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Historic 1993 Galkayo Ceasefire Agreement. PICS

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Dagaalada Soo Noqnoqda ee Gobolka Mudug Iyo Nuxurka Qodobadii Heshiiskii Galkacayo 1993


Gobolka Mudug waa deegaan ay daashadeen dagaalo sokeeye, iska horimaadyo rasaas aan loo meel deyin la isku weydaarsado magaalada Gaalkacyo gudaheeda halkaasoo dhimasho iyo dhaawacba loogu geysto dadka shacabka ah, dilal loo geysto dadka rayidka ah, iyadoo la beegsado shakhsiyaadka halbowlaha nabada u ah, maxay tahay sababtu?


Haddaba, Maxaad kala socotaa heshiiskii deegaanka Gobolka Mudug ee 1993-dii dhex maray hogaamiyayaasha SSDF, SNDU iyo SNF, ?


Muxuu dhigayey heshiiskaasi? Sidee u qornaa? Yaa heshiiskaas bud-dhigayaal u ahaa? Sidii lagu heshiiyey ma u fuleen qodobadii la wada saxiixay?


Haddii aysan fulin arrimihii lagu wada heshiiyey dhinacee dheeligu ka yimid, mase ahaa heshiiskaasi mid dhameystiran oo salka si adag loogu dhigay?


Heshiiskaasi waxaa uu ka koobnaa 15 qodob, Waxaa saxiixay 75 Ergooyin oo ka socday Ururadii SSDF, SNDU iyo SNA/USC, Waxaa sidoo kale waxaa saxiixay Hoggaamiyayaashii Saddexadaas Jabhadood.


Below is the historic agreement in 1993 at Galkayo between the SSDF/SNDU/USC













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You will need to zoom in through your web-page in order to read the ceasefire agreement between the warring factions in 1993 which settled the central region disputes to usher in an era of peace which has lasted for nearly 20 years. This historic agreement is being broken by the South Galkayo folks more regularly then ever before which could cause the great mudug wars to return and if it does this time, I can guarantee no usc folk will be living in gobollada dhexe. From galkayo illa beletweyn will be controlled by the Puntland Administration

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WAraa bootada yaree... Pray for peace in everywhere including gobollada dhexe. If no peace Galkacyo wouldn't have the highrise buildings it has now.

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Qodax, yes at that time galkayo was under abdullahi yusuf and the baraxley boys were based in beletweyn under aideed. They would sporadically launch attacks on the city to regain control and thats when abdullahi yusuf told them reside in baraxley. But this was after they were solidly defeated. The intense war reached beletweyn and rumours were about the ssdf was even controlling that city at one stage.


The north and south divide of the city is not an issue to us because the city is solidly under puntland management. The galkayo airport and south/north checkpoints are under puntland control. These are crucial to any leader in the central region because where will get weapons to dock down if u dont have airport or port? where will get taxes and revenue if u dont control vital infrastructure? In other words the baraxley boys r broke sxb and dont have control of any vital infrastructure except a xafad called baraxley lol. I doubt that xafad will collect enough revenues to launch a war against puntland. You see why the colonel allowed them to return? he knew they would still be his call-girls

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Abdi, does Puntland have ambition to gain control of the southern part of Galkacyo and Mudug? or will the region and city remain in the current status?


p.s. calling baraxley boys call-girls of Yeey is a distortion of history. cida la fooriyay waanu ognahay.

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Abdirazak PTL your fetish with Galmudug is admirable but not being able to read soomaali is just disgraceful.


Double check what you post next time for this reads "Shirka Nabadeynta Gobolada Bari,Nugaal and Mudug. secondly at the very last image its reads saxiixa SSDF and Saxiixa SNDU. NOT USC OR GALMUDUG!

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Sabriye dont u see aideed signature? He used to call himself SNA thinking he was the national army because he had the national army equipment


So you go learn and yes the galdogob guys played huge role in the defense of galkayo which is not denied hence why they were there at the signing

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Plus read the title shirka nabadeynta mudug,bari,nugal. Because the war happened in MUDUG. The USC launched their attacks against MUDUG. The war wasnt in hamar. So u go learn n read. This is the historic agreement of 1993 that all somalis are aware of

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Aside from the dubious title,signatures & names, if indeed it is the case, then its clear that this agreement concerned people of Bari, Nugaal and Mudug which signifies the nature of the conflict being "SNA" of Mudug took on Nugaal and Bari hence the agreement reached.


What was your point again adeer?

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Sabriye go and study the usc. It was a political group for all southern clans from baraxley till mogadishu. This was fractured after the four month war between aideed and mahdi. However the rest of them were all still apart of usc minus the medina/karan click. The war that was waged in mudug was really bari/nugal and mudug vs usc minus karan and medina. What proves this is at that time aideed was stationed in beletweyn hence had their support along with all the clans in the central region including elbur boys, beletweyn boys, etc.


The agreement was between mudug, bari and nugaal period because the war was launched against galkayo not beletweyn or hargeisa or hamar. They came to us iyago wato hubka qaranka and their army consisted of beletweyn/elbur/baraxley/dhusomareb/cadaado and even harardheere. The only one missing from them was kaaran boys and thats it. Where as on our side it was garowe-bosaso-galkayo-galdogob in the war noone else

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So you are implying that the conflict was between anyone other than "Bari,Nugaal and Mudug" in contrary to what the document asserts?


Your not very well informed on this matter adeer. pick another topic to tickle your taste-buds with as you are clearly shooting your self in the foot with this one.

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Sabriye if u think it was baraxley vs puntland, then why cant baraxley fight all puntland today? war sxb go learn history baraxley boys r nothing without hamar backup and thats why their lost in the wilderness where-as puntland doesnt need dblock back up and still stands strong. I know this topic to well because I actually researched it and found out who the actors were

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