee ka soo jeeda Sanaag ayaa Tiradooda lagu sheegay inay dhanyihiin lix - laba Wasiir iyo afar wasiir-ku-xigeen oo kala hoos hooseeya, kuwaasi oo ninba dantiisa u gaarka ah raacdo.


Guntii iyo gunaanadkii, qormadayda waxaan leeyahay oo iga su`aala ah: Maxaa u dan ah Reer Sanaag? Ma inay samaystaan Maamul u gaar ah oo ay xukuumadda Pl ka baxaan? Ma inay ku jiraan dulmigaasi iyo xaqdarrada ay wadaan Mas`uuliyiinta Reer Sanaag, oo ay ka galayaan shacabkooda iyo carruurtooda oo aan helin waxbarasho?




Jaamac A.



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Good move - shall I add, about time too! ;) - I wish them all the best.


ps. Nassir, dee Calmadow baan dul kaa rabee inadeer - ii qalqalii dee ;)

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somali dhibaatadeeda waxaa wada qurbo joogta, they all live in MN and they are talking about creating another mini state, you do not need government to build hospital or school, if they wan to help their community who is holding them back, it is really about the time qurbo joogtu to stay away from Somalia, mushkilada Somalia qurbahaa laga abaabulaa.

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^Bila qurboo joogta maa Somalidaa dulkii joogtee laa arkii laha? For 20yrs qurboo joogtoo aa masrufeysee dadkii dulkii joogta, so they are entittled to make decisions for them - I for one is in support of local governing, a body that will run gobol kastaa - creating jobs for the locals etc.


As I said before, about time - but mostly I hope these moves to empower the people to take action, will bring the development that is much needed back home.


ps. kuwa qurbo joogta wayo arag wayee hee - at least they have a chance to bring 21st century to some parts of our


Now bilaneey, miyaan isku raceynaa Lascanood hee?

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Malika I agree with you on sending money iyo Masruuf, but they should stay away from politics, they are creating more problems than solving it, every time they do not like adm. they just want to create a new one instead of fixing the one that exists, but will these people really go back and help their village by building school, hospital etc, no, it is all about tol beelay reer hehebl baa na xukuma. bal ii sheeg qof minneapolis jooga muxuu ugu dhisayaa maamul gobol.

yeah i know Froole, Abdisamada iyo Ilka jiirba khayr qabayaal maaha, but they were elected, they did not come to power thru guns, so instaed of destroying what people back home built in more than 10 years let them fix it they know what is good for them.


waanu isku raacaynaa LA ilaa raas xaafuun after the blue flag laga taago.

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I welcome this conference.


I hope it focuses on economic development and education for the Puntland areas of Sanaag, Haylaan and Western Bari. Maakhir country doesn’t need any rabblerousing rhetoric intended to stroke clan ego as is routine among the Diaspora talking heads. This blessed region needs a sincere grassroots endeavour to take its citizens out of the deep economic abyss; an abyss they currently share with their brethrens in other regions of Puntland. Tangible economic projects are key to societal progress.


That is what will win the day for years to come. It will set a fine example for all other regions to follow as well.


Thanks for the update Nassir. Please keep us posted.

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Good development for the Maakhir community to organise itself.


LST, you are being prosemptious. haven't you read the articles? This Maakhir conference distances itself and takes a stand against puntland who waged a war against Maakhiir villages.

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FULL REPORT .....In Somali . The report demystifies all the misconceptions of this major event known as the 1st Annual Conference of Maakhir. Granted that political views as laid out in the above Ope-Ed pieces have already attracted a cocophony of naysayers, this one highlights moré of the future goals. It's actually true that the formation of a low level of regional self-rule is part of the general agreement like it's has been prior to the state collapse.

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link with pics.


Minneapolis: Delegates from across Africa, Europe and North America have met in Minneapolis to discuss ways forward in support of Maakhir regional development. Among the attendees were Maakhiri politicians, civil society groups, women’s groups, the business community, intellectuals, traditional elders, academics, and the media.


The conference was moderated by a premier Somali Media Professional, former BBC and VOA reporter Ali Xarare. The meeting, which is the first of its kind, was designed to initiate a Maakhiri grassroots movement which assembles diaspora resources and skills into guiding and framing local Makhiri municipalities with effective governance. The forum has opened up a dialogue among its participants on how Diaspora Makhiris could extensively contribute to their home regions through crafting programs and policies that would harness their skills and expertise to the development of Sanaag, Haylaan and Western Bari regions.




