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When was Mutta Prohibited??

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OG Girl


I am back sisters, excuse my absence, of all the Aqeedah topics that I've posted it seems that you are more interested in Mutaa than princiles such as Imaamah, Rajcah, Bidaa. So OG Girl sis, you are talking about kufr, how about the belief of the Shia of the Kufr of Abu Bakar, Omar and Othman, Aisha and the rest of trhe companions, can you please shed some light on it without religiously lying using your tuqya gear?


So before I answer this topic and dig the background of the Mutaa principle, its history, occurance, definition, and how it found home with the Shia, etc, I assume that OG girl is an Arabic native speaker, so I am posting a live lecture and Question and answer session between students at Dearborn Michigan and a prominent Shia scholar from Qom, held in Dearborn Michigan on 20 July 2002.



The Lecture and Fatwaa of Ayatullah Al Uthmaa Azraa Yacqub al Amili from Holy Qom City

To The Shia Community meeting in Dearborn Michigan at the University Conference Hall


Below is the Arabic text of the meeting, enjoy reading ( if you need help please ask an Arabic reader to read it to you, this stuff is realy kinky, questions answered by the Ayatullah include, Iranian and Italian lovers habits in bed, what happens when time runs out for Muta session before the nirvana, can the Mutaa contract be extended during intercourse, can the Mutaa be kept confidential so parents dont know, the least permissible time for Mutaa contract, if you guessed that one go will do, you are right according to the Sheikh, but you must immediately turn your face away and not look!!! woow woow woow .)


The Text


20-7-2002 20:04 احتÙت الطائÙØ© الشيعية ÙÙŠ ديربورن بولاية ميتشيغن ÙÙŠ الولايات المتحدة الأميركية بقدوم أحد الحجج من قم المشرÙØ© زائرا ومحاضرا ÙÙŠ شبابهم وأعيانهم. وبدأ الحÙÙ„ ÙÙŠ أحد قاعات جامعة ديربورن بتقديم هذا الضي٠الكريم، Ùبدأ مراقب الحÙÙ„ بعد الترحاب والتصÙيق الطويل بقوله: يسرنا أيها الإخوة والأخوات أن نستضي٠ÙÙŠ هذه المناسبة الطيبة أحد كبار Ùقهاء الشيعة الإمامية، وهو ÙÙŠ الحقيقة مصدر العلوم والحكم والآثار، ومركز دائرة الÙضلاء النبلاء الأحبار، وقطب الشريعة الذي عليه منها المدار ÙÙŠ هذه الأعصار، وركن الشيعة وشيخها الجليل المنزلة والمقدار، إن قلت ÙÙŠ الÙضل Ùمثل الشمس ÙÙŠ رابعة النهار، وإنْ ÙÙŠ الÙيض Ùأنى يحسن أن تقاس به الأنهار؟


- تصÙيق حاد منقطع النظير من الجمهور، وقد وقÙوا له تبجيلا. بعدها القى محاضرة طويلة عريضة عن نكاح المتعة


- قيام وتصÙيق حاد من الحضور


- عري٠الحÙÙ„: نشكر لسماحة آية الله العظمى يعقوب عزرا العاملي ما أتحÙنا به من جميل القول ÙÙŠ المتعة، وكم هو حري بنا ÙÙŠ هذه المناسبة شباب وشابات أن نطبق هذا الحق المشروع من الآن Ùيستمتع بعضنا ببعض لمدة أسبو! ع أو ليلة أو حتى ساعة، وأترك الميكرÙون للإخوة والأخوات الحضور لطرح استÙساراتهم حول المتعة أو غيرها.


- اسمي زينب عبد الحسين، وسؤال هو:


تزوجت صديق لي ÙÙŠ الجامعة زواج متعة وحددنا الوقت لمدة ساعة، وذهبت معه إلى غرÙته ÙÙŠ سكن الطلاب، ولكن الوقت أخذنا، ÙˆÙÙŠ أثناء الجماع انتهت المدة ولما ننتهي من قضاء الوطر بعد، واستمرينا ÙÙŠ المواقعة، Ùهل وقعنا ÙÙŠ الزنا؟


آية الله العظمى العاملي: إن الحسنات يذهبن السيئات، قبولك للمتعة حسنة عظيمة، والاستمرار ÙÙŠ المواقعة بعد انتهاء المدة المحددة وإن كانت سيئة لكنها جنحة بسيطة.


- أنا نضال مقهور، طالب جامعي، تعرÙت على أخت شيعية، ونشأت بيننا علاقة غرامية، واتÙقت معها على أن نعقد Ùيما بيننا نكاح المتعة، وحين اختليت بها، رÙضت أن أجامعها لئلا تÙقد بكارتها، Ùما العمل؟


- آية الله العاملي: إذا كنت قد دÙعت لها أجرة المتعة، Ùارجع لها .. يا أخي هناك سبيلين، الدين يسر وليس عسر، واستمتع بالسبيل الثاني، ماكو حرج ÙÙŠ المسألة. Ùقد روى الكليني ÙÙŠ النوادر من باب النكاح عن عَلÙيٌّ عَنْ أَبÙيه٠عَن٠ابْن٠أَبÙÙŠ عÙمَيْر٠عَنْ عَمَّار٠بْن! ٠مَرْوَانَ عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ عَبْد٠اللَّه٠( عليه السلام ) قَالَ Ù‚Ùلْت٠لَه٠رَجÙÙ„ÙŒ جَاءَ Ø¥ÙÙ„ÙŽÙ‰ امْرَأَة٠Ùَسَأَلَهَا أَنْ تÙزَوّÙجَه٠نَÙْسَهَا Ùَقَالَتْ Ø£ÙزَوّÙجÙÙƒÙŽ Ù†ÙŽÙْسÙÙŠ عَلَى أَنْ تَلْتَمÙسَ Ù…ÙنّÙÙŠ مَا Ø´Ùئْتَ Ù…Ùنْ نَظَر٠أَو٠الْتÙمَاس٠وَ تَنَالَ Ù…ÙنّÙÙŠ مَا يَنَال٠الرَّجÙÙ„Ù Ù…Ùنْ أَهْلÙه٠إÙلَّا أَنَّكَ لَا تÙدْخÙÙ„Ù Ùَرْجَكَ ÙÙÙŠ ÙَرْجÙÙŠ ÙˆÙŽ تَتَلَذَّذَ بÙمَا Ø´Ùئْتَ ÙÙŽØ¥ÙنّÙÙŠ أَخَاÙ٠الْÙَضÙيحَةَ؟ قَالَ لَيْسَ لَه٠إÙلَّا مَا اشْتÙرÙØ·ÙŽ.


- المراقب يقرأ رسالة خطية: أنا شابة مقيمة هنا، وحدثت Ù†Ùسي عدة مرات بزواج المتعة، لكني أستحي من طرح الموضوع مع أي شاب، Ùماذا Ø£Ùعل؟


آية الله العاملي: يقولون لا حياء ÙÙŠ الدين، أنا أحل لك مشكلتك، آني شخصيا أحتاج الليلة إلى أخت مؤمنة تمتعني بنÙسها، صار لي أيام ÙÙŠ السÙر والترحال بعيد عن أم العيال، وقد ورد عن الأئمة عليهم السلام أنه من تمتع مرة كان ÙÙŠ درجة الحسين ومن تمتع مرتين كان ÙÙŠ درجة الحسن، ومن تمتع ثلاث مرات كان ÙÙŠ درجة أمير المؤمنين، ومن تمتع أربع مرات كان ÙÙŠ درجة النبي صلى الله عليه وآله؟ أكو أحسن من هذا؟ Ùهذه Ùرصتك لكي تكوني Ù! ÙŠ درجة الحسين رضوان الله عليه، ماكو مانع بعد المحاضرة تقابليني لعقد نكاح المتعة. بعدين آني معاكم إن شاء الله لمدة أسبوع، Ùأي أخت مؤمنة تحب أن تجبر بخاطري وتنال الثواب العظيم تتصل بي ÙÙŠ الÙندق هوليداي إن مأجورة إن شاء الله. وأذكر لكم هنا حديثا أورده الكليني ÙÙŠ الكاÙÙŠ ÙÙŠ باب النوادر الذي يلي باب الميراث، ÙÙŠ حث الأخوات أن يعرضن المتعة على الرجل إرغاما لأن٠زÙر الذي حرمها برأيه، قال عن:


