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Bossaso Technical Institute 230 Students Graduate In Many Different Fields. PICS

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Machadka Farsamada Gacanta Ee Magaalada Boosaaso Oo Arday Gudoonsiiyey Shahaadooyin


Xaflad shahaado gudoonsiin ah oo si weyn loo soo qaban qaabiyey ayaa ka dhacday xarunta machadka farsmada gacanta ee magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari.


Ardey gaareysa 235 ardey oo isugu jira wiilal iyo gabdho ayaa shahaadooyin lagu gudoonsiiyey xaflad ka dhacday gudaja machadka,kuwaasi oo muddo sanad ah baranayey qaybaha kala duwan ee lagu dhigto machadka oo kala ah:


1. Basic Accounting.

2. Secretarial Study.

3. Electric and Cooling system.

4. Auto Mechanic.

5. Peary Salon.

6. Office management.

7. Iyo kuwa kale.


Maamulaha machadka farsmada gacanta ee Boosaaso Jaamac Cismaan Shibiin oo Waraysi gaar ah siiyey Horseed Media ka dib markii ay soo dhamaatay shahaado gudoonsiinta aderyda ayuu sheegay in machadka uu dhisay Bank Islamic 1995, isagoona ku daray in la’asaasay 15.September.1997 oo xiligaasi ay hirgalisay hay’ad lagu magacaabo IICO fadhigeedu yahay wadanka Kuwait.


…”Hay’adda IICO ka dib machadka waxaa gacanta ku qabtay hay’adda Diakonia iyo kuwa kale oo ay ka mid yihiin DRC,Horn Relief,Save The Children,EDC iyo Wasaarada Waxbarshada….”ayuu yiri.


Jaamac Cismaan Shibiin ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in mudadii uu jiray machadku ay ka qalan jabiyeen ardey gaareysa 1220 kuwaasi oo isug jira Wiilal iyo gabdho.


…..”2009-2010 waxaa ka qalan jebisay machadka ardey gaareysa 235,kuwaasi oo isugu jira qaybaha kala duwan ee machadku bixiyo…”ayuu yiri.


Mr.Shibiin ayaa baaq u diray ganacstada iyo dadweynaha kunool degmada Boosaao in ay gacan weyn ka geystaan machadku sidii uu mustaqbalka u noqon lahaa mid gaara himilooyinka uu higsanayo.


Munaasabadaasi ayaa kusoo dhataay jawi wanaagsan,waxaana xusud mudan in ay ka hadleen duqa degmada Boosaaso Maxamuud Faarax Beeldaaje iyo marti sharaf kale.


Cismaan Turaabi

Horseed Media
















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I think the graduates from Electric and Cooling system Diploma will not be short of employment in Bossaso, Considering the new constructions happening there every-day which all of them will require air-conditioners lol. I know for a fact the house I build in Bossaso will have an Air-con in it.


Anyways congratulations too all the students and work hard for the state in all your respective professions. For all those who don't know Bossaso Technical Institute this is the city's diploma level institution where students study for 2 years in what-ever field of choice and recieve recognition.


Good on all the Bossaso Folks and may 2011 bring in more graduates for puntland because they will be seriously needed when the oil starts flowing which will definitely cause a trickle effet across all industries in the state and thus demand more workers.

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