Jamal Mohamed Hassan, head of the organizing committee commenced the conference with a tone that highlighted the purpose of the grand meeting. “Our aim is to rebuild relationships at all levels, restore confidence and provide Maakhiri’s at home with hope for a better future” stated Jamal during the opening of the eight hour conference.


Numerous experts took stage discussing relevant areas of development; including security, education, health, politics, the roles of women and youth.




Brain Drain


The Director of the Confederation of the Somali Community of Minnesota, Dr. Saed Fahia was among the key speakers. Dr. Fahia stated that the prospects of both social and economic development rests largely on Maakhir Diaspora who are obliged to set up proactive catalysts for social, political and economic change. “Maakhir region lacks the participation of capable, educated Diaspora. The drain of Makhiri talent, money and ambitions in other places of the world impedes both economic and social development,” stated Dr. Fahia.




He also added that the Diaspora must seek ways to contribute to the development of Sanaag, Haylaan and Western Bari and design initiatives aimed at staunching the outflow of professional expertise in order to offer new possibilities. “They are international programs that aid professionals and we must take advantage of these programs” Dr.Fahia says.


A brain drain occurs when a country or region becomes short of skills when people with such expertise emigrate. The UN Development Programme (UNDP) sites this phenomenon as a source that places a huge strain on Somalia’s development. Participants were encouraged to engage in strategies to reverse the brain drain in order to retain skilled professionals at home.




The Director of Somali Public Radio’s Public Relations, Ibrahim Shire Faarax mentioned that region lacks basic services and critical infrastructure that can spur economic growth and instill democracy and strong civic sense into the community. “Our region lags behind others in Somalia and part of the problem is the lack of media presence in our region,” stated Mr. Faarax. He also mentioned that Makhiri regions have long been a victim of politically motivated propaganda and “disputed” status quo that drives international donors away from the region.




“Thus, there is a critical need a community radio service as a forum for exchange of ideas, information, and issues of human rights, environmental sustainability, gender equality and cultural promotion in the region. "Somali Public Radio will to attend to issues of development and security and act as a bridge between the community’s needs and the traditional and political authorities and policy makers at the national and local level,” added Mr. Ibrahim. He also urged participants to contribute both financially and intellectually to the first and only radio station in the region, Somali Public Radio.


Good Governance


Following the collapse of Siyad Barre’s regime in 1991, a political vacuum emerged in Somalia. Virtually all political, economic and social activity underwent a process of extreme decentralization. In parts of Somalia, new entities of governance have since appeared attained stability and paved economic development. “These entities were derived from pre-colonial traditions” stated Mohamud Jamac Xaamud, an expert and a practitioner of good governance.




“The Warsangali Sultanate was a sovereign entity,” stated Dr. Xaamud referencing article V of the British treaty with the Warsangali sultanate which acknowledged the sovereignty of the Warsangali sultanate and even appointed a British ambassador to Warsangali regions. “We must build a framework derived from our tradition of self rule for the advancement of our region,” added Mr. Xaamud.


Political Participation and TFG relationship


The head of Somali Women’s Parliamentarian Association, MP Asha Ahmed Abdalla mentioned that she was disappointed with Prime Minister Farmajo’s cabinet list and how it bypassed the 4.5 constitutional formula. The transitional government has long lacked domestic legitimacy due to mass corruption and narrowly framed peace process. MP Asha noted that as the governments mandate is coming to an end, that she is lobbying for a new reconciliation conference to be held in Makhir region. She urged the Diaspora to support this proposition that renews hope both locally and nationally.




The need for a Makhiri Civil Advocacy Group


Deeqa Hassan Shabelle, spoke about the need for a civil advocacy group for Makhiri’s, in Somalia’s harsh political environment. “Over 100 Men who hail from Makhir region are imprisoned in Bosaso as we speak today. We must create an organization that lobbies for the rights of our suffering masses,” stated Deeqa.




The Role of Women


A Somali Women Leader, Muna Jamac Abdi mentioned that Makhiri Women have traditionally played a considerable role in both family and public spheres. She referenced a Makhiri women organization by the name of Al-Nasr and applauded their active role in the economic and social front.




Overall, the conference generated an outstanding vibe that encouraged the participation of guests. It also provided a good comradery and fellowship as well as an opportunity to share ideas on how to help Makhir regions and people in this critical moment.




Abdulqudus Nur Salah (Donyale)

Somali Public Radio

Minneapolis, MN

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