Ù…Ùحَمَّد٠بْن٠يَحْيَى عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْن٠مÙحَمَّد٠عَنْ عَلÙيّ٠بْن٠الْحَكَم٠عَنْ بَشÙير٠بْن٠حَمْزَةَ عَنْ رَجÙÙ„Ù Ù…Ùنْ Ù‚Ùرَيْش٠قَالَ بَعَثَتْ Ø¥Ùلَيَّ ابْنَة٠عَمّ٠لÙÙŠ كَانَ لَهَا مَالٌ ÙƒÙŽØ«Ùيرٌ [قالت]: قَدْ عَرَÙْتَ كَثْرَةَ مَنْ يَخْطÙبÙÙ†ÙÙŠ Ù…ÙÙ†ÙŽ الرّÙجَال٠Ùَلَمْ Ø£ÙزَوّÙجْهÙمْ Ù†ÙŽÙْسÙÙŠ ÙˆÙŽ مَا بَعَثْت٠إÙلَيْكَ رَغْبَةً ÙÙÙŠ الرّÙجَال٠غَيْرَ أَنَّه٠بَلَغَنÙÙŠ أَنَّه٠أَحَلَّهَا اللَّه٠عَزَّ ÙˆÙŽ جَلَّ ÙÙÙŠ ÙƒÙتَابÙÙ‡Ù ÙˆÙŽ بَيَّنَهَا رَسÙول٠اللَّه٠( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ÙÙÙŠ سÙنَّتÙÙ‡Ù Ùَحَرَّمَهَا زÙÙَر٠Ùَأَحْبَبْت٠أَنْ Ø£ÙØ·Ùيعَ اللَّهَ عَزَّ ÙˆÙŽ جَلَّ Ùَوْقَ عَرْشÙÙ‡Ù ÙˆÙŽ Ø£ÙØ·Ùيعَ رَسÙولَ الل! Ù‘ÙŽÙ‡Ù ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ÙˆÙŽ أَعْصÙÙŠÙŽ زÙÙَرَ ÙَتَزَوَّجْنÙÙŠ Ù…Ùتْعَةً ÙÙŽÙ‚Ùلْت٠لَهَا حَتَّى أَدْخÙÙ„ÙŽ عَلَى أَبÙÙŠ جَعْÙَر٠( عليه السلام ) ÙَأَسْتَشÙيرَه٠قَالَ Ùَدَخَلْت٠عَلَيْه٠ÙَخَبَّرْتÙÙ‡Ù Ùَقَالَ اÙْعَلْ صَلَّى اللَّه٠عَلَيْكÙمَا Ù…Ùنْ زَوْج٠.


Ø£Ùتعجز الأخوات العÙÙŠÙات أن يكن مثل هذه المؤمنة؟ كلا .. بل لهن جزيل الأجر والثواب، انظرن ماذا قال المعصوم عليه السلام ÙÙŠ حقهما: صلى الله عليكما من زوج.


- تصÙيق من الجمهور حاد


- اسمي منى عبد الرضا وسؤالي هو عن أجرة الاستمتاع، يعني هل يمكنني أن أحدد أجرة كل جزئية من جسدي يريد أن يستمتع بها الرجل؟


آية الله العاملي: لا شك أختي الكريمة، Ùهذا حقك، ونكاح المتعة إيجاب وقبول، Ùكما أن الرجل يؤجر منزله أو يؤجر سيارته أو حماره، أنت أيضا لك الحق أن تؤجري جسدك، كله أو بعضه، Ùيستمتع الرجل منك بالجزء الذي استأجره.


-اسمي ميرزا مرتضى غلام علي، وسؤالي هو ما أقل المدة المشترطة ÙÙŠ المتعة؟


- آية الله العاملي: جاء ÙÙŠ الكاÙÙŠ للكليني طيب الله ثراه من كتاب النكاح، باب ما يجوز من الأجل قوله عن Ù…Ùحَمَّدٌ عَنْ Ø£! َحْمَدَ بْن٠مÙحَمَّد٠عَنْ Ù…Ùحَمَّد٠بْن٠خَالÙد٠عَنْ خَلَÙ٠بْن٠حَمَّاد٠قَالَ أَرْسَلْت٠إÙÙ„ÙŽÙ‰ أَبÙÙŠ الْحَسَن٠( عليه السلام ) كَمْ أَدْنَى أَجَل٠الْمÙتْعَة٠هَلْ يَجÙوز٠أَنْ يَتَمَتَّعَ الرَّجÙل٠بÙشَرْط٠مَرَّة٠وَاحÙدَة٠قَالَ نَعَمْ. وعليه Ùلا بأس أن تستمتع بأختك المؤمنة لعملية جنسية واحدة. ولكن مجرد أن تنتهي تصر٠نظرك لما روى الكليني ÙÙŠ الكاÙÙŠ أيضا قال: عÙدَّةٌ Ù…Ùنْ أَصْحَابÙنَا عَنْ سَهْل٠بْن٠زÙيَاد٠عَن٠ابْن٠Ùَضَّال٠عَن٠الْقَاسÙم٠بْن٠مÙحَمَّد٠عَنْ رَجÙل٠سَمَّاه٠قَالَ سَأَلْت٠أَبَا عَبْد٠اللَّه٠( عليه السلام ) عَن٠الرَّجÙل٠يَتَزَوَّج٠الْمَرْأَةَ عَلَى عَرْد٠وَاحÙد٠Ùَقَالَ لَا بَأْسَ ÙˆÙŽ Ù„ÙŽÙƒÙنْ Ø¥Ùذَا Ùَرَغَ ÙَلْيÙحَوّÙلْ وَجْهَه٠وَ لَا يَنْظÙرْ .


- اسمي سكينة غلوم باقر محبي، وسؤالي هو عن طبيعة زواج المتعة، هل يكون كونÙدنشال، أعني هل يجب أن يعر٠الأهل والأقارب أني متعت Ù†Ùسي من شخص أحبه؟


- آية الله العاملي: لا يجب، وإن كنت أحبذ إعلانه حتى تشيع هذه الÙضيلة ولا يتحرج منها بين العارÙين المؤمنين. Ùما العيب Ùيه؟ العيب أن يكون لك بوي Ùرند! من غير زواج، والإسلام أحل لك البوي Ùريند بطريقة الزواج المؤقت، لكن إن أبقيت الزواج سرا، Ùلا بأس. لأن الشباب ÙÙŠ هذا الزمن وهذه البلاد لا يمكن أن يقاوم الغريزة الجنسية، كما أنه لا يمكنه كطالب جامعي ÙÙŠ كثير من الأوقات أن يتحمل مسؤولية الزواج الدائم، Ùأين يذهب بطاقته الجنسية؟ Ùنكاح المتعة كان الحل الأمثل لتصري٠هذه الطاقة وهذا الشبق الجنسي عند الشباب والشابات.


- اسمي عبد الأمير حسين الوائلي، تزوجت أخت شيعية نكاح مؤقت لمدة ستة شهور، وتحس بالغيرة كلما كلمتها عن حاجتي لنكاح أخوات أخريات لليلة واحدة أو لعرد واحد كما ذكرتم قبل قليل، ودوما ÙÙŠ شجار حول هذه المسألة، Ùهل يجوز لي أن أتزوج عليها واحدة أو أكثر؟


- آية الله العاملي: جاء ÙÙŠ الكاÙÙŠ للكليني، ويا إخوة كل ما أحدثكم به هو ÙÙŠ كتاب النكاح، أبواب المتعة لثقة الإسلام أبي جعÙر محمد بن يعقوب الكليني Ùليراجع، أقول روى الكليني عن عَلÙيّ٠بْن٠إÙبْرَاهÙيمَ عَنْ أَبÙيه٠عَن٠ابْن٠أَبÙÙŠ عÙمَيْر٠عَنْ عÙمَرَ بْن٠أÙذَيْنَةَ عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ عَبْد٠اللَّه٠( عليه السلام ) قَالَ Ù‚Ùلْت٠كَمْ تَحÙلّ٠مÙÙ†ÙŽ الْمÙتْعَة٠قَالَ Ùَقَالَ Ù‡Ùنَّ ! بÙمَنْزÙلَة٠الْإÙمَاءÙ. وروى عن Ù…Ùحَمَّد٠بْن٠يَحْيَى عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْن٠مÙحَمَّد٠بْن٠عÙيسَى عَن٠الْحÙسَيْن٠بْن٠سَعÙيد٠وَ Ù…Ùحَمَّد٠بْن٠خَالÙد٠الْبَرْقÙيّ٠عَن٠الْقَاسÙم٠بْن٠عÙرْوَةَ عَنْ عَبْد٠الْحَمÙيد٠عَنْ Ù…Ùحَمَّد٠بْن٠مÙسْلÙم٠عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ جَعْÙَر٠( عليه السلام ) ÙÙÙŠ الْمÙتْعَة٠قَالَ لَيْسَتْ Ù…ÙÙ†ÙŽ الْأَرْبَع٠لÙأَنَّهَا لَا تÙطَلَّق٠وَ لَا تَرÙØ«Ù ÙˆÙŽ Ø¥Ùنَّمَا Ù‡ÙÙŠÙŽ Ù…Ùسْتَأْجَرَةٌ.


