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Cumar Abdirashid My signature is forged

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Cumar Cabdirashiid: "Saxiixayga Waa Lagu Been Abuurtay", Mana jirto wax Warqad ah oo aan u qoray Shirkadda Saracen....

Ra'iisul Wasaarahii hore ee DFKMG, Cumar Cabdirashiid Sharmaarke oo si qayaxan u beeniyey in uu saxiixay warqad la sheegay in loo diray shirkadda Saracen Internation ee qaabilsan ammaanka... | Jan 3, 2011



Cumar C/rashiid ayaa si kulul u beeniyey hadalkii uu ra'iisul wasaaraha DFKMG ee hadda, Maxamed Farmaajo ka hor akhriyey baarlamaanka DFKMG ee ahaa in Cumar C/rashiid uu warqad u qoray shirkadda Saracen, si shirkaddaasi uga hawl gasho Soomaaliya, taas oo ra'iisul wasaarahii hore ee DFKMG ku tilmamaay waxba kama jiraan.


Waraaqahii ka soo bixi jirey xafiiska Cumar C/rashiid waxaa astaan u ahaa xarfaha XRW, laakiin warqadda laga hor akhriyey baarlamaanka waxaa astaan u ah xarfaha OPM....

"Waxaa la ii sheegay in ra'iisul wasaaraha uu baarlamaanka geeyey xaashi, taas oo la leeyahay ra'iisul wasaarahii hore ayaa dalbay Saracen, waxaan rabaa xildhibaanada baarlamaanka iyo ummadda Soomaaliyeedba in aan u caddeeyo in ay tahay been abuur, runtii lagu been abuurtay saxiixayga iyo waraaqdaba." Sidaas waxa uu ka ra'iisul wasaarahii hore ku sheegay waraysi uu la yeeshay TV-ga Universal.


Cumar Cabdirashiid waxa uu sheegay in uusan haba yaraatee dalban shirkaddaasi in ay timaado dalka Soomaaliya, iyo in uusan qorin warqaddii uu ra'iisul Wasaaraha hadda, Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo ka hor akhriyey baarlamaanka. Waxaana Cumar C/rashiid warqaddaas ka yiri "Waa been abuur aan waxba ka jirin, ma jirto wax dalab ah aan sameeyey oo shirkaddaas ku saabsan." ayuu ku celceliyey. (Waraysigaas oo Video ah hoos ka daawo, ama Waraysiga oo cod ah hoos ka dhegeyso).


Haddaba waxaa soo gaarey nuqul kamid ah HESHIISKII DFKMG iyo SARACEN iyo nuqul warqaddii uu ra'iisul WARQADDII uu Wasaaraha DFKMG ee hadda, Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo ka hor akhriyey baarlamaanka, December 30, 2010.



Warqadda oo weyn ka eeg halkan /


Ra'iisul wasaaraha DFKMG, Farmaajo oo warqaddaas baarlamaanka u sharxayey waxa uu yiri "kaddib markii aan raadiney macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan shirkadda Sarecen International waxaa noo soo baxday in 15-kii May 2010 waxaa jirtey warqad uu ra'iisulwasaarahii hore mudane Cumar C/rashiid uu u qoray shirkadda Sarecen International, taas oo ku sumadaysnayd: Office of Prime Minister: OPM/ IC/000.649/05/10, laguna hagaajiyey Lafras Luitingh, Saracen International, oo address-kiisu yahay Lubnaan, warqaddaasi uu diray ra'iisul wasaarahihii hore waatan, waxaana codsanayaa guddoomiyuhu in uu baarlamaanka siiyo." Farmaajo oo akhrinayey Warqadda halkan ka dhegeyso.


Sida ka muuqata warqadda, isla markaasna uu sheegay ra'iisul wasaaraha DFKMG, Farmaajo, waxaa warqadda ku suntan OPM/IC/000.649/05/10.


Laakiin waxaa soo shaac baxay, Cumar C/rashiidna laga xaqiijiyey, in Waraaqaha ka soo bixi jirey Xafiiskiisa uusan ku qori jirin xarfaha OPM (oo laga soo gaabiyey Office of the Prime Minister). Waxa uu Cumar C/rashiid xaqiijiyey in uu adeegsan jirey xarfaha XRW (oo laga soo gaabiyey Xafiiska Ra'iisul Wasaaraha), sida XRW/000.710/04/2010 ama XRW/00065/06/09 - sida ka muuqata waraaqaha hoose oo ku qoran luqadda Ingiriisiga.



Cumar C/rashiid Warqaddan waxa uu qoray 19.04.2010



Website-ka UN Warqaddan waa tii Cumar C/rashiidu u diray UN, April 8, 2009 files/preliminary/som_2009_letter.pdf


Aqoonyahan Soomaaliyeed oo arkay qaabka loo qoray warqadda la sheegay in Cumar C/rashiid u diray Saracen ayaa yiri "Xafiis kasta oo dawladeed waxa uu leeyahay Borotokool (Protocol) la raaco oo ku astaysan waraaqahiisa. Cumar C/rashiid xafiiskiisa waraaqahii ka soo bixi jirey ee uu isagu soo saari jirey waxaa ku astaysnaan jirey xarfaha XRW, hadda wixii ugu horeeyey oo ishaydu qabatay markaan arkay warqadda la sheegay in uu isagu qoray waa in aysan lahayn Protocol-kii astaanta u ahaa waraaqahiisa."


