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Cargo Plane Crew Released ,, Somaliland says Cargo to be Handed Over to the UN

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Peace Action;684962 wrote:
Good move. The whole fiasco was unecessary and now all the secessionst in SOL including their guru NG in residence (until Oodwayene comes back) must tell us how to spin this.

When you say "us" do you mean PL? Well, PL did not spin anything yet. They chose to remain silent about al this bad publicity, saaxib. Their hope is that the story will go away and die. But the story is not going away, is it? SL is milking it for all it's worth (marna they catch a plane, marna they have a court case iyo marna they release the crew). Waxan ku odhan laha, watch this space and see what the next news will be. The story has never been about uniforms, planes that landed in the wrong place or Russian crews. It is all about highlighting the fact that PL is training some troops. It is all about building up the publicity to an extent that it becomes too negative that it would force the powers that be to act or PL to make a mistake. What's more, it is reaping some results already; South Africa started twitching and caught those guys with their thirteen guns (and the bad publicity continues).


Hear it from me now, saaxib. Imam Farole will speak about this story sooner or later. His type of "leader" can't help themselves.

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Labo waa mid:

1. Kii xakumay inuu marqaansanaa.

2. Wixii fasaxay hada iney marqaansanaayeen.


PR the rear of my neighbour's dog dheh! Dhirta badan hala joojiyo meesha wadan ku sheeg dhan sumcadiisa baa kuxiranee!!!

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Kool_Kat;685178 wrote:
Labo waa mid:

1. Kii xakumay inuu marqaansanaa.

2. Wixii fasaxay hada iney marqaansanaayeen.


PR the rear of my neighbour's dog dheh! Dhirta badan hala joojiyo meesha wadan ku sheeg dhan sumcadiisa baa kuxiranee!!!

It worked my dear sodoh, it worked. Wakaa Imam Faroole statement bixiyaay. War le ma wadaynaa... :D

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Kool_Kat;685178 wrote:
Labo waa mid:

1. Kii xakumay inuu marqaansanaa.

2. Wixii fasaxay hada iney marqaansanaayeen.


PR the rear of my neighbour's dog dheh! Dhirta badan hala joojiyo meesha wadan ku sheeg dhan sumcadiisa baa kuxiranee!!!


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NGOONGE, like your Uncle Roy of the Rovers you are rattled. now his great achievement is he “won” an election?

Adeer, the fact remains that this was the funniest episode of secessionist fear and loathing on display since 1988.


Now odner they stoop so low as to support Godane and their other boys in South Somalia?


You are afraid, and Roy is looking dumb founded in Villa Morgan..


Also you know you ahd to release the plane & cargo and it was not the UN;)

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nuune;685201 wrote:

Mood ka sidan dhaqsaha ah isku badalayo caafimaad ma'aha Nuune, ee meesha taqtar maka aaday mise mid baan soo diraa? :D


NG, Faroole hadalkiisa miyaa sidaa uxiiseysaan? Bal aan aragno ceebta idinku dhacday haduu wax utaro hadalkiisa, saa meesha ceeb iyo nus baa idinka raacdee...Maanta gal, biri bax, waligey ma'arkin...Laakiin layaabi maayo meesha waa Soomaaliya...;)

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Kool_Kat;685212 wrote:


Faroole hadalkiisa miyaa sidaa uxiiseysaan? Bal aan aragno ceebta idinku dhacday haduu wax utaro hadalkiisa, saa meesha ceeb iyo nus baa idinka raacdee...Maanta gal, biri bax, waligey ma'arkin...Laakiin layaabi maayo meesha waa Soomaaliya...

Dee meesho ciyaar maaha. Farole rasaas iyo hub ayaa la siiyaay. Miyaan fadheesana o iska dhawana? Sheekada oo dhan waxay tahay "anaga na hub hala na siiyo ama Imam Farole hala hor tago oo laga qaado hubkaan cusub". Now how could we achieve that? Aha! Is that a plane we see there asking for premssion to land?.... :D

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This must be the funniest thing that came out from the seccessionist. The carrier that supposedly broke the UN embargo is set free, but the dress is looted! what a joke!

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They quickly jumped iyagoon hubsan and talked about "looting" until they later on found out it was the UN that received the cargo ...... Now again they are in shock ,,, :D

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^Maxaa hubsiimo ubaahan? Soo warkaad adiga soo dhajisay ma eheen in nimankiina hal sano oo xarig ah lagu xakumay iyo ganaax lacag ah, wixii diyaarada saarnaana ey la wareegtay dowlada? You can try to spin it how ever you like it, laakiin ha isku fiirin inaad indhaha natirto, specially sheeko aad adiga soo dhajisay dee...Naga daa yaaqoo...

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Sheekada anigu aan soo dhejiyay inaad wada akhrido ma ahayn dee ayeeyo ..... hal layn baad akhriday kii kelena waad ka degdegtay ciyaalkii baad iskuulka ka doontay ,,, :D

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I love the way, the plane, pilots an Cargo are released after refueling and went on their business as usual.

Secessionist bravadom you got to love it. Now whats Hargaysa going to do, since no one will help them?

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