Ùأقول لأخواتي الشيعيات أن يتقين الله Ùإنما هن مستأجرات للمتعة، Ùلا يجوز لهن أن يمنعن الرجل من استئجار حتى أل٠صبية، لما روى الكليني عن الْحÙسَيْن٠بْن٠مÙحَمَّد٠عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْن٠إÙسْحَاقَ عَنْ سَعْدَانَ بْن٠مÙسْلÙم٠عَنْ عÙبَيْد٠بْن٠زÙرَارَةَ عَنْ أَبÙيه٠عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ عَبْد٠اللَّه٠( عليه السلام ) قَالَ ذَكَرْت٠لَه٠الْمÙتْعَةَ Ø£ÙŽÙ‡ÙÙŠÙŽ Ù…ÙÙ†ÙŽ الْأَرْبَع٠Ùَقَالَ تَزَوَّجْ Ù…ÙنْهÙنَّ أَلْÙاً ÙÙŽØ¥ÙنَّهÙنَّ Ù…Ùسْتَأْجَرَاتٌ. Ùلا داعي للغيرة والشجار Ùيشمت أهل السنة بكن، بل يجب عليكن إظهار السرور والقبول بالأمر الواقع، وهو أن الرجل يدÙع ماله لغرض الاستمتاع الجنسي بكن لإشباع غري! زة هو غير قادر أن يصرÙها بشكل آخر. Ùأقول ماكو مجال للغيرة مع أخت مؤمنة أحبت أن تؤجر جسدها لرجلك.


- المراقب يقرأ رسالة خطية: سماحة آية الله العاملي، أنا متزوجة زواج دائم، وزوجي رجل دين، وكثيرا ما يبيت الليل خارج المنزل، Ùأسأله أين كان، Ùيرد بأنه قضى الليلة عند أخت شيعية تزوجها متعة، وأنا أخا٠أن أصاب بالمرض الخبيث الإيدز لكثرة معاشرته لنساء كثيرات، Ùماذا Ø£Ùعل؟


- آية الله العاملي: لا شك أن الأحوال تغيرت والزمن تغير وكثرت الأمراض الجنسية، واذكر أن الكليني روى ÙÙŠ كتابه الكاÙÙŠ عن Ù…Ùحَمَّد٠بْن٠يَحْيَى عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْن٠مÙحَمَّد٠عَن٠ابْن٠مَحْبÙوب٠عَنْ أَبَان٠عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ مَرْيَمَ عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ جَعْÙَر٠( عليه السلام ) أَنَّه٠سÙئÙÙ„ÙŽ عَن٠الْمÙتْعَة٠Ùَقَالَ Ø¥Ùنَّ الْمÙتْعَةَ الْيَوْمَ لَيْسَ كَمَا كَانَتْ قَبْلَ الْيَوْم٠إÙنَّهÙنَّ ÙƒÙنَّ يَوْمَئÙØ°Ù ÙŠÙؤْمَنَّ ÙˆÙŽ الْيَوْمَ لَا ÙŠÙؤْمَنَّ ÙَاسْأَلÙوا عَنْهÙنَّ. يعني على الرجل أن يتأكد أن المرأة التي يعاشرها لليلة واحدة أو لمرة واحدة، هي امرأة عÙÙŠÙØ© تريد أن تشبع رغبتها الجنسية، وليست امرأة عاهر.


- اسمي عبد الرض! ا الحسيني، وأنا متزوج زواج دائم وأريد أن أعر٠هل الزواج المؤقت للشباب العزّب Ùقط أم حتى للمتزوج زواج دائم؟


-آية الله العاملي: إنت وين كنت طول وقت المحاضرة؟ هاهاهاهاهاهاها (ضحك عريض ÙÙŠ القاعة) ويش كنا انقول ملصبح؟ الجواب يا عزيزي ورد ÙÙŠ الكاÙÙŠ عن عَلÙيّ٠بْن٠إÙبْرَاهÙيمَ عَن٠الْمÙخْتَار٠بْن٠مÙحَمَّد٠بْن٠الْمÙخْتَار٠وَ Ù…Ùحَمَّد٠بْن٠الْحَسَن٠عَنْ عَبْد٠اللَّه٠بْن٠الْحَسَن٠الْعَلَوÙيّ٠جَمÙيعاً عَن٠الْÙَتْح٠بْن٠يَزÙيدَ قَالَ سَأَلْت٠أَبَا الْحَسَن٠( عليه السلام ) عَن٠الْمÙتْعَة٠Ùَقَالَ Ù‡ÙÙŠÙŽ حَلَالٌ Ù…Ùبَاحٌ Ù…Ùطْلَقٌ Ù„Ùمَنْ لَمْ ÙŠÙغْنÙه٠اللَّه٠بÙالتَّزْوÙيج٠ÙَلْيَسْتَعْÙÙÙÙ’ بÙالْمÙتْعَة٠ÙÙŽØ¥Ùن٠اسْتَغْنَى عَنْهَا بÙالتَّزْوÙيج٠ÙÙŽÙ‡ÙÙŠÙŽ Ù…Ùبَاحٌ لَه٠إÙذَا غَابَ عَنْهَا .


وأكو رواية أخرى عن عَلÙيّ٠بْن٠إÙبْرَاهÙيمَ عَنْ أَبÙيه٠عَن٠ابْن٠أَبÙÙŠ عÙمَيْر٠عَنْ عَلÙيّ٠بْن٠يَقْطÙين٠قَالَ سَأَلْت٠أَبَا الْحَسَن٠مÙوسَى ( عليه السلام ) عَن٠الْمÙتْعَة٠Ùَقَالَ ÙˆÙŽ مَا أَنْتَ ÙˆÙŽ ذَاكَ Ùَقَدْ أَغْنَاكَ اللَّه٠عَنْهَا Ù‚Ùلْت٠إÙنَّمَا أَرَدْت٠أَنْ Ø£ÙŽ! عْلَمَهَا Ùَقَالَ Ù‡ÙÙŠÙŽ ÙÙÙŠ ÙƒÙتَاب٠عَلÙيّ٠( عليه السلام ) ÙÙŽÙ‚Ùلْت٠نَزÙيدÙهَا ÙˆÙŽ تَزْدَاد٠Ùَقَالَ ÙˆÙŽ هَلْ ÙŠÙŽØ·ÙيبÙه٠إÙلَّا ذَاكَ .


أي هل يطيب المستغني بالتزويج إلا استغناؤه به؟ أو يقال: معناه هل يطيب من أراد أن يعلمها إلا كونها ÙÙŠ كتاب علي (عليه السلام)ØŒ أي يكÙيه هذا. ÙˆÙÙŠ مرآة العقول: "وهل يطيبه" الضمير راجع إلى عقد المتعة، ومراد السائل أنه يجوز لنا بعد انقضاء المدة أن نزيدها ÙÙŠ المهر وتزداد المرأة ÙÙŠ المدة، أي تزوجها بمهر آخر مدة أخرى من غير عدة وتربص؟ Ùقال عليه السلام: العمدة ÙÙŠ طيب المتعة وحسنها هو ذلك، Ùإنه ليس مثل الدائم بحيث يكون لازما له كل ما عليه، بل يتمتعها مدة Ùإن واÙقه زادها وإلا يتركها. وعلى هذا يحتمل أن يكون ضمير يطيبه راجعا إلى الرجل. أي هذا سبب لطيب Ù†Ùس الرجل وسروره بهذا العقد.


- اسمي هناء رضا الأنباري، وأريد أن أعر٠أقل المهر ÙÙŠ نكاح المتعة.


- آية الله العاملي: هذا سؤال تسأله كثير من الأخوات، والجواب عليه أن الأمر عائد لها، لأن الرجل إنما يريد أن يستأجر Ùرجها أو ما شابه، والبضاعة بضاعتها، Ùهي التي تحدد إن شاءت أجرة استمتاعه بها، وإن ع! رض عليها مبلغا Ùرضيت به كان بها، ويجزئ ÙÙŠ أقله دولارا واحدا، لما روى الكليني ÙÙŠ الكاÙÙŠ عن أَحْمَد٠بْن٠مÙحَمَّد٠عَن٠الْحÙسَيْن٠بْن٠سَعÙيد٠عَنْ حَمَّاد٠بْن٠عÙيسَى عَنْ Ø´Ùعَيْب٠بْن٠يَعْقÙوبَ عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ بَصÙير٠قَالَ سَأَلْت٠أَبَا جَعْÙَر٠( عليه السلام ) عَنْ Ù…Ùتْعَة٠النّÙسَاء٠قَالَ حَلَالٌ ÙˆÙŽ Ø¥Ùنَّه٠يÙجْزÙئ٠ÙÙيه٠الدّÙرْهَم٠Ùَمَا Ùَوْقَه٠.


