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General Duke

Somali secessionists talking points [South Sudan an all]

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“That reputable UK daily News journal The Sun had on its third page a long, detailed editorial regarding the case for “Somaliland” as a separate nation in Africa”..

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General Duke;687067 wrote:
“That reputable UK daily News journal
The Sun
had on its third page a long, detailed editorial regarding the case for “Somaliland” as a separate nation in Africa”..

Page three? :D

Anyway, it wasn't the Sun. It were the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Economist.



Any news?

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^^^As long as I got your attention its all good. The comparison and excitment that some Secessionist have with the break up of Sudan is more than bizare. As if the reer Waaqoye of Somalia are the Dinka and Shuluk and the Konfurians are the opressive Arab North...

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Somalina, powerful argument. After 20 years, it is too late to go back and change the name. May be the intellectual framers all along wanted to remain part of Somalia but engineered the failure of secession by selecting a Somaliland name :)

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