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Xaaji Xunjuf

Al Shabaab leader Amiir Axmed Cabdi Godane welcomes the union of Xisbal Islam and Alshabaab.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;684603 wrote:
since when did posting news became Xaaji Supporting Alshabaab., all i said was they have more credibility then the TFG on the ground.

You can no longer hide your afduub red cimaamad awoowe. Keep praising inadeerkaa jecel inuu indha kuusha

The fact that you are calling a terrorist cross dresser "Amiir" ayaa cadeyneysa meesha aad u sacbiso. Even your son Saalax can tell you


Teeda kale, muxuu isku qarqariyaa oo loo arki la'yahay? what is he afraid of?

Yaa ka jawaabi kara su'aalahan laakiin ayaa ka horeysa...

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i still don't understand where you guys saw me supporting al shabaab, Al shabab is just a group of extremist Militant groups and with this international agenda they won't go far . Now what they can do is drop the international jihad stuff focus only on Somalia if they do that. The TFG should also drop their Amisom allies and make a deal with shabaab and rule the country with sharia with out international jihad and foreign mercenaries from uganda and pakistan. Only then the people of Mogadisho Somalia can live in peace but the way it goes today Alshabaab is not strong enough to remove Amisom And Amisom is not strong enough to remove Alshabaab. There for the current status quo will continue to lead Somalia's future and unfortunately only civilian casualties will occur.

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AL SHABAAB controls by far the biggest part of Somalia.


Its the first time in 20 years that a single political entity with a single leader controls Somalia. This as such is an achievement.

And the facts that its leader is from Somaliland is very ironic. What they say and do is very relevant. More relevant then a football match, more relevant the TFG.


Other then that I am 100% against AL Shabaab because it forms a thread against Somaliland and everything I stand for. But I can understand that some people living in Somalia do support Al Shabaab because they see it as a chance to bring stability, unity and order in to chaos.


The question is not why Xaaji is posting news on Al Shabaab on SOL, the question is why aren't you guys posting it?

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nuune;684425 wrote:
Xaaji Xeyraan, sxb you are obsessed with Godane, amiir here, amiir kan, amiir hunaa, amiir hunaalika, sxb, do you support Alshabaab fully, or you are just giving your hand to brother Godane, I don't understand, are you undercover Alshabaab

Malla yaabtay! lol

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