- اسمي علي حسين مكي ØŒ أحيانا أجد حرجا شديدا ÙÙŠ عرض المتعة على الأخت، Ùما هو السبيل الأمثل لعرض الÙكرة عليها؟


- آية الله العاملي: المسألة تحتاج إلى بعض اللطاÙØ© ÙÙŠ العرض. لا مانع من أن تمازحها بحيث تثير Ùيها الشهوة الجنسية حتى تجد أرضا خصبة لسؤالك. يعني مثلا وأنا قادم إلى هنا بالطائرة، صد٠أني كنت جالسا بجانب سيدة جميلة وجدت ÙÙŠ قلبي شوقا للتحدث إليها والاستمتاع بها، Ùسألتها عن طبيعة عملها Ùقالت أنها باحثة اجتماعية. Ùقلت: تبحثين ÙÙŠ ماذا؟ قالت: ÙÙŠ مسائل الزواج والطلاق. قلت: هذا أمر جميل، وأنا بصÙتي رجل دين تهمني الأبحاث التي تجرينها، Ùهلا أخبرتيني 'Ù† أنجح الزيجات؟


قالت: بعد دراسة مستÙيضة تبين لي أن أكث! ر حالات الزواج السعيدة هي عند الطليان والإيرانيين. Ùلم أتردد ÙÙŠ السؤال: وكي٠ذلك؟


Ùقالت: المعرو٠عن الرجل الإيطالي طول عزموله وعن الإيراني خمالته. وعندها قالت: إلى الآن لم أتعر٠على اسمك الكريم، Ùأجبتها على التو: اسمي أنطوني رÙسنجاني.


- القاعة تضج بالضحك والتصÙيق والاستحسان -


Ùكان هذا مدخلا لعرض نكاح المتعة معها وواÙقت بلا تردد. ومثل هذا المزاح البريء مع الأخوات لا بأس به إذا كان الهد٠منه الوصول إلى التمتع بها، إما إذا لم يكن هناك نية Ùالأحوط العدم.


- اسمي موسى علي الكاظمي، وأقول لك صراحة أني أجد ميلا نحو الرجال أكثر من النساء، Ùهل يجوز أن أعقد نكاح المتعة على رجل مثلي؟


- آية الله العاملي: هذا خارج عن موضوع محاضرتنا، لكن إذا كان هذا هو السؤال الوحيد ÙÙŠ بابه Ùأجيبك عنه. أما أن تعقد نكاح المتعة على رجل Ùهذا لم يقم عليه دليل من روايات الأئمة المعصومين، وإنما حصر هذا النوع من الزواج بين الجنسين. وأما Ø¥Ùراغ شهوتك مع رجل آخر، Ùقد ورد ÙÙŠ المحاسن للمحدث الجليل الثقة أبي جعÙر أحمد بن محمد بن خالد البرقي، ÙÙŠ الجزء الأول منه الباب 51 عن محمد بن عل! ÙŠØŒ عن غير واحد من أصحابه يرÙعه إلى أبي جعÙر عليه السلام قال: قيل له: أيكون المؤمن مبتلى؟ قال نعم، ولكن يعلو ولا يعلى.


Ùإذا كنت الذي يعلو Ùهذا الحديث ÙŠÙتيك، والذي عليه مشايخنا ÙÙŠ العراق ولبنان والهند وباكستان اللعب مع الصبيان، أما الرجال Ùلا.


وقد ورد عن أمير المؤمنين حديث أشكل على الشراح رواه الكليني من كتاب النكاح باب اللواط عن عَلÙيّ٠بْن٠إÙبْرَاهÙيمَ عَنْ أَبÙيه٠عَن٠النَّوْÙÙŽÙ„Ùيّ٠عَن٠السَّكÙونÙيّ٠عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ عَبْد٠اللَّه٠( عليه السلام ) قَالَ: قَالَ Ø£ÙŽÙ…Ùير٠الْمÙؤْمÙÙ†Ùينَ ( عليه السلام ) اللّÙوَاط٠مَا دÙونَ الدّÙبÙر٠وَ الدّÙبÙر٠هÙÙˆÙŽ الْكÙÙْرÙ. قال العلامة الشيخ علي أكبر الغÙاري ÙÙŠ تعليقه على هذه الرواية "وربما يحمل على الاستحلال" Ùلعل ÙÙŠ هذا سعة لك.


- تصÙيق حاد من الشباب -


- أخوكم يحيى Ùضل الله الصÙار، وسؤالي هو أنه أحيانا نرى نساء جميلات ÙÙŠ السوق وقد يكن متزوجات Ùهل يجوز أن نعرض عليهن المتعة؟


- آية الله العاملي: ليس عليك السؤال لما روى الكليني ÙÙŠ باب أنها مصدقة على Ù†Ùسها عن عÙدَّةٌ Ù…Ùنْ أَصْحَابÙنَا عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْن٠مÙحَمّ! َد٠بْن٠خَالÙد٠عَنْ Ù…Ùحَمَّد٠بْن٠عَلÙيّ٠عَنْ Ù…Ùحَمَّد٠بْن٠أَسْلَمَ عَنْ Ø¥ÙبْرَاهÙيمَ بْن٠الْÙَضْل٠عَنْ أَبَان٠بْن٠تَغْلÙبَ قَالَ Ù‚Ùلْت٠لÙأَبÙÙŠ عَبْد٠اللَّه٠( عليه السلام ) Ø¥ÙنّÙÙŠ Ø£ÙŽÙƒÙون٠ÙÙÙŠ بَعْض٠الطّÙرÙقَات٠Ùَأَرَى الْمَرْأَةَ الْحَسْنَاءَ ÙˆÙŽ لَا آمَن٠أَنْ تَكÙونَ ذَاتَ بَعْل٠أَوْ Ù…ÙÙ†ÙŽ الْعَوَاهÙر٠قَالَ لَيْسَ هَذَا عَلَيْكَ Ø¥Ùنَّمَا عَلَيْكَ أَنْ تÙصَدّÙقَهَا ÙÙÙŠ Ù†ÙŽÙْسÙهَا .


وروى أيضا عن عÙدَّةٌ Ù…Ùنْ أَصْحَابÙنَا عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْن٠مÙحَمَّد٠بْن٠عÙيسَى عَن٠الْحÙسَيْن٠بْن٠سَعÙيد٠عَنْ Ùَضَالَةَ عَنْ Ù…ÙيَسّÙر٠قَالَ Ù‚Ùلْت٠لÙأَبÙÙŠ عَبْد٠اللَّه٠( عليه السلام ) أَلْقَى الْمَرْأَةَ بÙالْÙَلَاة٠الَّتÙÙŠ لَيْسَ ÙÙيهَا أَحَدٌ ÙÙŽØ£ÙŽÙ‚Ùول٠لَهَا هَلْ لَك٠زَوْجٌ ÙَتَقÙول٠لَا ÙَأَتَزَوَّجÙهَا؟ قَالَ نَعَمْ Ù‡ÙÙŠÙŽ الْمÙصَدَّقَة٠عَلَى Ù†ÙŽÙْسÙهَا.


- أخوكم حسين موسى الÙنجري، سماحة الشيخ أحيانا تكون عندي الزوجة المؤقتة Ùأرى الرغبة عند أخي أو صديقي ÙÙŠ استعارتها، Ùهل يجوز لي أن أحلها له؟


-آية الله العاملي: قد وردت روايات كثيرة عن المعصومين عليهم ! السلام ÙÙŠ جواز إعارة الجارية، والجارية لغة تطلق على الأمة المملوكة أو البنت الصبية، Ùقد روى ثقة الإسلام الكليني طاب ثراه من كتاب النكاح باب الرجل يحل جاريته لأخيه والمرأة تحل جاريتها لزوجها: عن


عÙدَّةٌ Ù…Ùنْ أَصْحَابÙنَا عَنْ سَهْل٠بْن٠زÙيَاد٠عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْن٠مÙحَمَّد٠بْن٠أَبÙÙŠ نَصْر٠عَنْ عَبْد٠الْكَرÙيم٠عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ جَعْÙَر٠( عليه السلام ) قَالَ Ù‚Ùلْت٠لَه٠الرَّجÙÙ„Ù ÙŠÙØ­Ùلّ٠لÙØ£ÙŽØ®Ùيه٠Ùَرْجَ جَارÙيَتÙه٠قَالَ نَعَمْ لَه٠مَا أَحَلَّ Ù„ÙŽÙ‡Ù Ù…Ùنْهَا .


