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Breaking News from Garowe: Banadir [Mogadishu] are Somalia National Chapions... Congrats

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Ciyaarytoyda Xulka gobolka Banaadir oo Lagu Soo Dhoweeyey Muqdisho

Ciyaaryahanada xulka gobolka Banaadir oo shalay qaaday koobka tartanka gobolada Soomaaliya ee lagu soo gaba gabeeyey magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Puntland ayaa dib ugu laabtay magaalada Muqdisho.Banaadir1-150x150.jpg


Diyaarad khaas ah ayaa ciyaaryahanadaan kasoo qaaday garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalkacyo,iyadoo ay Muqdisho gaareen galabnimadii maanta waxaana horkacaayay Gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir Maxamuud Axmed Tarsan oo isagu shalay ka qaybgalay daawashada ciyaarta Final-ka ee kama dambeysta.


Masuuliyin ka tirsan Dawladda Federaalka,maamulka gobolka Banaadir iyo dadweyne badan ayaa ciyaartoyda kusoo dhoweeyey garoonka Aadan Cadde,waxaana ay uga mahadceliyeen guusha balaaran ay soo gaareen.Ciyaartoyda gobolka Banaadir ayaa wejigooda ka muuqanaayay farxad badan iyadoo ay wateen koobka ay kusoo guuleysteen,waxaana galbiyey masuuliyinta ku sugeysay garoonka.


Si kastaba ciyaartii kama dambeysta ee shalay ka dhacdey garoonka Mire Awaare ayay xulka Banaadir 1-0 uga adkaadeen xulka kale ay wada ciyaareen ee Bari.



Source horseedmedia

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Congrats to Banadir first and foremost and well done to Puntland for organizing the tournament and last but not least well done to Bari for great tournament.


I'd appreciate if somebody can tell me who beat Jubada Hoose and did they reach the quarters/semis?



Waxaa la ii sheegay inuusan ku jirin hal qof oo 'true' reer Kismaayo ah...waa caruur ku kortay Kismaayo oo magaalada yimi post 91 ayaa la igu wonder we couldn't win what has traditionally been our bread & butter cup.:D








Peace, Love & Unity.

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I'd appreciate if somebody can tell me who beat Jubada Hoose and did they reach the quarters/semis Nugaal of course, yaa kale.:D No problem laakiin 4 galeen sanadka danbe qaadayaan insha Allah.:D

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^^^ Bob, naga dhaaf nooh... Reer kismaayo dhan waatee reer bari noqdeen! malaygii kismaayo markii lagu cariirshay waatee kii boosaaso raadsadeen hahaha...


Congratulation Banadir!

I'm very happy to see Puntland doing something like this for all somalis walaahi... We are all one no matter what region we come from. I think Somaliland should start doing small things like this to united the people. Ilaahoo dhulkeena nabad noogaga dhig......



now, BOB jubada hoose maxaa ku dhacay? and waxaa idin reebtay Bari! lool




Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Nugaal aa ka badisay Jubbada Hoose?:D:D:D:D enough said.









Peace, Love & Unity.

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Congrats to the champs! Great tournament and great get together. What joyful it was for those players and spectators alike. May it continue and bring more excitement in the coming years!

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