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2011 starts with humiliation for Siilanyo's clan fiefdom - so much for recognition arms embargo

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Xisbiga Udub Oo Dhaliilo Ujeediyey Maamulka Madaxweyne Siilaanyo




Hargeysa (RBC Radio):- Siyaasiyiinta xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee Udub ayaa waxay dhaliilo u jeediyeen maamulka Madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo).


Dhaliisha ay jeedinayaan siyaasiyiinta xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee Kulmiye ayaa ku saabsan sidii loo maamulay hawsha diyaarad ku xanibneyd garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Hargeysa taasi oo la sheegay in ay saanad milatari u waday maamulka Puntland.


Siyaasiyiin uu ka mid yahay Yuusuf Ciise Ducaale oo horey uga tirsanaa Xukuumadii Rayaale Kaahin haddana xubin ka ah xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee Udub ayaa sheegay in maamulka Madaxweyne Siilaanyo uusan u maamulin sidii macquulka ahayd hawsha diyaaradii Antanov 32 ee sida khaldan ugu degtay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Cigaal International Airport.


“Waxaa haboonaan lahayd oo aanu wada sugeynay in Xukuumadu ay muujiso karti iyo awood oo ay diyaaradaasi iyo waxa ay sido loo soo bandhigo mas’uuliyiinta dalka iyo shacabkaba, hase ahaatee wax la qaadan karo ma aha in diyaarada la qariyo waxa saaran iyo in lagu deg dego xukunkeeda” ayuu hadalkiisa raaciyey Mudane Ducaale.


Siyaasiyiinta xisbiga Udub ayaa sheegay in diyaarada Antanov 32 aysan ahayn markii ugu horeysay ee ay ka soo degto Garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Hargeysa balse ay jirto in laba mar oo hore ay kasoo degtay gudaha Soomaaliland, hase ahaatee aan lagu sameyn wax baaritaan ah.


Ma aha markii ugu horeysay ee Xukuumada Soomaaliland lagu dhaliilo arimaha diyaarada saanada milatari wadey ee lagu qabtey garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Hargeysa 10 bishii December ee sanadki tagey ee 2010, waxaana diyaaradaasi oo la sheegay in ay u rarneyd shirkada Saracen International lagu eedeeyay in ay hub u siday maamulka Puntland.


RBC Radio.

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The "weapons" and Uniforms along with all the staff have left Hargaysa. It seems they had a vacation and nothing more.

2011, a bad start for the secessionist junta.

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This was a PR coup for SL. Arrests made. Concerns aired. World's major media outlets reporting on it. SL's side of the story given time.


Get over it lads.

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lol@Norf, you sound as desperate as Gabose. Adeer this was a PR nonsense, the men, the plane and cargo was released. So much for you air space being violated. We have seen how vulnerable you are, and now the sponsors of this program are pissed with you and you dont even know who you are dealing with. Ask Gabose and Co, they know..

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Xaaji Xunjuf;684804 wrote:
what part do u guys dont understand. the court made it clear two days ago that they could buy them self out .

Wasn't the original xukun one year AND ganaax? Not one year OR pay the ganaax? :cool:

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Kool_Kat;685175 wrote:
Wasn't the original xukun one year
ganaax? Not one year
pay the ganaax? :cool:

No it was sit one year or pay ganaax it was clear all along.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;685180 wrote:
No it was sit one year or pay ganaax it was clear all along.

Waan gartay...Oo hadaba intan ila eeg, posted by none other than the great JB:


Jacaylbaro;683930 wrote:
War Deg Deg Ah : Maxkamada Gobolka Hargeisa oo xukun ku riday Diyaaradii hubka u siday Puntland iyo shaqalihii saaranaa…



Maxkamada Gobolka Hargeysa ayaa xukuno kala duwan ku riday diyaaradii ku soo xad gudbtay Hawada Somaliland Agabka Ciidamadana u siday Maamulka Puntland ,Shaqaalihii diyaradii iyo agabkiiba .



Maxkamada ayaa Ku xukuntay Shaqaalihii diyarada watay oo dhamaa lix nin min
Hal Sanno oo xadhig ah
Ganaax dhan Saddex Milyan oo Somaliland Shilling ah. Halka ay diyaaradiina ku xukuntay 23 Milyan oo Somaliland Shilling ah.



Agabkii saarnaa Diyaaradana waxay xukuntay dhamaanteed in ay la wareegto xukuumada Somaliland.


Markey leeyihiin 'hal sano oo xarig ah iyo ganaax' mawaxaad leedahay waxaa laga wadaa 'hal sano oo xarig ah ama ganaax'? Anigu afSoomaaliga qaldan xoogaa wuu idhibaa ee ii yara jilci in ilaahay kheyr ku siiyo! :D

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Since Roy became the Manager in Hargaysa, we have had, ONLF landings and uniform chasings in NW Somalia.

2011, has already been a tough year for Roy Black, hope it gets better for the old fart..

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Halkani waa idaacada dhagayso ama ha dhagaysan ee Radio Pinti oo kasoo hadasha mawjadaha meel ma gaadhanka ah soona xigata wariyayal aan gayigooga dibad uga bixin beeshana ku abtirsada. Idaacadu waxay ka xanaaqdaa xigashada warbaahinta caalamiga ah waxana soo akhridaa uun bogaga Garoowe iyo Boosaso geedaha u dhaxeeya lagu qoro ee siday doonan wax u macneeyayaysha.

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