وعن عَلÙيّ٠بْن٠إÙبْرَاهÙيمَ عَن٠الْخَشَّاب٠عَنْ يَزÙيدَ بْن٠إÙسْحَاقَ شَعÙر٠عَن٠الْحَسَن٠بْن٠عَطÙيَّةَ عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ عَبْد٠اللَّه٠( عليه السلام ) قَالَ Ø¥Ùذَا أَحَلَّ الرَّجÙÙ„Ù Ù„ÙلرَّجÙÙ„Ù Ù…Ùنْ جَارÙيَتÙÙ‡Ù Ù‚Ùبْلَةً لَمْ ÙŠÙŽØ­Ùلَّ لَه٠غَيْرÙهَا ÙÙŽØ¥Ùنْ أَحَلَّ Ù„ÙŽÙ‡Ù Ù…Ùنْهَا دÙونَ الْÙَرْج٠لَمْ ÙŠÙŽØ­Ùلَّ لَه٠غَيْرÙÙ‡Ù ÙˆÙŽ Ø¥Ùنْ أَحَلَّ لَه٠الْÙَرْجَ حَلَّ لَه٠جَمÙيعÙهَا


وعن عَلÙيٌّ عَنْ أَبÙيه٠عَن٠ابْن٠أَبÙÙŠ عÙمَيْر٠قَالَ أَخْبَرَنÙÙŠ قَاسÙم٠بْن٠عÙرْوَةَ عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ الْعَبَّاس٠الْبَقْبَاق٠قَالَ ! سَأَلَ رَجÙÙ„ÙŒ أَبَا عَبْد٠اللَّه٠( عليه السلام ) ÙˆÙŽ نَحْن٠عÙنْدَه٠عَنْ عَارÙيَّة٠الْÙَرْج٠Ùَقَالَ حَرَامٌ Ø«Ùمَّ Ù…ÙŽÙƒÙŽØ«ÙŽ Ù‚ÙŽÙ„Ùيلًا Ø«Ùمَّ قَالَ Ù„ÙŽÙƒÙنْ لَا بَأْسَ بÙأَنْ ÙŠÙØ­Ùلَّ الرَّجÙل٠الْجَارÙÙŠÙŽØ©ÙŽ Ù„ÙØ£ÙŽØ®Ùيه٠.


وحيث أن الأخ المراقب أشار إلي أن وقت الاستراحة قد حان، أتوق٠هنا حتى العودة بعد الاستراحة والصلاة. Ùˆ Ùˆ Ùˆ برجاء الأخت التي تريد نكاح المتعة يمكن أن تلتقي بي ÙÙŠ غرÙØ© الاستراحة بارك الله Ùيها، والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.



InshaAllah time permitting, I will translate the above text and post it here.



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OG Girl


I am back sisters, excuse my absence, of all the Aqeedah topics that I've posted it seems that you are more interested in Mutaa than princiles such as Imaamah, Rajcah, Bidaa. So OG Girl sis, you are talking about kufr, how about the belief of the Shia of the Kufr of Abu Bakar, Omar and Othman, Aisha and the rest of trhe companions, can you please shed some light on it without religiously lying using your tuqya gear?

Brother Nur, your problem, you don't give people any change and just made up your mind.Not ready to debate at all. You logic is just Bush's logic "With me or you are terrorist"!! Yours is "Be with me OR you are not true "Muslim" !!!!.


Brother,Yes I am Arab native speaker and I didn't read your sources, I just scanned quickly.


There is majority of Shia who don't disrespect Sahaba, who don't held meeting for Mut'a, Shia scholers who don't ask women to meet them after the lecters and ask for Mut'a, out there you can find on the internet, You are going to have to do some research. I am not going to do it for you. I really just don't have the patience to do a job of work for somebody who keeps saying all I got to say is Rubbish and I have shirk 3aqeedah. So I am content to leave you to your own things.


When you saw me saying these Good fearing muslims are "kuffar"?? Or you just assume that since your very selective "sources" say that so you have to say ALL Shia are like this!!!!


Tell me what is different between you and Bush's Media?? they find people who are extreme like Osama, Abu al hamza' al- masry, Taliban ..etc and say see these are muslims!!!.


I don't blidly wave flags wallalo. I always reason. So no worries about me and good luck.


I wont allow you to drag me into a pointless arguements, I have a lot of studies,tests, quizs to worry about than pointless arguement with some body made up their mind.


peace brother.




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Qac Qaac   

because labadiinaba shiica ayaa tihiin.


the brother gave u hadith, and all u could sa is some ppl only read what they like, is not a novel is a hadith, unless u don't believe hadiths.

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"There is majority of Shia who don't disrespect Sahaba, who don't held meeting for Mut'a, Shia scholers who don't ask women to meet them after the lecters and ask for Mut'a, out there you can find on the internet, You are going to have to do some research. I am not going to do it for you. I really just don't have the patience to do a job of work for somebody who keeps saying all I got to say is Rubbish and I have shirk 3aqeedah. So I am content to leave you to your own things."


These things, such as slandering the sahaba and muta', are official shia aqidah. You find yourself rationalizing and denying the Shia aqidah. There's another option, though. Open your mind, search deeply, use your intellect and intuition, and ask yourself--"why am I a shia?"


You will not find things like this that have to be denied or rationalized in the aqidah of ahl as-sunnah. Haven't you ever wondered why 90% of all Muslims are ahl as-sunnah, and why virtually all reverts to the deen become Sunni Muslims? I'll assure you that it's no accident. Study the deen, study hadith science, study and compare ahl as-sunnah and shia aqidah, and insha' Allah you may learn something.

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Salam Alaikum



Dear brother Noor, thank you for the reply. Unforunately it is in Arabic

which I cannot understand. And also I don't have any who can translate it into




And also unfortunately, instead of concentrating on the Topic at hand, you

are trying to divert the attention towards issues which are not related to our

Topic of discussion.



And also in case of Muttah (your Arabic Text), you didn't touch the original

question of timing of prohibitation of Mutta, but instead of this trying to make

it Haram ( by using your conjecture and ) saying that it lac morals.



Although I haven't understood Arabic Text, but it seems to be the same Moral

Arguments which our Ahle Sunnah normally present against Muttah. So brother,

before doing this, just not forget the Islamic Rulings about "Slave Girls" in

Sunni Fiqh.



Let me give you some examples so that you can keep things in your mind that

you cannot make any thing Halal of Sharia Haram by using your conjectures.



Status of Slave Woman in Islam VS Status of Woman in Mutah



1) According to Sunni Fiqh one can sell his slave girl even after having

sexual pleasure with her.





Sahih Muslim


Book 008, Number 3371:







Abu Sirma said to Abu Sa'id al Khadri (Allah he pleased with him): 0 Abu

Sa'id, did you hear Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) mentioning

al-'azl? He said: Yes, and added: We went out with Allah's Messenger (may peace

be upon him) on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some

excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the

absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them

(by selling them). So we decided to have

sexual intercourse with them but by observing 'azl (Withdrawing the male sexual

organ before emission of semen to avoid-conception). But we said: We are

doing an act whereas Allah's Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we

asked Allah's Mes- senger (may peace be upon him), and he said: It does not

matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of

Resurrection will be born.







This hadith can be found many folds in Sahah Satta.




Ahle Sunnah brothers must open their eyes and think about the status of slave

woman in their fiqh before claiming Mutta to be Zina.



Only for those, who want to do justice and Allah (swt) has not put seal upon

their hearts:





Muwatta Imam Malik,



Book 41, Number 41.6.19a:


Malik said, "The best of what is heard about a slave-girl whom a man has

intercourse with while he has a partner in her is that the hadd is not

inflicted on him and the child is connected to him. When the slave-girl

becomes pregnant, her value is estimated and he gives his partners their

shares of the price and the slave-girl is his. That is what is done among us."



Malik said about a
man who made his slave-girl halal to (another)

man that if the one for whom she was made halal had intercourse with her, her

value was estimated on the day he had intercourse with her and he owed that to

her owner whether or not she conceived. The hadd was averted from him by

that. If she conceived the child was connected to him.




Malik said
about a man who had intercourse with his son's or daughter's

slave-girl, "The hadd is averted from him and he owes the estimated value of

the slave-girl whether or not she conceives."








