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Puntland Government System Documentary

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This is an excellent documentary that speaks about Puntland government system and the achievements it has made and the areas they need to address. A real eye-opener


First Part


Second Part

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I appreciate this documentary, Constructive Criticism is necessary in order to advance our state. We need to learn from this and the Govt needs to listen carefully what the people are saying. Puntland shouldnt just be magaaloyinka laamiga ku yaal wa inu gaara meel walbo remote tuulo. Why not divide up the police force and sent small contingents to tuuloyinka. Only 500 police would be required to patrol nugaal countryside, bari country side, sool country side, sanaag country side and mudug country side.


President Farole should streghten the government institutions siiba kuwa dawlada hoose which are non-existant in remote towns such eyl, baargaal, dhahar and so forth.


Please farole wake up. U know as well as I do when war happens its always the country-siders who fight so lets take care of them and provide basic instutions. Why are we providing for IDPS giving them running water before our nomads? Its a crime and needs rectifying immediately

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