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The 28th Anniversary of the Badbaado Mission - Breaking the Mandhera Prison in 1983

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^ I'm not surprised you don't believe the SNM conducted the Badbaado Operation (or Bir-Jeex for that matter). Wax la aamini karo maaha. Stuff of legends. Not even bollywood could script what those heroes pulled off.


My two cousins were released in Operation Badbaado. They were part of the students arrested after the Dhagax-tuur riots in 1982. My uncles explored every opportunity of getting them out of jail - including seeing the late dictator - without much success accept false promises.


Then Mj. Lixle and heroes came along, my two cousins joined the SNM and the rest is history...

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bir jeex, iyo qool ku ceejiye, iyo ina maroodi salaaxe, mujaahidiintaas oo dhan waa salaamay

salaan ka dib ilaahayow maxaan waraabow uu' kaa maqlay


taariikh aa qortaan iminkay idinku dhawdahay dadaad horay u socotaan ood ilmada iska tirtaan

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Adinku munaasabado xasuuqii hebel iyo mujaahid hebel uun ku jira waligiin, You guys remind me of the Iraqi Shiiat who waste all year remembering the killing of Imam fulan and the birth of Imam fulan. just move forward guys, move forward. I like when you tell us about a positive project being built in Sland, that's how you revenge your enemies.

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Somaliland heroes and those who fought for the re birth of The republic of Somaliland And every single Mujaheed shall be remembered for the sacrifice he made for his country. Moonlight with out these guys we could not post about positive projects being buillt in the republic of Somaliland.



Ilahay qabriga ha u nuuuro Mujaheedinti dalka u so halgamay

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MoonLight1;684948 wrote:
Adinku munaasabado xasuuqii hebel iyo mujaahid hebel uun ku jira waligiin, You guys remind me of the Iraqi Shiiat who waste all year remembering the killing of Imam fulan and the birth of Imam fulan. just move forward guys, move forward. I like when you tell us about a positive project being built in Sland, that's how you revenge your enemies.


We forgot and forgive adeer ,,, that is why Rayaale and others were elected. But history is already written and will be there for the generations to come. Don't worry, Somalia will have its own soon and teach the kids about the warlords and their barbaric actions.

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mujaahid waxaa ah ninka dambiile xabsi ku jira ilaalo ka hayay. una soo jeeday dalkissa iyo dadkiisa kuna dhintay.

waxaase la yaab leh dambiilihii markuu majaahid noqday

war caalamku xaguu ka waalan yahay?

ina godane waa gabyaa sidii yayid abdille xasan kitaabna waa wataa miyuuna mujaahid ahayn?

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Dembiile waxa ah ninka masaakiinta iska soo xidhay shacabkana diyaarado iyo madaafiic la dhacay ee kumanaan dumar iyo caruur ah ku laayay ,,,,,,, Mujaahid waxa ah ninka kuwaas difaacayay.

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nacayb lama barto jacayl baa la bartaa saxiib

askariga la dilay caruur iyo hooyadood ayuu guriga uga soo tagay asagoo labisan astaantii qaranka soomaaliya kumana noqon gurigiisii ee wuu shahiiday

ninkaad ku jahaaday dad iyo dal buu usoo jihaaday. ama hala wado ooyo ama ha la iska iloobo qura miyaad garan la'dihiin?

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Tuugga guriga kuugu soo dhacaa caruur iyo hooyadood buu ka soo tegey ..... Even argagixisadu caruur iyo hooyadood bay ka soo tegeen ,,,, use your logic waaryaa.

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askariga hargaysa ku dhashay jeelka xamar ayuu waardiye ka ahaa kan baydhabo ku dhashayna boosaaso tuugo ma ahayn qarankooda ayay cadaw ka hor joogeen alaha u naxariisto shohadaas adiguna u ducee saxiib habeen wanaagsan

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waa laga yaabaa inaanan akhrin mowduuca balse waxaa faham iigu filan islaantii dar alle u kuftana diyaaradihii baa jabiyey kii marqaamana waa mujaahid oo aan dhamaad lahayn sanad guuradii mujrinmujaahidka iyo biti biti

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