Sunnan Abu Dawud:





Book 12, Number 2304:


Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah:




Musaykah, a slave-girl of some Ansari, came and said: My master forces me

to commit fornication. Thereupon the following verse was revealed: "But force

not your maids to prostitution (when they desire chastity)."





Unable to understand how some Sahaba earned their







Book 38, Number 4445:


Narrated Salamah ibn al-Muhabbaq:




The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) made a decision about a

man who had intercourse with his wife's slave-girl as follows. If he forced

her, she is free, and he shall give her mistress a slave-girl similar to her;

if she asked him to have intercourse voluntarily, she will belong to him, and

he shall give her mistress a slave-girl similar to her.







Next time I try to collect Fatawas from Sunni Fiqh books for those who want

to learn (not for those who are enemies of Allah and start shouting when Truth

is shown to them).



Was Salam

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Witness in Muttah



According to Jaffari Fiqh, both in Nikah and Muttah, the presence of


Witnesses is highly Recommended, but not obligatory.




Quran has several times mentioned the requirements about marriage like Haq Mehr,



Iddah, etc. But there is absolutely no mention of witnesses in Quran.





according to Ahadith, which are reached to us through Aima of Ahle-Bait


(as), presence of witnesses is highly recommended both in Nikah and Muttah, but



not necessary.



Sunni Ulama, who deem no witness necessary for Mutah or Nikah






Imam Nawawi:







Muslim Book 008, Number 3252, Bab ul Nikah:








Sabra Juhanni reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) permitted



temporary marriage for us. So I and another person went out and saw a woman of



Bana 'Amir, who was like a young long-necked she-camel. We presented ourselves



to her (for contracting temporary marriage), whereupon she said: What dower


would you give me? I said: My cloak. And my companion also said: My cloak. And



the cloak of-my companion was superior to my cloak, but I was younger than he.



So when she looked at the cloak of my companion she liked it, and when she cast



a glance at me I looked more attractive to her. She then said: Well, you and


your cloak are sufficient for me. I remained with her for three nights, and then



Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: He who has any such woman with



whom he had contracted temporary marriage, he should let her off.








In his commentary of this tradition, Imam Nawawi stated:








This hadith serves as proof that a Guardian and Witness is not required for



Nikah Mut'ah.






Some Other Sunni Ulama






Furthermore, a large number of Sunni 'ulama have agreed that witnesses are


not needed for a Nikah:











[*]Neel al Autar Volume 6 page 144 Bab Shahdath fi Nikah







[*]Al Hidayah Volume 2 page 204, Kitab al Nikah







[*]Fatawa Qadhi Khan Volume 1 page 153,Kitab al Nikah










We read

in Neel al Autar:








Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn Zubayr, Abdur Rehman bin Mahdi and Uthman


have said that it is not obligatory to have witnesses at a Nikah.








We read in Fatawa Qadhi Khan:








For the recital of Nikah the declaration shall suffice, it is not compulsory



to have witnesses present.








We read in Hidaya:








Imam Malik has said that for a Nikah the declaration is the condition not











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Why talaq take place in 4 Sunni Fiqhs without Witness



In 4

Sunni Fiqhs, talaq is done when one says 3 times "Talaq Talaq Talaq" and


there is no witness necessary for this.

Holding of Talaq without the witnesses



They must also take notice that Qur'an makes it Obligatory to take 2

persons as witness when one wants to give Talaq:




Thus when they fulfil their term appointed, either take them back on

equitable terms or part with them on equitable terms; and

take for witness two persons from among you, endued with justice, and

establish the evidence (as) before Allah.


Al-Qur'an Surah 65, Ayah 2 (Translation by Yusuf Ali




Umar, by imposing the law of pronouncement of three divorces at same place and

same time, also abandoned the rule of taking witnesses. (According to

Shia Fiqh, divorce can only take place in the presence of two witnesses).




If you want to know about the evils of this innovation, then you must go to the

courts and police stations of Pakistan (and certainly in the other Islamic countries

too, but I am only witness in case of Pakistan). You will see strange types of

cases in court. For example, women come in courts and claim that their

respective husbands divorced them thrice in anger. But their respective husbands

deny any kind of divorce.




From the prospect of women, they are telling the judges in courts, that they

cannot stay any more with their men as they divorced them thrice in anger. And

now they have come back to their senses and don't want to give them freedom. And

if they are compelled to go back to them, then it would constitute (as they have

become Haram for them after getting divorce).


[Especially, in uneducated families of sub-continent, this evil is very common.]




What choice has been left for these innocent women?




If western world criticize this as humiliation for women, are they wrong and

ONLY spreading false propaganda against Islam?






The Salafi Alim of Saudia published Qur'an, writes in the commentary of 1st

verse of Sura Talaq, that Imam Ibne Qayyam and Imam Ibne Taymiyyah don't accept

the concept of Talaq Bid'a i.e. the way of divorce innovated by Umar.



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If you want to know about the evils of this innovation, then you must go to the

courts and police stations of Pakistan (and certainly in the other Islamic countries

too, but I am only witness in case of Pakistan). You will see strange types of

cases in court. For example, women come in courts and claim that their

respective husbands divorced them thrice in anger. But their respective husbands

deny any kind of divorce.



From the prospect of women, they are telling the judges in courts, that they

cannot stay any more with their men as they divorced them thrice in anger. And

now they have come back to their senses and don't want to give them freedom. And

if they are compelled to go back to them, then it would constitute (as they have

become Haram for them after getting divorce).

Sister do u mind shedding some more light on this, cause i really did not understand what were saying!

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- اسمي زينب عبد الحسين، وسؤال هو:


تزوجت صديق لي ÙÙŠ الجامعة زواج متعة وحددنا الوقت لمدة ساعة، وذهبت معه إلى غرÙته ÙÙŠ سكن الطلاب، ولكن الوقت أخذنا، ÙˆÙÙŠ أثناء الجماع انتهت المدة ولما ننتهي من قضاء الوطر بعد، واستمرينا ÙÙŠ المواقعة، Ùهل وقعنا ÙÙŠ الزنا؟


آية الله العظمى العاملي: إن الحسنات يذهبن السيئات، قبولك للمتعة حسنة عظيمة، والاستمرار ÙÙŠ المواقعة بعد انتهاء المدة المحددة وإن كانت سيئة لكنها جنحة بسيطة.

Not believing this concept i specifically asked a Saudi shiat student who goes to my school about the 1 hour long marriage contracts and he confirmed that to be a regular practice they do and actually believe in... !!!


Walaaahi i feel very bad for the nomads who are not well learned in Diin who might think what those shiiah are uttering is right!!









For those who cant speak Arabic the book above was written by a leading Shiah scholar, he is basically saying a man can engage into a muta marriage with a prostitute. in other words you can sleep with any prostitute as long as you make Muta contract with her first!!

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Salam Alaikum


Mutah or Nikah with a Prostitute



Our opponents blame Muttah to be Zina. But they are wrong. There are many important points that they totally neglect. Most important among them is condition of "Iddah" (i.e. Waiting Period").


In Sunni Fiqh, one is allowed to do Nikah with prostitute, but condition is this that she becomes pure by observing Iddah.


Same is the ruling in Shia Fiqh about Nikah or Mutta with Prostitute. (i.e. if any Prostitute wants to do Tawba then it is allowed to enter marriage relation with her, provided she observes Iddah).


You see Prostitutes are those who go with several men in bed in same night. But those Sahabiat (who practiced Mutta by order of Rasool Allah (saw), they only went to new Sahabi only after becoming pure).




Again my original question has been neglected and people are running after their conjectures and making Mutah Haram by proving it to be Immoral.


Brothers, should I show you the Ahadith from Sahah Satta that Sahaba Karam used to sleep with Slave woman and after little time used to sell them?????

(I have posted one such Hadith in above mail. And this hadith itself repeated many folds in Sahah Satta).


Was Salam.

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Salam Alaikum

Brother Salafi_Online, you wrote:

Sister do u mind shedding some more light on this, cause i really did
not understand what were saying!

Dear brother SalafiOnLine, I was reffering to one of the Innovation of
Hadhrat Umar in Islamic Law of "Giving Divorce" (i.e. he allowed to say
3 Talaqs at same time which is against Sharia and equal to playing with
Book of Allah)

And as result of this Innovation, these evils are taking place in
Soceity that Men say 3 Talaqs in anger, and then next morning again
come to divorced wives and sleep with them.

