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To be or not to be Saracen! that is the question.

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Wasiirkii Hore Arimaha Dibada Soomaaliya Oo Ka Hadley Heshiiska Lala Galay Saracen International


Virginia (RBC Radio):- Wasiirkii hore ee Arimaha Dibadda ee Dowladda FKMG Soomaaliya Mudane Cali Axmed Jaamac (Jangeli) ayaa ka hadley heshiiska dowladda FKMG Soomaaliya ay la gashay Shirkada Saracen International.

Mudane Cali Axmed Jaamac oo haatan ku sugan wadanka Mareykanka ayaa sheegay in uusan waxba kala socon heshiiska Xukuumada FKMG Soomaaliya ay la gashay Shirkada Saracen International.

Wasiirkii hore ee Arimaha Dibada ee Xukuumadii Ra’isulwasaare Sharma’arke ayaa sheegay in xilligii uu hayay Wasaarada Arimaha Dibada uusan soo marin heshiis ay leedahay shirkad ajnabi ah, balse Xukuumada haatan jirta ay arintaasi lug ku leedahay.


Mudane Jangeli waxaa uu sheegay in ay wax loo baahan yahay tahay in la cadeeyo cidda heshiiska la gashay hay’adaasi iyadoo aan la isku tuur tuurin, wuxuuna Golaha Baarlamaanka ku dhiiri geliyay in ay la xisaabtamaan oo ay baaraan cidda heshiiska dhabta ah la gashay shirkadaha ajnabiga ah ee dalka haatan ku sugan.

“Arintani waxay aniga ila tahay in shirkadahani ajnabiga ah ee dalka yimid ay yihiin kuwa qandaraaslayaal ah oo ay wataan ciidamada Amisom, Qaramada Midoobayna ay wax ka ogtahay, sababtoo ah shirkadahani waxay wataan wax kasta oo ah qalabkii iyo waxyaabihii ay kaga howlgali lahaayeen gudaha dalka Soomaaliya” ayuu yiri Cali Axmed Jaamac.

Mudane Cali Axmed Jaamac (Jangeli) ayaa ka dhawaajiyey in loo baahan yahay in marka hore la fiiriyo heshiiska shirkadaha ma yahay mid dadka iyo dalka faa’ido u sameynaya, haddii dalka iyo dadka faa’ido ku helayaan waxba yaan la isweydiin oo la isku tuur tuurin cida keentay ee hala soo dhoweeyo, haddii aysan wadin danta dadka iyo dalkana hala fiirsado ayuu hadalkiisa raaciyey Mudane Jangeli.

Jangeli ayaa haatan booqasho ku jooga Magaalada Virginia ee dalka Mareykanka, isagoo sheegay in uu dalka dib ugu soo laaban doono maalmaha soo socda.

RBC Radio.


Saacadihii inkiraada iyo farfiiqIda ayaa dib u bilaabatey, xagey ku dhamaaneysaa sheekadaan taloow?

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Somalia cancels troop-training deal


By Mohamed Sheikh Nor

The Associated Press


MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's government decided on Thursday to cancel an agreement with a private security company linked to the founder of Blackwater Worldwide to train Somali forces to go after pirates and insurgents, a senior official said.


Deputy Security Minister Ibrahim Mohamed Yarow told The Associated Press that the Cabinet, meeting behind closed doors, ended the agreement with Saracen International in a decision he said is "irrevocable."


The AP reported last week that Erik Prince, whose former company Blackwater Worldwide became synonymous with the use of private U.S. security forces running amok in Iraq and Afghanistan, had quietly taken on a new role in the project to train troops in lawless Somalia. Blackwater guards were charged with killing 14 civilians in 2007 in the Iraqi capital.


Yarow said his government, which controls only part of Mogadishu in a country that has seen mostly anarchy for two decades, wanted assistance, but only from companies with distinguished records.


"The Cabinet has today overwhelmingly voted against Saracen International," Yarrow said.


Lafras Luitingh, the chief operating officer of Beirut-registered Saracen International, did not immediately return phone calls or text messages from AP seeking comment.


Yarow said the contract had also envisioned reviving social services in Mogadishu, Somalia's capital which has been heavily damaged by ongoing fighting, including building health facilities.


On Jan. 21, a day after the AP report appeared, U.S. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters in Washington that the United States was "concerned about the lack of transparency regarding Saracen's funding, its objectives and its scope."


Crowley said the U.S. had made these concerns known to Somali officials.


Luitingh had told AP that his company signed a contract with the Somali government in March. He declined to say then whether Prince was involved in the project and said he was not part of Saracen. But a person familiar with the project and an intelligence report seen by AP said Prince was involved in the multimillion-dollar program financed by several Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates.


It aimed to mobilize some 2,000 Somali recruits to fight Somali pirates who are terrorizing mariners sailing far off the African coast. The force was also to go after a warlord linked to Islamist insurgents, one official said.


Blackwater gained a notorious reputation in Washington after a series of incidents.


A U.S. federal judge threw out the charges related to the 2007 Baghdad shootings on the grounds that the defendants' constitutional rights were violated. Last year, Iraq's Interior Ministry gave all contractors who had worked with Blackwater at the time of the shooting one week to get out of the country or face arrest for visa violations.


The European Union is training about 2,000 Somali soldiers with U.S. support, and an African Union force of 8,000 Ugandan and Burundian peacekeepers is propping up the government.


Prince, now based in the United Arab Emirates, is no longer with Blackwater, now known as Xe Services. He has stoutly defended the company, telling Vanity Fair magazine that "when it became politically expedient to do so, someone threw me under the bus."


Since the signing of the Saracen contracts, a new Somali government took office and appointed a panel to investigate the deal and others, Minister of Information Abdulkareem Jama said earlier this month.


The U.N. is quietly investigating whether the Somalia projects have broken the blanket embargo on arms supplies to Somali factions.

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Somalina;690984 wrote:
"Not to be" def ...

After all the fuss?:D So no to Saracen, what about the other ring by the name SKA?

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AYOUB;691052 wrote:
After all the fuss?
So no to Saracen, what about the other ring by the name SKA?

"To be" waaye so far ;)...

Will find out soon enough though.

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