Taas ka sokow, ayuu yiri "Cumar C/rashiis ayaa afkiisa la soo taagan oo dhahaya anigu warqaddaas shaqo kuma lihi, mana qorin, saxiixaygana waa lagu been abuurtay, marka xukuumadda Farmaajo ayaa laga rabaa cadayn taas ay keentay mid ka weyn ama in ay ka laabato hadalkaas, shacabka Soomaaliyeedna u cadayso in warqaddaasi been macmal ah tahay."


Dhanka kale, sida aan kor ku xusnay waa SomaliTalk soo gaarey nuqul ka kooban 12 bog oo ah heshiiskii DFKMG iyo Saracen. Waxaa qoraalkaas ku cad in ay ahayd in Madaxweynaha DFKMG Sheikh Shariif uu saxiixo, oo waxaa u bannaan meel magaciisa lagu qoray. Waxa kale oo warqadda in uu saxiixo ay ahayd qof ka socda shirkadda oo magaciisu yahay Lafras Luitingh, waxaana loo banneeyey booskii uu saxiixi lahaa. Waxa kale oo ka bannaan laba markhaanti booskoodii. Laakiin meeshaas saxiixa kuma qorna in ra'iisul wasaare saxiixi lahaa.



Meesha loo baneeyey in madaxweynaha saxiixo


Heshiiskii Sarancen iyo DFKMG oo dhamaystiran halkan ka akhri


ama Halkan /


Cumar C/rashiis uu Axadii Janaayo 2, 2011 waraysi siiyey TV-ga Univesal waxa uu si kulul u beeniyey in uu wax waraaq ah u diray shirkadda Saracen.


Waraysiga Cumar C/rashiid oo Cod ah Dhegeyso

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Ka dib markaan isu eegay labada saxiix iyo astaamaha aay warqaduhu ku kala saxiixan yihiin ee kala ah XRW iyo OPM waxaa meeshaa ka cad in uusan saxiixin former PM of Soomaaliya war qadahaan ee laga been abuurtey. Xalay ayaan waliba ka fiirsanayey Universal Tv isagaaba af kiisa ka yiri anigu ma saxiixin marka af jooga looma adeego baay yiraahdaan Soomaalidu. Su'aasha meesha taal baa ah yaa sheekadaan ka danbeeyey , maxaase loogu been abuurtey raaysal wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya hadii wax la saxiixayo maa qofkii arintaan ka danbeeyey magaciisa ku saxiixo mise isagu arintaan awood uma lahaayn?

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I will not wait for the signatures and comparisons of it to know who is telling the truth. Omer Abdirashid wax uu sheegay waligay ma been san. The man is truth personified, waa wuxuu Somali siyaasadeed ula qabsan waayey. He is a good guy wronged by primitive politicians and thief Sheikhs. But he will day sure come back.


One major reservation I have about Farmaajo is that he seems to be able to manouver in the current Somalia politics. It may be his strength and I welcome if it brings result. But as a rule of thumb,any person who can work with Sheikh Sharif and Sharif Hassan without problem must have a serious personality problem. Tuug nin ayna isdiidin waa tuug ama waa wax aan dhaamin. I still give Farmajo the benefit of the doubt. Let us see how he fares after one year. If he is still in agreement with the false Sheikhs, it means he is a thief as well.

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lol@it means he is a thief as well.


Sharmaarke seems to be too oblivious to what is going around him. This is not the first time he claimed his signature was forged.


These remarks by Sharmaarke Jnr leaves Sh. Sharifs' office boy who issued this statement out to the wolves.



Republic of Somalia

The Ministry of Information,

Posts & Telecommunications

Office of the Minister




Saturday, December 25, 2010


There has been some confusion about the relationship between Saracen International and the TFG and Saracen’s activities in Somalia. There were also some answers to reporters’ questions and interviews and writings on this issue which may have been misunderstood, or based on incomplete or at time inaccurate information. Today we hope to set the record straight and share with you and the world the accurate details of what we learned after reviewing relevant documents and speaking with the parties involved:

1. The Somali Cabinet, in its meetings on Tuesday, December 21, 2010 and Thursday December 23, 2010; discussed at length the issues related to the agreement between the TFG and Saracen International.

2. The agreement with Saracen predated the current government so the review of this agreement by the cabinet now was to make sure that it serves the best interest of the Somali People.

3. The scope of TFG agreement with Saracen is training Security Personnel and some Humanitarian work.

4. Our agreement with Saracen clearly does not address any specific activities for the company in The Puntland State of Somalia.

5. After a thorough investigation, we have been assured that the TFG has not been party to any agreement or activity that is in violation of the UNSC resolutions and we are cooperating with the Monitoring Group with regard to their concerns.

6. The Transitional Federal Government has a responsibility to provide security to its people and needs the assistance of the International Community in building its capacity to achieve this goal. The TFG agreement with Saracen International is a limited engagement that is clearly defined and geared towards filling a need that is not met by other sources at this time.

7. The funding of these activities is provided by some Muslim Countries that have no interest but to help the people and Government of Somalia overcome the difficulties they faced for the last 20 years.
This is a rare opportunity afforded to Somali People in State Building as is done for others like Iraq and Afghanistan by many countries and companies.

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