Umar Ibn Khattab innovating in relation to the laws on divorce

Allah (swt) has told very clearly in "Sura Talaq", the way of giving

Al-Qur'an Surah 65, Ayah 1-2
(Translation by Yusuf Ali)

O Prophet! When ye do divorce women,
divorce them at their prescribed periods, and count (accurately), their
prescribed periods: And fear Allah your Lord: and turn them not out of
their houses, nor shall they (themselves) leave, except in case they
are guilty of some open lewdness, those are limits set by Allah: and
any who transgresses the limits of Allah, does verily wrong his (own)
soul: thou knowest not if perchance Allah will bring about thereafter
some new situation.

Thus when they fulfil their term
appointed, either take them back on equitable terms or part with them
on equitable terms; and take for witness two persons from among you,
endued with justice, and establish the evidence (as) before Allah. Such
is the admonition given to him who believes in Allah and the Last Day.
And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out,<br
style="font-weight: bold;">

There have been several innovations made by Hadhrat Umar in the Shar'i
practice of issuing divorce.

Hadhrat Umar innovated and changed the ruling of Rasool Allah's by
treating three pronounced divorces at one and same time as one

Let us see the testimony of Ibn Abbas that Hadhrat Umar changed the
Islamic Shar'ia by introducing a new law:

Abu al-Sahba' said to Ibn 'Abbas:
Enlighten us with your information whether the three divorces
(pronounced at one and the same time) were not treated as one during
the lifetime of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and Abu Bakr.
He said: It was in fact so, but when during the caliphate of 'Hadhrat
Umar (Allah be pleased with him) people began to pronounce divorce
frequently, he allowed them to do so (to treat pronouncements of three
divorces in a single breath as one).<br
style="font-weight: bold;">
Sahih Muslim, Book 009, Number 3493

Talaq Given during Menses doesn't occur, but Hadhrat Umar Changed this
Shria Rule at his own

Look at the Sunnah of Rasool Allah [saww].

Ibn 'Hadhrat Umar (Allah be pleased
with them) reported that he divorced his wife while she was
menstruating during the lifetime of Allah's Messenger (may peace be
upon him). 'Hadhrat Umar b. Khattib (Allah be pleased with him) asked
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) about it, whereupon Allah's
Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Command him ('Abdullah b.
'Hadhrat Umar) to take her back (and keep her) and pronounce divorce
when she is purified and she again enters the period of menstruation
and she is again purified (after passing the period of menses), and
then if he so desires he may keep her and if he desires divorce her
(finally) before touching her (without having an intercourse with her),
for that is the period of waiting ('ldda) which God, the Exalted and
Glorious, has commanded for the divorce of women.<br
style="font-weight: bold;">
Sahih Muslim, Book 009, Number 3473

Playing with Book of Allah

Mahmûd ibn Labîd said,<br
style="font-weight: bold;">

The Messenger of Allâh, peace
and blessings of Allâh be on him, was informed about a man who
divorced his wife, divorcing (her) three times together, so he stood up
in displeasure and said:

"Is the Book of Allâh being
sported with while I am in your midst? "<br
style="font-weight: bold;">

(Nisai. 27:6.)

Same Tradition is reported in Sunnan Abu Dawud in these Words:

It is narrated by Mehmood bin Labeed:<br
style="font-weight: bold;">

Some one told Rasool Allah (saw) that
someone gave three divorces to his wife at the same time (in same
company). After hearing this neswes, Rasool Allah (saw) stood up with
anger and he said: "The people have started playing with Book of Allah,
while I am among them." Upon this another man stood up and asked Rasool
Allah (saw), "May I go and kill him?".<br
style="font-weight: bold;">

Reference: Sunnan Abu Dawud, Chapter
of "Bab ul Thilasa al-Majmua wa ma fihi min al-taghleez 1705, hadith
3433, page 468

Again the following Traditions shows clearly that Talaq doesn't occur
in State of Mensturation (a rule which later changed by Hadhrat Hadhrat

Sunnan Abu Dawud:<br
style="font-weight: bold;">

Book 12, Number 2191:<br
style="font-weight: bold;">

Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:<br
style="font-weight: bold;">

Abdu Yazid, the father of Rukanah and
his brothers, divorced Umm Rukanah and married a woman of the tribe of
Muzaynah. She went to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and said: He is
of no use to me except that he is as useful to me as a hair; and she
took a hair from her head. So separate me from him. The Prophet
(peace_be_upon_him) became furious. He called on Rukanah and his
brothers. He then said to those who were sitting beside him. Do you see
so-and-so who resembles Abdu Yazid in respect of so-and-so; and
so-and-so who resembles him in respect of so-and-so? They replied: Yes.
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said to Abdu Yazid: Divorce her. Then
he did so. He said: Take your wife, the mother of Rukanah and his
brothers, back in marriage. He said: I have divorced her by three
pronouncements, Apostle of Allah. He said: I know: take her back. He
then recited the verse: "O Prophet, when you divorce women, divorce
them at their appointed periods."

Holding of Talaq without the

They must also take notice that Qur'an makes it Obligatory to take 2
persons as witness when one wants to give Talaq:

Thus when they
fulfil their term appointed, either take them back on equitable terms
or part with them on equitable terms; and take for witness two persons
from among you, endued with justice, and establish the evidence (as)
before Allah.

Al-Qur'an Surah
65, Ayah 2 (Translation by Yusuf Ali

Hadhrat Umar, by imposing the law of pronouncement of three divorces at
same place and same time, also abandoned the rule of taking witnesses.
(According to Shia Fiqh, divorce can only take place in the presence of
two witnesses).

If you want to know about the evils of this innovation, then you must
go to the courts and police stations of Pakistan (and certainly in the
other Islamic countries too, but I am only witness in case of
Pakistan). You will see strange types of cases in court. For example,
women come in courts and claim that their respective husbands divorced
them thrice in anger. But their respective husbands deny any kind of

From the prospect of women, they are telling the judges in courts, that
they cannot stay any more with their men as they divorced them thrice
in anger. And now they have come back to their senses and don't want to
give them freedom. And if they are compelled to go back to them, then
it would constitute (as they have become Haram for them after getting

[Especially, in uneducated families of sub-continent, this evil is very

What choice has been left for these
innocent women?

If western world criticize this as humiliation for women, are they
wrong and ONLY spreading false propaganda against Islam?


The Salafi Alim of Saudia published Qur'an, writes in the commentary of
1st verse of Sura Talaq, that Imam Ibne Qayyam and Imam Ibne Taymiyyah
don't accept the concept of Talaq Bid'a i.e. the way of divorce
innovated by Hadhrat Umar.

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Sister I have read your CUT n PASTE long posts.


First of all you admit that you do not speak nor read Arabic language, the gateway to understand Fiqh in its Purity, so instead, you GOOGLE your way and collect the out-of-context translated artilces that are in no way authenticated as per their relevance, their period, their acceptance by the Jumhuur as the sayings of the unanimous Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaacah.


Second, because you can not read Arabic, the post just above your last response shows the Shia Scholar making muta marriage with a prostitue Halaal, so you counter claim it is the Sunnah Fiqh who accepts muta marriage with prostitutes.


Sister, please post the source of the Sunni Scholar who suggested that Muta Marriage with Prostitute is halaal.



Zainabia sis


Of course at one point in islam Muta (with Witnesses) used to be halaal, also drinking alcohol, nudity in public ( even Quresih women used to make tawaaf around the haram naked in the early days), nine types of marriage, slavery, and all the evils that you can think off.


But, in a short period, all of theses forms of evil were made haram by the prophet SAWS, one at a time, the last being the Muta Marriage and the eating of the donkey meat in the same hadeeth.


Now, in the Shia Fiqh as I posted, the Muta marriage is not allowed for the Hashemite women, why? because it is not Halal for them, if it was halaal, why do your Ayatullah think that it is appropriate for you?.


By cutting and pasting from Shia sites unusually weird fatwas credited to some Sunni scholars whose views were for a different problem, the slavery that was abolished by islam, you are suggesting that the Shia scholars blessed Mutaa marriage considers Shia women today like how early converts to islam considered captive slave women during the early days of Islam, your usage of such logic is pathetic at best, beacause by just pasting and copying, you are doing a disservice to the Shia group you claim to belong to.


And if that above logic is your proof that the principle of (Lending of The Vagina)(Icaaratul Farj) in which a Shia husband can allow his house guest to have intercourse with his wive in his absence, then I have no doubt that you can find a lot of old Islamic literature to show that drinking alcohol, nudity in public, gambling, usury etc are all OK and halaal, all you have to do, go to the Shia websites, cut and paste purported materials with some lip service to out of context Sunni scholars statements, to come to the conclusion that having a one night stand in a LOCAL BAR, is halaal.


One last question, if you do not mind, I understand that the Shia scholars consider Mutaa marriage to have many rewards, the more the better, can you relate to the audience if anyone shia you know experienced it and how they found it to be, specially these days with the AIDS epidemic?



