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Somalia: Financial scandal hovers over the Office of the President.[Sharif Hotel]

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Somalia: Financial scandal hovers over the Office of the President.

Kanini Evans Kariuki




The current minister of Finance in Somalia Mr. Hussein Halane strongly stated that the outgoing Prime Minister had no knowledge about the contract pertaining to the security, Mogadishu sea port and Somalia airport.


He confirmed that the President and the office of the President were the dealers in this contract, while the minister of Information, Posts and Telecommunications, the then chief cabinet of the President´s office, Mr. Abdi Karim Jama, squarely put the handling of the contract on the current Finance minister, adding that the President has no knowledge of such business dealings and documents.


These accusations and counter accusations call for the Prime Minister to stop the two ministers from working in their offices until investigations of the contracts are over, and they are cleared.



It is then that they can resume their ministerial positions after clearance from the allegations.


In the same token, the parliament has to put in place a legal mechanism to investigate the President because of the accusations by the minister of Finance, and former Prime Minister Mr. Sharmake.


These days, Somali people are highly satisfied with the work of the parliament under the stewardship of the first Deputy Speaker Hon Abdiweli Mudey.


If the parliament makes the right move of salvaging Somalia from the chaos, destruction and corruption, the legislators will have scored a first, and the citizenry will rally behind them and even welcome any move of extending their tenure.



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