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Here is another book of Legislations (Axkaam) written by Khumayini (another leading Shiah scholar) authorizing "anal sex", and pedophilia ??? the guy went as far as allowing sexually molesting "infants" !!!!!

So are you going to claim the Saxabah used to do what this jaahil is authorizing??






Let me ask you this though Sainab...


Do you mind marrying a man for 1 hour?

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Salam Alaikum


I hope and pray that all of you are in best of health and Iman. Insha-Allah.


Brother Noor, you comments about my not knowing Arabic are absolutely right. But you see I am not doing Ijtehaad, but only putting forward the Ijtehaad of Shia learned Scholars along with their reasoning.


As compared to this, we have also Ahle Sunnah Scholars Ijtehaad along with their reasoning.


I may be devoid of knowledge of ARabic language, but you see Allah (swt) has given one of the bigges gift to all of us i.e. AQL . And only by using this AQL, we have to decide the things (you see billions of Muslims don't know Arabic, but they have choosen the path of Islam only upon the bases of their AQL)


Should I remember you the saying of Mawla Ali (as) i.e. Don't see who is saying, but see what has been said.


But if you still going to criticize me about Arabic, then I am not going to respond any more on this issue. You see, none of you have ever touched the original Question and Arguments of "When was Mutta Prohibited", but keep on attacking Moral Issues or lac of ARabic language etc.




Moreover, you wrote:


Second, because you can not read Arabic, the post just above your last response shows the Shia Scholar making muta marriage with a prostitue Halaal, so you counter claim it is the Sunnah Fiqh who accepts muta marriage with prostitutes.


Please brother Nur, read my post once again.


I haven't said that Ahle Sunnah Ulama have made Mutta Halal with Prostitutes.


But I have written that Ahle Sunnah Ulama allow it to do "NIKAH" with prostitutes if she does Tawbah and observe Iddah. You see many women are compelled to do prostitution (atleast in Pakistan). But they are Muslims from heart and want to come out of this state. So, it is allowed to do Nikah with any such woman and only Allah knows best what one has in his/her heart.


As far as Mutta is concerned with prostitutes in Shia Fiqh, it's exactly the same (i.e. woman has to observe Iddah before entering into Muttah relation). And there is Haq Mehr and also children belong to Man .... etc. And if situation is favourable, then one can convert this Mutta into Nikah.


(Please remember that Shia Fiqh gives first preference only and only to Nikah. Mutah is done in exceptional situations where one fears to indulge in Sin. I will come to these situations soon insha-allah).




Moreover, you wrote:

Now, in the Shia Fiqh as I posted, the Muta marriage is not allowed for the Hashemite women, why? because it is not Halal for them, if it was halaal, why do your Ayatullah think that it is appropriate for you?.


Brother, you already know that I cannot understand Arabic. And this is an english speaking forum. So why you are coming again and again with questions which giving reference to your ARabic Text?


So I don't know exactly who was that Alim, and what he wrote and what were his arguments. But I know two things:


1) Syed Women in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon do engage in Mutah relations.


2) As far as Ahle Bait is concerned, then Fatima Zahra (salam allah alailha) had special status (which is not given to any other women in this Ummah) i.e. Hadhrat Ali (as) was not allowed to marry any other woman till the time Fatima Zahra (as) was alive.


You also have to see the discussion of "Kafu", which has been done by Hadhrat Umar.




Moreover, you wrote:


By cutting and pasting from Shia sites unusually weird fatwas credited to some Sunni scholars whose views were for a different problem, the slavery that was abolished by islam, you are suggesting that the Shia scholars blessed Mutaa marriage considers Shia women today like how early converts to islam considered captive slave women during the early days of Islam, your usage of such logic is pathetic at best, beacause by just pasting and copying, you are doing a disservice to the Shia group you claim to belong to.


In case of slavery, you made an innovation in Islamic Sharia as you claim that:

"Only Early converts to Islam considered captive slave woman during the early days of Islam..... "


My humble opinion is this that you have not done Justice and you are simply turing the facts.


This position of slave woman continued till this century where Muslims made a pact with whole World neither our women and men will be taken as captive slaves, nor we are going to take their captive women/men as slaves.


The early converts to Islam were Sahaba, who practiced all these acts with their slave women.


And then Rasool Allah (saw) passed away, but nothing changed in position of rights of slave women in Sunni Fiqh. It continued for centuries and many Sunni Fiqh books are written on slave women descrbing their same rights as in times of Rasool Allah (saw). And not only Sunni Fuqha wrote these rights in their books, but Jamhoor Ahle Sunnah practiced these rights.


It is simply a challange to you to show me the difference between status of slave women during the times of so called early converts to Islam (i.e. Sahab) and between the last 1300 years history of Islam.


So brother Nur, please don't change the facts and do Justice.


And question remains open to you to prove "When was Muttah Prohibited" instead of prohibiting it at you own by bringing Immoral Arguments.




Moreover you wrote:

And if that above logic is your proof that the principle of (Lending of The Vagina)(Icaaratul Farj) in which a Shia husband can allow his house guest to have intercourse with his wive in his absence,


Brother Nur, this is one of the worst lie that you have told. There is no such thing in Shia Fiqh.


May Allah forgive you for telling lies against others. I thought you to have Taqwa, and you debating sensibilly. But Allah forbids to indulge in talk with those who are Zalimeen.


I seek Allah's refuge.




Moreover, you wrote:


Of course at one point in islam Muta (with Witnesses) used to be halaal, also drinking alcohol, nudity in public ( even Quresih women used to make tawaaf around the haram naked in the early days), nine types of marriage, slavery, and all the evils that you can think off.


Brother Nur, all these things are prohibited and there are Quranic Verses and Ahadith with Tuwatur upon these things.


But is there any Quranic Verse present which prohibts Muttah?


Or is there any hadith with Tuwattur present which prohibits Muttah?


This was the main topic of our discussion which none of you have still touched.


Are you unable to see that there are 4 Ahad (singular) Ahadith from 3 different Sahaba. But one can easily find out the fabrication of these 4 Ahadith as all of them are contradicting each other in terms of time of prohibitition of Muttah.


And as compared to these 4 contradicting Ahadith, there are testimonies of 20 + Sahaba and Tabaeen (from Sunni Sources) who are unanimous that it was only Umar Ibn Khattab who forbade Muttah at his own.


Now before comparing Muttah to doing nacked Tawaf or drinking in earlier days of Islam, it's a challange to you to show us:


1) Any contradiction in Ahadith which prohibit nacked Tawaf or drinking.


2) And testimony of 20+ Sahaba and Tabaeen who deemed nacked Tawaf or drinking Halal even long after the death of Rasool Allah (saw).




And last thing that you wrote:


One last question, if you do not mind, I understand that the Shia scholars consider Mutaa marriage to have many rewards, the more the better, can you relate to the audience if anyone shia you know experienced it and how they found it to be, specially these days with the AIDS epidemic?


Brother Nur, again instead of touching the original topic (i.e. "When is Mutta prohibited"), you are going for secondary discussions. You see if Allah has made it Halal, then not even Hadhrat Umar has right to make it Haram and it is going to be Halal for ever.


Nevertheless, we will also indulge in this secondary discussion. Insha-Allah.


I need some time to reply to this, but at moment in brief words I want to tell you the experience of my cousin brother, who studied medicine in Russia. He has written whole article on it in Urdu (Pakistani language).


According to him, there were a lot of Sunni Students who were studing with him. And it was not drinking or haram meat which compelled them to sin, but it was impossible for some (many) of them to control when it came to Russian Girls.


And majority of them (90-95%) went to Discos for them.


And 60-70% slept with their girl friends.


And some 10-15% did Nikah later on with same girls.


Again in brief words, 95% Sunni students either slept with girls, or they masterbated.


(Note: Masterbation is Haram in Shia Fiqh and one has either to do Nikah or Muttah in this condition).




Consider it for yourself the hadith of Abdullah Ibn Masood (in Sahih Muslim), where he was saying that Sahaba wanted to castrate themselves while they were away from their wives for some time (for Jihad) and feared to indulge in Sin.


So those Great Sahaba with so much Iman were unable to control over themselves for a short period of time (when they were away from their wives).


Then tell me how it is possible for Sunni Students of today in Russia to control over themselves for 5 years? Do you think all of them are Angels and they are never going to do Zina or Masterbation??????


That is why Mawla Ali (as) said had Umar not forbidden Muttah, then on one among Ummah have committed Zina except the wretched one (Fatah ul Bari and many other Sunni Tafsir Books).


Was Salam.

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